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I had a lucky encounter with an unlooted tent in the woods and picked up an M4A1 with a couple of mags for a back up. I can tell now there's really no getting around needing a secondary rifle with the AS50/M107.

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i rocked an AS50 and a silenced Mp5 for a while.

playing solo id rather have a M14 AIM, have the gun at the moment and LOVE it...

keep it till you run out of mags then use it as bait.

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Let me enlighten you my fellow loner..

Hold on to your AS50 its a monster! Remember only down side in it vs the M107 is having use the + and - keys vs right clicking to get the second zoom.

Just hotkey the zoom to much easier bind, for example zoom in/out for me are my mouse 4 and 5 buttons

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I found an as50 off of a dead body at the NW airfield, used it for about 6 days before a hacker bombed the server. Half the time i was alone, half the time i was with a second person. When i was with the second person i would be overwatch, i gave him my m4sd.

What you want to know, for solo :

Play a bit slower, if you have a rangefinder you can get incredibly accurate kills (I got four at the NW airfield , all 700m+, one of them almost 1600m)

You need a secondary .. primary weapon. an m4sd is nice, my new favorite is an m16 w/ m203 for getting people out of rooms. it atleast gets them to DC, or fearing a second grenade.

Personally i run with the pole(as50) out, because ive had a close call where we both spotted eachother, both took out our snipers (my as50, his m24), and i got my shot a bit faster which was also a guarenteed kill ( i was sitting at 7000 blood so i would have died from his shot, was killing a cow).

But yea, in the wild travel with the as50 out, easier to take out people from a range the instant you find them then switch weapons, lose them, and have them try to flank you (happened a few times also). And then obviously travel with a secondary primary when you're in ranges <100m. (even then, in low ranges you can get kills with the as50. Ive cleared the baracks for 2 kills with it, but it wasnt fun, turning in the doorway with it DOSENT work).

Tip : use regular zoom in, not right click to zoom in unless your shooting. Right click makes you hold your breath.

Also, aks74 u can turn in doorways without hitting the door. REALLY nice for clearing rooms.

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Ok I feel like I need to weigh in here...

My BIGGEST pet peeve is another sniper who always keeps their sniper rifle out. Especially the 50's. (*I have followed someone for 1.5 hours just to ensure he could no longer carry that peice.)

I generally don't care if you have to pull out your axe to take the place of a primary... but that stuff needs to be hidden.

In life as in this game, a sniper is looked at as one of the highest personal threats to an enemy combatant. So "IF" they spot you and you only have a generic bloc weapon they will attack with much less care or prejudice. But if you have the tower of power in your hands, you become their entire world.

As much as it may cut into carrying supplies, find a decent secondary just hide the big boy.

M107 rounds have a decent spawn rate in deerstands so you really shouldnt ever be starved for ammo.

You know how to survive thats great.

The biggest thing I can think of when you do have the AS50 out... always look over that blindspot on your right... IF something comes, IT WILL come from that way. Think a man named murphy said something like that.

And if finding friends to overwatch is out of the picture, stay more towards the west good deer stands good open fields decent loot towns if you ever want them and most of all rarely travelled by anyone other than clans and generally they'll give more reward for the risk.

Just don't lose it.


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For potential CQ combat zero your rifle to 100m. Then get a very small piece of tape - like the removable waxy clear tape - about the size of a pea or smaller if poss. Then get a red permanent marker and make a nice round dot on the tape. About 1-2mm in diameter.

Scope up your rifle. Put the tape on your LCD screen about 2mm from the left of the cross.


You now have a new sight that's pretty accurate allowing you to drop players who come inside your comfort zone. Works in buildings well. Its a hack it's a cheat but hey ppl do much worse stuff. It saves your life. It's surviving. I prefer assault rifles and don't use the above hack for those. I have only had a 107 once and it was all I had for a while.

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i found an as50 near a chopper down north of rogh

what i did? i put it in a dead zombie along with its ammo, and *hide body*

i personally dont like snipers or sniping, i like to sneak through a town and kill them with my bison sd

also, snipers are allready enough in this game

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I currently have a DMR and only a glock as my backup. I don't have a large pack at the moment so its hard for me to carry a secondary weapon (assualt rifle etc) with my other supplies.

The main problem I encountered recently was:

I was running through a forest up north, when I suddenly see a player running perpendicular 20 odd metres ahead of me.

I'm always ALT key looking around behind me when I run, but sometimes don't concentrate on what's right in front of me!

I hit the deck, he didn't notice me.

If I had a fully automatic rifle I would have been fine to fire, but I was in a panic. I had my DMR equipped, i knew if I tried to zoom in I would not only lose sight of him, but my

aim would be shaking from all the running. I switched to my glock, then back to my DMR (he didn't stop running...), and zoomed in. I didn't have a clear shot, I just let him go.

This is the situation where only having a scoped rifle + a sidearm doesn't really work. Granted I should have been running with my glock out, but that just didn't feel safe.

So optimal solution is to run with an assualt rifle, and swap it out to snipe when you stop somewhere.

But the problem is that once you have your nice shinny scoped rifle, you don't really want to stroll into anymore military spawns to get that extra rifle.

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