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BoomBoom (DayZ)

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Let me start by saying I really enjoyed the game until now. No other game could provide the same thrill this did. Sadly it's become too broken to enjoy...

Decided to show a new person how to play the game (because I like to inroduce people to things I enjoy) so we go to a 3 person server and he's in Cherno.

I give him a gun and then another friend wants to play but can't get on this particular server. Fine, let's go to a more populated one. Right as I'm telling him what to do I hear three gun shots. and I see smoke from his character. I assumed he fired his gun because he's not dead. Then some guy pops in and shoots me once which knocks me unconscious then I'm killed. My friend then tells me he's also dead.

I'm a three-time bandit so I'm not mad about getting killed fair and square... but it doesn't seem like it was that way...

I run back to Cherno to see if he's still looting my body. Well, he took off with my M4A3 CCO and mags and left me (my corpse) with a Lee Enfield. Turns out my friend died fucking standing up and the game didn't bother to put in the death notification until after I was also dead. Fucking fantastic. Yes, he's dead standing right the fuck up like he has a pistol in his hand. No wonder I didn't realize what exactly happened until it was too late.

Strike 1.

Whatever. I have a Lee Enfield and nothing to lose so I head to the most dense server I can to go get my kills back. I eventually get killed again inspecting a factory roof. I know he's going to still be there so I check the roof when I respawn. I think I see him proned and not paying attention (tunnel vision while watching over the town) so I prone up and loot his alice pack for a hand grenade. I crawl back and toss it. Boom nothing. Turns out that was my body. How did it get so far away from where I actually died? How did it get proned? I will never know

Strike 2.

Even still I really don't care because this guy is about to get destroyed as I noticed him on an adjacent roof camping and confused about the grenade that has gone off. All I need to do is take my Lee Enfield and end him. TOO BAD I CAN'T TAKE THE GUN OFF MY BODY. I can loot another grenade but he's too far for that. FINE IT'S OKAY STILL I can just log off and on to fix that problem. I couldn't loot my other dead body at first either. Re-join, I fall over and pass out. This is the slowest recovering passing out I've ever done. I'm talking at least like 3-5 minutes. Maybe he'll still be camping there when I wake up. I think I'll go get some water. I come back to be greeted by YOU HAVE DIED

Strike 3 I'm done.

I was recommending this to new people (especially because Arma 2 is on sale) but now until I see some sort of fix coming for this I am going to have to tell people to steer clear and put their money elsewhere.

Edited by SirAdmiral

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And not a single fuck was given on that day.

"Sadly it's become too broken to enjoy..." is an ALPHA mod you moron.

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it's become too fun to enjoy - as if it's progressively got worse?

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And not a single fuck was given on that day.

"Sadly it's become too broken to enjoy..." is an ALPHA mod you moron.

I didn't have any of this nonsense until today. Suddenly bugs bugs everywhere.

it's become too fun to enjoy - as if it's progressively got worse?

I said it WAS fun but now too broken.

Edited by SirAdmiral

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The butthurt is strong with this one

There is no butthurt. I don't care that I died, it's how I was dying. Why am I going to play a game where I'm going to get stupid random BS deaths? I can get all my stuff back somewhat easy, but that's not the point.

If I was just butthurt I'd go to the beaches to get my kills back on unsuspecting people. It would be nice if they would fix this. I might start playing again- but since I'm not keen to wasting my time I'm not playing at least until it's done.

Edited by SirAdmiral

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SirAdmiral.. scroll back up to my previous comment, look at the second line you should see some word there that will help you understand.

Well actually balls to it, you seem simple. The word is Alpha. Alpha stage of a new mod, game anything means that it's pretty much still just an idea with programming behind it to show the concept. An Alpha stage is RARELY even available to the public to watch, let alone play so you should be grateful you have even experienced DayZ so far.

Other than that, we still don't care. If you can't grasp the fact this mod still isn't even developed full yet then you should be spending your free time reading books.. perhaps start with colouring books to help your brain develop further.

Remember kids: education first, play time later.

Bless your cotton socks, you muppet.

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I suggest waiting until a hotfix.

I'm always in the dev's corner, but do you know when that might be? I haven't seen an update on a possible ETA in an uncharacteristic (for Rocket & pals) amount of time. Thanks

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keep hammering it into their heads and maybe they'll understand.

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SirAdmiral.. scroll back up to my previous comment, look at the second line you should see some word there that will help you understand.

Well actually balls to it, you seem simple. The word is Alpha. Alpha stage of a new mod, game anything means that it's pretty much still just an idea with programming behind it to show the concept. An Alpha stage is RARELY even available to the public to watch, let alone play so you should be grateful you have even experienced DayZ so far.

Other than that, we still don't care. If you can't grasp the fact this mod still isn't even developed full yet then you should be spending your free time reading books.. perhaps start with colouring books to help your brain develop further.

Remember kids: education first, play time later.

Bless your cotton socks, you muppet.

If anything the dumbest person in this thread is coming across as you, seeing as you seem to have quite the hardon for repeatedly insulting other people's intelligence. Bit of an insecurity complex there?

I swear, this community gets douchier with every passing day. Those of you posting the same generic, asinine insults you've read in every other complaint thread on here so you can feel witty for thirty seconds aren't contributing anything more than the people complaining.

Edited by Maderas
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SirAdmiral.. scroll back up to my previous comment, look at the second line you should see some word there that will help you understand.

Well actually balls to it, you seem simple. The word is Alpha. Alpha stage of a new mod, game anything means that it's pretty much still just an idea with programming behind it to show the concept. An Alpha stage is RARELY even available to the public to watch, let alone play so you should be grateful you have even experienced DayZ so far.

