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BoomBoom (DayZ)

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yes he does, hes something like a multplayer designer although i think he got shifted onto this full time about a month ago which obviously comes with benefits related to him and dayz

Cool, so it's being used to get me to buy the game.

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Cool, so it's being used to get me to buy the game.

Were you that fooled? Do you really feel that taken advantage of? This game has been getting lots of press, word of mouth has spread this game not Steam. I just went on Steam and clicked on ArmA2, you know what I saw? Absolutely nothing about DayZ.
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Can i make a suggestion to the Forum team.

As well as a General Discussion topic i propose a General Whinge topic. That way all the whiners can read each others sob story and leave the rest of us out.

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You should already obviously be aware that this game is still in Alpha. Heck, it's not even a game, it's a mod in Alpha, which makes it even have more bugs. Sorry, but I'm going to have to agree with the rest that this mod is for you to be Alpha Testing, but it's still a ton of fun to be honest!

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Can i make a suggestion to the Forum team.

As well as a General Discussion topic i propose a General Whinge topic. That way all the whiners can read each others sob story and leave the rest of us out.

Not sure why you clicked on thi if you already knew what it was going to be about.

You should already obviously be aware that this game is still in Alpha. Heck, it's not even a game, it's a mod in Alpha, which makes it even have more bugs. Sorry, but I'm going to have to agree with the rest that this mod is for you to be Alpha Testing, but it's still a ton of fun to be honest!

I was told about it but didn't pull the trigger until I saw it advertised by Steam. I feel like I was kind-of decieved.

Edited by SirAdmiral

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Can i make a suggestion to the Forum team.

As well as a General Discussion topic i propose a General Whinge topic. That way all the whiners can read each others sob story and leave the rest of us out.

Who made you read this topic? Were you forced to? or did you have a choice whether to read it or not?

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Who made you read this topic? Were you forced to? or did you have a choice whether to read it or not?

The thread title is rather deceiving, I thought it was going to be about getting all geared up within 30 minutes and how that makes the game boring.

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I fucking read that whole thing and then got to the end and .... and

Why did I think he was actually going somewhere with that?

It's buggy man. There's bugs, don't look directly at them please.

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Yes I understand that they are saying it is in "Alpha stage" but really this game is not an alpha its more in beta stage since all the game mechanics seems to be in place and scripted/programmed and now its all about play testing to see what needs to be adjusted.

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The thread title is rather deceiving, I thought it was going to be about getting all geared up within 30 minutes and how that makes the game boring.

The natural progression (I *think*) would be survive > gear > kill zombies > more gear > kill players > get killed > re-survive > re-gear > re-kill zombies > re-more gear > re-kill players > re-get killed

etc etc etc. They just keep messing this up Yes, the last few patches have been more bad then good.I didn't mind randomly losing servers, random frame skips, gear vanishing when dropped, etc etc. Most of it didn't flat-out waste my time like these new actually game-breaking bugs are.

Edited by SirAdmiral

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The thread title is rather deceiving, I thought it was going to be about getting all geared up within 30 minutes and how that makes the game boring.

You should have stoped reading at "Let me start by saying I really enjoyed the game until now.." then.

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Yes, I don't understand the word Alpha. That's it. It couldn't be because I basically paid for this(I didn't get Arma 2 for Arma 2).

You do realize Steam is basically advertising this mod right? I shouldn't "be grateful." They are using it as a selling point for Arma 2. Of course you don't. Go to Arma 2. The first thing you see under the video is is Day-Z Mod requires blah blah blah...

In the end, the patches shouldn't be going out until they are stable.

This is exactly what ALPHA testing is. We are the ones to say this is broke. That needs tweeking. We HAVE to play the patches as they come out and give our feed back and suggestions to the devs. Did you even fill out a bug report on all the glitches you expierianced? I payed to buy Arma 2 and expac to specifically test this game. I knew it might be fun one moment and suck balls the next. I didn't come here to "get my killz on" I came to help play test a great looking mod that was IN DEVELOPEMENT and offered a public Alpha phase.

Not sure why you clicked on thi if you already knew what it was going to be about.

I was told about it but didn't pull the trigger until I saw it advertised by Steam. I feel like I was kind-of decieved.

Sorry you can't get your head around what an Alpha test is and all, but as others have said, you really should have researched what you were paying for regaurdless if Steam is basically advertising it to boost their Arma Sales. Just FYI, once this phase is done we may or may not have to buy Arma 3 to continue testing if the dev's want to move the mod there before making it completely stand alone (which is the plan) and then we will have to buy the stand alone version. So you may wish to reconsider testing further because it WILL cost more.

