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Request to be moved in playable area. Stuck in Debug Plains.

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Hi, I'm having the same problem - tried to join my friends last night and ended up in the wilderness. Can you please move me to any playable area?

Player ID: 5133504, name - Slim Jim

thx much

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please, give me back my loot. Just half an hour ago, I appeared for the locations without my loot. And return me to where I was.

Thanks in advance.

Should have read more of Vipeax's posts: Lost gear cant be recovered and no location requests.

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Dont give players false hope, if you can do it for one you can do it for another,

You cant do shit for players


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Should have read more of Vipeax's posts: Lost gear cant be recovered and no location requests.

Edited by JohnnieConcrete

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It's no false hope. It's simple: depending on the event either all your gear is gone (which usually throws you into the forest area) and in the other occasion only your location is messed up. In either case your location gets reset, but if your gear was fine it remains fine, if not it remains screwed. Thanks for the hate.

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Thanks for the information Vipeax. You're just one guy doing what he can and it's appreciated.

If I understand this correctly, no help can be given if loot is lost as a result of the latest patch. If make a new character, play my balls off all weekend, find some decent gear and possibly set up a camp the exact same situation has a very strong possibility of reoccurring?

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It's a mix of updates that are causing it. In essence there are many causes, but the current situation makes it worse.

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Ok thanks bud. I just want to be mentally prepared :)

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Hi Vipeax,

Got stuck at Debug Plains after server LU130 crash last night, someone shot me there and at 3K blood will be tough to get back in playable zone without starving.

Char name is XAD (can't check player ID atm, will add it later).

Sorry for the trouble and thanx in advance for any help on this matter. :)

Player ID: 13515910


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Whenever i click respawn i just get stuck in what i think is the debug plains... i think because my screen is black and occasionally flashes what i should be seeing then goes back to black. whenever i click respawn it says i died and then nothing happens im still in the debug plains can i respawned to the playable area please? my id is:40584518 thanks. never mind mine fixed itsself.

Edited by Elodin

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I have the same problem.. I keep spawning at Plain wilderness, I already ran to playable area once, but when the server restart came, I spawned back to plain wilderness.. I could use a TP too : )

Character name: Turpeinen

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Stuck in Debug Plains, lost all equipment. Please HELP (especially with equip). Player id 45926. Character name Snols

Edited by Snols

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If you could move me Vipeax, that would be great.

My character name is - Malko

and my player ID is "17393286"

Thank you!

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I'm stuck in the same area as well and keep respawning there, any help would be fantastic.

Name: Soujyo

ID: 21830790


Didn't want to be rude, but forgot to say thanks in advance I appreciate the hard work since I'm sure it's a pain in the rear to do (especially with the hectic updates).

Edited by Soujyo

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Character resets are no longer available, I suggest you uninstall then reinstall DayZ. Alternatively you may head south east for 20 mins exit the server then join Canada 2 server which should see you rejoin the Dayz Map

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Thankyou Vipeax! :D I actually got bored and decided to risk it and run east. I made it! Now i see you have moved me, lets see if im moved to the beach now.

Regardless, massive thankyou!

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Spawned without my gear but with old score. Please bring back my gear

Name: PSIxx

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I'd run back, but I don't think I'd make it, as I have no food/water on me.

Name: Atynine

ID: 19387782

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Third time this has happened now, twice this last week. Wierdest thing is both times i have logged out just north of berezino but end up in debug at next login, and now that i finally had gotten some decent gear since i had to respawn with last one i am stuck yet again in this damn emptyness.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Player name [bST]Hjaldrgod

Player ID : 24089670

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Hi, I don't know what my player ID is (Don't know where to get it).

Though my name should be uniqe : Poepol

I'm also stuck in debug plains (as far as I can tell, there is nothing around me so I assume I'm there).

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Really this is happening? These guys spend hours/upon hours/ of WORK on a game, in alpha. You guys are PLAYING the game, and you have nerve to ask them to take the time to move your character.... ? Unbelievable... Sad. You are lucky enough, we all are, to get to TEST the alpha. Respawn and continue to enjoy the mod, can't believe this thread...

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After running for a total of about 15 mins I made it to the west side of the map

thanks anyway viper for your good work, i suggest anyone who's got food and water and compass just run dead east till they find trees then continue for another 5 mins you'll find a town :P

Edited by hybN
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Of course we can ask? It is THERE work that caused it so why can't we ask? They have the full right to just ignore this thread, or even tell us "not doing it, enjoy alpha". There is literally NO good reason that we can't ask, unless there is something in the ROE or front page of this website that I'm missing. Honestly dude, what makes you think we aren't allowed to ask something?

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