Other than that, we still don't care. If you can't grasp the fact this mod still isn't even developed full yet then you should be spending your free time reading books.. perhaps start with colouring books to help your brain develop further.

Remember kids: education first, play time later.

Bless your cotton socks, you muppet.

Yes, I don't understand the word Alpha. That's it. It couldn't be because I basically paid for this(I didn't get Arma 2 for Arma 2).

You do realize Steam is basically advertising this mod right? I shouldn't "be grateful." They are using it as a selling point for Arma 2. Of course you don't. Go to Arma 2. The first thing you see under the video is is Day-Z Mod requires blah blah blah...

In the end, the patches shouldn't be going out until they are stable.

Edited by SirAdmiral

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Or the best one is you are camped at your base by a combat logger and his friend who is in your base with a axe that takes 15DMR (allhit) point blank and does not die, This mod is not worth the time that is needed, Sorry rocket but this is a failure coming and i will not play for game with so many rules on how a server is run, We would of locked and filtered out the hackers (whitelist) but since we can not do that it's hackers play land out there.

GG rocket GG.

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Let me start by saying I really enjoyed the game until now. No other game could provide the same thrill this did. Sadly it's become too broken to enjoy...

Decided to show a new person how to play the game so we go to a 3 person server and he's in Cherno.

I give him a gun and then another friend wants to play but can't get on this particular server. Fine, let's go to a more populated one. Right as I'm telling him what to do I hear three gun shots. and I see smoke from his character. I assumed he fired his gun because he's not dead. Then some guy pops in and shoots me once which knocks me unconscious then I'm killed. My friend then tells me he's also dead.

I'm a three-time bandit so I'm not mad about getting killed fair and square... but it doesn't seem like it was that way...

I run back to Cherno to see if he's still looting my body. Well, he took off with my M4A3 CCO and mags and left me (my corpse) with a Lee Enfield. Turns out my friend died fucking standing up and the game didn't bother to put in the death notification until after I was also dead. Fucking fantastic. Yes, he's dead standing right the fuck up like he has a pistol in his hand. No wonder I didn't realize what exactly happened until it was too late.

Strike 1.

Whatever. I have a Lee Enfield and nothing to lose so I head to the most dense server I can to go get my kills back. I eventually get killed again inspecting a factory roof. I know he's going to still be there so I check the roof when I respawn. I think I see him proned and not paying attention (tunnel vision while watching over the town) so I prone up and loot his alice pack for a hand grenade. I crawl back and toss it. Boom nothing. Turns out that was my body. How did it get so far away from where I actually died? How did it get proned? I will never know

Strike 2.

Even still I really don't care because this guy is about to get destroyed as I noticed him on an adjacent roof camping and confused about the grenade that has gone off. All I need to do is take my Lee Enfield and end him. TOO BAD I CAN'T TAKE THE GUN OFF MY BODY. I can loot another grenade but he's too far for that. FINE IT'S OKAY STILL I can just log off and on to fix that problem. I couldn't loot my other dead body at first either. Re-join, I fall over and pass out. This is the slowest recovering passing out I've ever done. I'm talking at least like 3-5 minutes. Maybe he'll still be camping there when I wake up. I think I'll go get some water. I come back to be greeted by YOU HAVE DIED

Strike 3 I'm done.


Edited by BurritoBandit

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It couldn't be because I basically paid for this(I didn't get Arma 2 for Arma 2).

Really now? I wasn't aware Rocket develop Arma2. Oh wait, because he didn't and the money you spent went to Bohemia Interactive.

Do not fault someone else for your own stupidity if you make decisions without doing any research.

You don't rush into Cherno without scanning the area first, you scan that bad boy out, see what the situation is. The same method one should apply before purchasing anything.

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I didn't have any of this nonsense until today. Suddenly bugs bugs everywhere.

I said it WAS fun but now too broken.

So basically it was fun until the bugs or glitches were experienced by yourself?

So Steam are using this mods insane popularity to boost sales. So what? Is that Rockets fault? Did he come out and say "hai dudes come here this is live version stable mod just buy arma 2 mmkay"? Can you link that post?

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alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha

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Really now? I wasn't aware Rocket develop Arma2. Oh wait, because he didn't and the money you spent went to Bohemia Interactive.

I may be wrong, but didn't he work for Bohemia?

Edited by BurritoBandit

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alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha

It's alpha?

Edited by SirAdmiral

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It does worry me that we get such topics, but at the end of the day its people like which are not suited for alphas and the faster they leave the better all round if you ask me.

this isnt a finished article, this is a test, there will be bugs for months to come..... its your fault to think otherwise or have an opinion of omg their are bugs which got me killed or ruined my enjoyment

you did not purchuse dayz, you purchused arma2 for the privledge to play dayz....dayz costs nothing so you have ZERO entilement

patches wil break the game, if this botheres you FO and play something else for a few days until it gets fixed

these 3 points can be attached to almost any complaint about dayz

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I may be wrong, but didn't he work for Bohemia?

yes he does, hes something like a multplayer designer although i think he got shifted onto this full time about a month ago which obviously comes with benefits related to him and dayz

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It does worry me that we get such topics, but at the end of the day its people like which are not suited for alphas and the faster they leave the better all round if you ask me.

this isnt a finished article, this is a test, there will be bugs for months to come..... its your fault to think otherwise or have an opinion of omg their are bugs which got me killed or ruined my enjoyment

you did not purchuse dayz, you purchused arma2 for the privledge to play dayz....dayz costs nothing so you have ZERO entilement

patches wil break the game, if this botheres you FO and play something else for a few days until it gets fixed

these 3 points can be attached to almost any complaint about dayz

Tell me about it. I wish I owned an almighty internet hammer that bans these people from the entire internet.. one day I'll get my wish. Hang on let me phone China.

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