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That's not even a valid analogy. This *ahem* mod is built on a game that's already finished. It's just icing on a cake, if you will. It's like a finished car with extra parts like turbo-charger. Beyond that, you're even playing it.... how are you playing it? like any other freaking normal PC games (keyboard and mouse). No matter how you slice it, it's a fucking game, finished or not.

Really, unless you're performing some sort of chemical reaction (altering their atomic properties), your end result when you modify something will always be close to whatever it is you modified.

At the end of the day, after all is said and done, it's a computer "software" that you play on your computer, which gives you control over a set of pixels that represent yourself in the virtual world. How else do you describe that? a freaking computer game.... It's just a game that is not quite fully polished yet, but regardless, it's still a game.

Are you a fucking idiot? Have you played ARMA? Is it ANYTHING like DayZ?

DayZ pushes the ARMA code to the fucking limits, its doing things the game was not designed to support in the first place.

And no, I don't call an unfinished game a "game" much like I don't call an unfinished house a "house" or an unfinished car a "car".

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DayZ pushes the ARMA code to the fucking limits, its doing things the game was not designed to support in the first place.

That's what every mod ever does.

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Breaking my legs on doors and losing my GPS and military gear is all part of the game.

Then I will kill you with an axe and get my GPS back.

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ALPHA is just the safe word in this BDSM experience of a mod.

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Breaking my legs on doors and losing my GPS and military gear is all part of the game.

Then I will kill you with an axe and get my GPS back.

I remember that now, I closed an outhouse door and tried to get a low silhouette inside of it and hit prone instead of crouch. I broke my legs somehow and had to use my last morphine on it.

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seriously the level of intelligence on these forums is dropping like a stone.

Do any of you simpletons whining about bugs understand the term Alpha???

Its means they are adding and testing new features, fixing old features and bugs. get it????

The game is nowhere near finished and won't be for a while so if you get annoyed getting killed in a door way or getting stuck on a shrub GTFO and go play a finished game and STOP WHINING AND ACTING LIKE SPOILT BRATS THAT ARE ENTITLED TO SOMETHING.

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Are you a fucking idiot? Have you played ARMA? Is it ANYTHING like DayZ?

DayZ pushes the ARMA code to the fucking limits, its doing things the game was not designed to support in the first place.

And no, I don't call an unfinished game a "game" much like I don't call an unfinished house a "house" or an unfinished car a "car".

You obviously lack reading comprehension. Maybe learn that before calling names? I guess that's your only recourse for a lack of anything else better to say? Where have I ever even remotely suggested that DayZ is anything like Arma? I never even mentioned the word "Arma" in the entire post.

And yet, another flawed analysis. Ok, it pushes the Arma code to the limits.... what? that disqualifies it as a game?

And last, you don't call it a game, then what the hell is it? I sure as hell hear plenty of people calling it a game. In fact, the guy just before me called it that... Even you yourself use that term in your own post.

Edited by Whattteva

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I've never encountered any of these, and I've been playing actively for a month now.

I will quote something a smart guy already has posted in this topic:

alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha

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It's just icing on a cake, if you will. It's like a finished car with extra parts like turbo-charger.

Your failure to understand mods has spilled over into cars now. You can't just slap a turbo onto any car like it's fucking icing on a cake. Jeez, I don't know a lot about cars, but even I know that.

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Your failure to understand mods has spilled over into cars now. You can't just slap a turbo onto any car like it's fucking icing on a cake. Jeez, I don't know a lot about cars, but even I know that.

Just cause you can't put something on a particular type of that family of objects doesn't make it invalid for everything else. It's just like how you can't just slap on any bulb to any lamp without changing the fitting.

What? so this bulb doesn't fit with this lamp, so this must not be a lamp?

Jeez, I don't know a lot about lamps, but even I know that.

Edited by Whattteva

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Just cause you can't put something on a particular type of that family of objects doesn't make it invalid for everything else. It's just like how you can't just slap on any bulb to any lamp without changing the fitting.

What? so this bulb doesn't fit with this lamp, so this must not be a lamp?

Jeez, I don't know a lot about lamps, but even I know that.

It's not a matter of X turbo not fitting Y car. It's a matter of changing the way the engine works.

DayZ is also changing the way the engine works. So problems are to be expected. Just like when you throw an "extra part" like a turbo onto the engine of a car. Your going to have to dyno the car, tune it, try again, until you get it working.

Nice try with the lamps tho.

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It's not a matter of X turbo not fitting Y car. It's a matter of changing the way the engine works.

DayZ is also changing the way the engine works. So problems are to be expected. Just like when you throw an "extra part" like a turbo onto the engine of a car. Your going to have to dyno the car, tune it, try again, until you get it working.

Nice try with the lamps tho.

Irrelevant, I'm changing the way my lamp works, Perhaps I want it to use different voltage or different fitting? A different voltage would require a transformer to work correctly, which would change the way the lamp works. Problems are to be expected. I'd have to put the transformer in, change the fitting, and "tune it" (flip the switch for different AC voltage line, make sure current draw is at a tolerable limit, etc.) to get it working without it blowing up.

Likewise, nice try :D... btw, I just realized that we are now completely derailed off the topic and we're really arguing about way too many semantics.