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Yes I understand that they are saying it is in "Alpha stage" but really this game is not an alpha its more in beta stage since all the game mechanics seems to be in place and scripted/programmed and now its all about play testing to see what needs to be adjusted.

thats completely false

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alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha

people will still bitch and whine.....let them 1 less fag to worry about

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Let me start by saying I really enjoyed the game until now. No other game could provide the same thrill this did. Sadly it's become too broken to enjoy...

Decided to show a new person how to play the game (because I like to inroduce people to things I enjoy) so we go to a 3 person server and he's in Cherno....................

You got ownt, no that's no fun...Maby go more north when introducing new players. What i read is:

*I play, i'm getting shot, all my loot is gone, no fun! Bad player!

*I play again to get my loot back, but get shot again

*I play again to get my loot back, but get shot again

It's the fault of the game/bugs/exploits that i get shot! Because A,B,C,D,E happened

Edited by paniohitus

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Sorry you can't get your head around what an Alpha test is and all, but as others have said, you really should have researched what you were paying for regaurdless if Steam is basically advertising it to boost their Arma Sales. Just FYI, once this phase is done we may or may not have to buy Arma 3 to continue testing if the dev's want to move the mod there before making it completely stand alone (which is the plan) and then we will have to buy the stand alone version. So you may wish to reconsider testing further because it WILL cost more.

How much "alpha testing" does this need? Now we get to pay more to keep testing? That's fun and not completely retarded in any way.

You got ownt, no that's no fun...Maby go more north when introducing new players

Getting killed because of bugs is "ownt" now?

Edited by SirAdmiral

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Yes I understand that they are saying it is in "Alpha stage" but really this game is not an alpha its more in beta stage since all the game mechanics seems to be in place and scripted/programmed and now its all about play testing to see what needs to be adjusted.

The reason the game mechanics are in place is because this is a mod of another game that is already in place and fully playable. The mod is still in alpha phase unless I missed some announcment.

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Cool, so it's being used to get me to buy the game.

its called marketing yes ;-)

but at no point does anyone say you should buy arma2 solely for the purpose of trying dayz.

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How much "alpha testing" does this need? Now we get to pay more to keep testing? That's fun and completely retarded in any way.

Getting killed because of bugs is "ownt" now?

Well according to this interview we may be in apha untill release of the stand alone version...

"His plan involves using a "Minecraft-like model" for the game's release, with players able to buy an alpha version of the game at "launch" and then receive free updates as it continues to develop."

Snipped from http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/725688/day-z-creator-envisions-minecraft-like-model-for-standalone-release/

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Well according to this interview we may be in apha untill release of the stand alone version...

"His plan involves using a "Minecraft-like model" for the game's release, with players able to buy an alpha version of the game at "launch" and then receive free updates as it continues to develop."

Snipped from http://www.g4tv.com/...dalone-release/

Awesome, I'm getting hosed. FWIW, minecraft isn't horribly buggy to the point of being aggravating.

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How much "alpha testing" does this need? Now we get to pay more to keep testing? That's fun and not completely retarded in any way.

i have nothing against you personally or dont wish to insult you, but come on man its clear you have no clue about what stage this mod is at and what it all means, this is only your fault no one elses

the current release is at the 0.1.7 mark if rocket uses the standard version set up. 1.0 would be release grade games you buy as "core game finished". fully expect this to be in alpha for atleast the next few months as they add in new game mechanics(until/if they switch over to stand alone game guess might be 3 months away and will reset the clock and still be in alpha due to possible new tech) alpha is usually reserved for friends and family and inhouse QA.. normally 99% of gamers would not get to play something so early on but as this is a mod it is not so locked behind closed doors as actual games are, also its worth taking note that this was meant to be a tech demo as a pitch not an actual complete game, at the start it was only expected for around 100 people, its now over 400k people of which a large % have no clue whatsoever thanks to some of the people who introduced this to the masses

Edited by kruxed

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Get it straight. It is an Alpha of a MOD for Arma 2. Bugs are meant to happen. You did not pay for DayZ; you paid for Arma2. Get more informed before spending your money, it might save you some whining.

Posts like yours appear everyday at the forums. People getting killed by bugs/glitches and writing about how the game and the devs dissapointed them. Well guess what - no one gives a fuck. Shit like in the OP has happened to most of the community, if not all. Just quit without writing about it on the forums, no one really cares... :|

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I didn't have any of this nonsense until today. Suddenly bugs bugs everywhere.

The "dead while standing up" bug has been here forever. Same for inventory bugs. I hate the "it's an alpha" retort but when you're crying about bugs it clearly applies.

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keep hammering it into their heads and maybe they'll understand.

Couldn't agree more. This is the ALPHA stage of this game, plain and simple. This is not the finished product, ready for release.

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