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Need advice: Macro an "auto run" button via G510 or DeathAdder

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I've seen multiple threads regarding auto run. Mostly about the lack of the feature, lol. I own a G510 Keyboard and a Razer Death adder mouse. Both come with software to associate commands like scripts, macros and functions.to the buttons. [Razer Synapse 2.0 & Logitech Gaming Software 8.30.86] Its quite a useful feature of a muse and keyboard with a game like Arma 2.

At first glance it sounds simple right? Wrong. You can make a macro that will contiously press and hold W to run. But you can't turn it off with a macro. You can incorporate a delay, but if a situation arrises your running until that delay if finiished.

For this to be possible I think it would require a script. Now I'm not fimiliar with either of the scripting languages these softwares use. But the script would need to reset the macro button's active states.

For example (This is not a script btw lol just a function explanation. XD): Press G1 = W with toggle = ON. Press G2 = Run reset button state script = G1 OFF.

I have not had much luck finding a script like this the works with the most current version of the softwares. I'm going to keep looking at post back if I do. Just figured I'd ask so we can atleast get the option out there for the player looking for this "auto run" feature.

Man Thanks! <3

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I have a g19. just go to your logitech keyboard settings and bind a G key to W, then down the bottom of the window set it to TOGGLE. this means the same G key wil turn auto run on and off.

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No fair, I don't have one of those fancy keyboards <_<. I guess I'll just find some weight to hold down that stinking 'w' key.

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You should be able to make a macro that starts pressing W and when you press the button again it stops pressing W. Works fine on my G15 using 8.20.74

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My trick for people who can't do macros:

1: Hold down W

2: Open steam overlay while you keep W held down

3: Release W

4: Close steam overlay

5: ...

6: Profit

And just press W again when you want control back, also works with any other key.

I will also try to do a macro on my g13 when I am bored.

Edited by MeDuzZ-

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Does anyone have an idea of how to do it on the QPAD MK-85? I have no idea how to handle the software on it, the interface simply................. confuses me.

Guess they didn't do much about it, just made it so the customer could brag about having one.

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I have a g19. just go to your logitech keyboard settings and bind a G key to W, then down the bottom of the window set it to TOGGLE. this means the same G key wil turn auto run on and off.

I tried that. For some odd reason, I couldn't get it to toggle off though.

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