In the end, if you're trying to explain DayZ to your friend to get him to play, You'd probably say something like:

"Yo, I'm playing this cool 'game' called DayZ. It's so much fun, you should get it". I actually said this to a co-worker to get him to play, no dice unfortunately. I did get one of my friends to buy it today, though. Cheers!

We can argue all day long about semantics and minute details, but most people would describe it as a game.

Edited by Whattteva

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It couldn't be because I basically paid for this(I didn't get Arma 2 for Arma 2).

If you bought a full game (ands its expansion) just to play an Alpha state mod then your a fool. Arma 2 is a perfectly functional game in and of itself, don't just cast it aside because your angry with the (alpha state) mod!

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So....wtf Rocket? Lamps are lamps man, fix it!

Lol, that's a cool video. Surprisingly, it actually sounds great... even though all he's saying is "fix it". :lol:

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And not a single fuck was given on that day.

"Sadly it's become too broken to enjoy..." is an ALPHA mod you moron.

Stop hiding behind "it's an alpha." as a perfectly acceptable reason for something that worked fine to now suddenly not even be playable. I can't recall any game being in Alpha that was this broken and required 3 days for a hotfix. It's known as a hotfix because it comes out so fast, this is NOT a hotfix that will come out.

it's become too fun to enjoy - as if it's progressively got worse?

Yes. In the game worked perfectly. No lag. Zombies were jittery but manageable, you could sneak around them. There wasn't such bad desync that loot doesn't spawn in at least 8/10 of the supposed loot spawns. Bags and Axes are EVERYWHERE as they're the first loot types to spawn apparently and that is all I can ever find.

The butthurt is strong with this one

Fuck you. Some of us would like to enjoy what we paid for. And don't give me bullshit like "you bought ArmA2 not Day Z, moron." because from my perspective, ArmA2 can go suck a fat dick, I bought Day Z, as evidenced by Rocket's new managerial project lead position and pay increase.

I suggest waiting until a hotfix.

3 days and counting for a "hotfix", if it went any slower there'd be another ice age.


keep hammering it into their heads and maybe they'll understand.

alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha

Were you that fooled? Do you really feel that taken advantage of? This game has been getting lots of press, word of mouth has spread this game not Steam. I just went on Steam and clicked on ArmA2, you know what I saw? Absolutely nothing about DayZ.

Actually, you'll find quite the opposite. http://i.imgur.com/wfsNK.jpg There was more a few days ago it said "Day Z cannot be played without ArmA2: Combined Operations." The implication in that is that ArmA2 is nothing compared to Day Z.

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They probably wrote that bit about DayZ on the Arma2 page because people were most likely buying just arma2 and then complaining that DayZ didn't work. It's hardly an advertisement for DayZ, it just states that it requires Arma2 and OA.

Question, how many alphas have you been a part of? If you say anything except lots, you're hardly a good judge on brokeness and frequency of patches.

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I actually think that they did a fairly good job for an Alpha. Could be better, but it's good enough.

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Troll1: "it is in alpha"

Troll2: "I am a retard, hurr durr you're stupid learn to play"

Troll3: "troll"









Troll90: "alpha"



I understand that certain things are too minor, but the important things SHOULD be fixed...

There are so many things that are major problems, yet they are not fixed; they are VERY well known aswell.


Come at me trolls.

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They do....! It's not like there has been a lack of effort on Rocket & teams part with bug fixes. Hell, even BIS(arma2 developer) stepped up and fixed stuff that was DayZ related.

When people say... it's alpha. They mean in alpha there are bugs. It doesn't mean they accept the bugs, it means the developer hasn't had time to fix them yet.

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Why are you moaning? You kept going back to a dead body in a death-trap-town and found some bugs, then got butthurt and didn't leave, so you died again. Maybe play smart next time.

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Troll1: "it is in alpha"

Troll2: "I am a retard, hurr durr you're stupid learn to play"

Troll3: "troll"









Troll90: "alpha"



I understand that certain things are too minor, but the important things SHOULD be fixed...

There are so many things that are major problems, yet they are not fixed; they are VERY well known aswell.


Come at me trolls.

i take it you dont actually bother to read patch notes ;-)

unless you have any clue at all how development works writting such things just makes you look very stupid, especially the troll bit when in fact your trolling in the 1st place :-D

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i take it you dont actually bother to read patch notes ;-)

unless you have any clue at all how development works writting such things just makes you look very stupid, especially the troll bit when in fact your trolling in the 1st place :-D

You're hilarious, you should be a comedian

:thumbsup: Nice job


So, you think that the dev team fixes the important stuff?

Think again, they are so many things wrong with DayZ that have been around for a pretty damn long time

They are not things that have just started to become apparent.

*When people die, there is a good chance that their body will fall over, and disappear MAGIC

*Animals disappear almost immediately after the meat is taken from their corpse

*Flies linger around where dead bodies were at for VERY extended amounts of time

*This f*cking forums is buggy, I press backspace and it goes back an entire line -_-

*Bags and axes are FAR too common

*More recently (few weeks?) Loot will not even spawn in, there will literally be nothing, no tin cans, nothing

*High power weapons are EASY to come by... I find more revolvers and 1911's than makarovs

*How-to-fix-alt+f4-ers: when a player is withing ~20-50m of another player, their body will stay on the server for 30+ seconds FIXED THERE YOU GO

I can go on and on :/

Edited by Celetrontmm

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