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Request to be moved in playable area. Stuck in Debug Plains.

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Is this the same problem I have? I joined 3 different servers today and after a while i was in the middle of the ocean with other players! Can I never play again? :huh:

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My IGN is

Sniper Joe

Some hacker teleported me out to the mdidle of the ocean with all my good gear.

PID: 43801152

But im pretty sure no one has my name thanks.

I have an ak47 Check Backpack Lee Enfield etc.....

Edited by Hazenator

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My player name: JON

My played ID/ PID: 48614598

A hacker teleported me to the middle of nowhere, i lost everything ( DMR, Night vision, Ghillie suit, alice pack24slot etc. )

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Hi Vipeax,i have the same problem,i was north of Krasnostav with my mates(we have a camp there),after the dinner i just joined the same server and i found myself in the wilderness with only my backpack,is it possible to restore my equipment and make me spawn on a "playeble" place ? the beach will be fine!

Name in game : Fenriz

Player ID: 55476230

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Hi I had just fond a boat and was on the midel of the water and my game closed down and now evry time I log in I drop under the map i think and cant move... I dont care for the items I have or have lost in this bug I just want to play.

name in game: Werner

Player Id: 27668614

Edited by BurningEagle521

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This happened to me too, just 5 to 10 minutes ago,

Logged out in the forest somewhere near that mountain with the ATVs (south of SE airfield), and joined another server for day time. Was killed while loading and spawned (I did nothing, no gender selection or abort) somewhere in the desert plains without anything on me (not even a bandage or flashlight).

Could I be moved to my old location or somewhere else in Chernarus? And what is important too: could I get my gear back? Had some neat stuff looted together, hours of work. =/

Thanks in advance, for any help.

My ingame char is also kingkrabbe.#bof

(There should be an official thread/topic for this imo)

EDIT: my Arma 2:OA PID is 49976966. If the server number is important, let me know.

EDIT2: Ok, so I reconnected and joined somewhere on the coast near Cherno... so that problem is solved.But my gear is still gone, the server, I "died" on, also restarted recently... so even my corpse is lost... =( There is no way I can get my gear back now, is it? (died around 11:00 o'clock today, mid-europe time)

Edited by kingkrabbe.#bof

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Stuck in the Debug Plane, no character model, no inventory, cannot make any actions (moving, viewing watch/compass, opening backpack, etc.), happening on multiple official servers, respawning in the same situation. Didn't really have any notable gear to speak of, I don't care if I lose it all, just looking to get back in the game. Thanks in advance!

profile name: superwacker

ID: 86892550

Let me know if you need any more information.


Thank you! That was rather quick! You guys rule!

Edited by superwacker

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Help ! Stuck in debug plains. You can return me anywhere with or without gear. I just want to play :)

name : Groundskeeper Willie

thx in advance

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Hi guys

Long time lurker. Cheater moved me and loads of others into the middle of the sea.

Any chance I can be moved?

name: xxxxx


Much appreciated

Edit: managed to be able to swim the whole 4km.... somehow dont have a cold or anything either.....,

Panic over!

Edited by Axeboy

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I'm in the middle of the ocean please help!

Username: Ekkers

ID: 104942534

Edited by Ekkers

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I'm new here and have ended up in the wilderness ocean on only my second day, guess that's pretty bad luck. :(

Really hoping you could move me too as I'm really loving this mod.

Username: Scudd [uK]

ID: 106062662

Thanks in advance if your able to help :)

EDIT: All done now.. another admin kindly moved me.. thanks guys.

Edited by ScuddUK

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Can you please reset me?

Player ID: 56732870

Player name: Maien

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im stuck in those damn debug plains again, may u reset me?

Name: DrakeM

Player ID: 17530630

ty in advance

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Player name: TheDeath

ID: 89044678

Server: DE 69 on DayZCommander

Just got hero skin. Now i am in here some weird place :s

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Name: superzilla

ID: 6769984

Playing in a server where the loot was bugged, so we moved to another server and boom, debug forest. Then some assholes (probably hackers) killed me and I got tp'ed me to the middle of the ocean. A character reset would be nice.

Update: Thanks Mods! Got a nice Electro spawn.

Edited by sovietbacon

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Nevermind, don't need to be moved

Edited by Kleeth

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Name: Valera

ID: 9620676


after death appeared in the debug zone :{

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I seem to be stuck at debug plains. I have nothing at all, not even a hud and I can't kill myself in hunger or thirst. I've been trying to run to a specific direction as I've read, but that didn't work. Please reset my character if possible so I could enjoy official hive too.


name: Sick Monkey

ID: 147972578

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i spawn at debug plains no loot after rejoining \ death, I appeared in the same.

Name: DartaNyan

ID: 136995142

I have the same problem as that of zizi81

Edited by joystic12

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I have the same problem.

Spawn in wilderness (debug zone), no food/blood/etc icons, no sound, empty inventory, i cant kill myself, no hunger, no dehydration. i cant play in official hive about 2 months. changing computer/reinstalling the game/changing profile didnt work, servers admins cant help me too, i think this is corrupted data for my character in official hive.

please reset my character!

Name: Eugene

ID: 9423812

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Hello!! I ask you for help! I'm from Russia, I am writing to you through a translator, so I apologize for the bad translation. I bought Dayz in steem.грал on the official servers, and once got into the debug area. The patch Not know what to do, tried everything. Released a new patch 1.8, and now when trying to log into the game loading hangs and go seconds to 120. I can't play due to this problem, please help me, I don't know what to do.


NAME: greek

ID: 120514118

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