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Why were the yogscast allowed to do this?

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Most people know who the yogscast are. Couple of british dudes essentially famous for their minecraft videos.

Well recently they started a dayZ series. Cool stuff! This should introduce a lot of new people to dayZ!

What ISN'T cool is how they are going about their series. Playing like idiots and only living because of a geared-to-hell guardian angel with spawned in gear? Mocking the controls calling them "retarded" because of their own shortcomings? Spawning in several vehicles? Playing on a locked server with only 7 people? Is that really the message you want to send to a prospective new day z player?

What kind of deal did you guys make with the yogscast? Why let them play on a private server and spawn in gear and let them call THAT actually playing dayZ if you already had 450,000 people that had played the game? Its not like you needed the publicity. The rocket/totalbiscuit interview was WAY better than this series is turning out to be.

Heres a link to the first video for those that haven't seen the series.

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They aren't doing anything against the rules. Private Hives are just that: private.

Also, if you expected Simon and Lewis to give anything resembling a serious or accurate overview of a game, you're barking up the wrong deer stand.

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We had no idea this was going on or anything! :cool:

Repost x billionty

Get over it.

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It's a private server that isn't connected to the Hive, meaning that their gear will not be transferred to a normal DayZ server. In case you don't know, there are a lot of private 'network' type servers that allow players who are in groups to have their hand in a new character within their own pool of servers. I personally don't see anything wrong with what they are doing, and it seems like you have a personal grudge against the Yogscast because the rest of the community does. Grow up and stop making stupid threads that "The Yogscast is ruining the community" and that you think their videos suck because you don't agree with them. You don't have to watch their videos if you don't want to.

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Honestly, I was insulted by the videos. They are clearly on a private "filming" server. When one of the guys shoots the other on "accident," he is warped back to the location it happened in and able to loot his own body. They did not take the time to learn anything about the controls and clearly have no concern over their success in the game. They are tagging on to the hype Day Z is getting so they can attach themselves to it. There is nothing genuine about the Day Z videos they have released.

This gives potential new players the wrong idea about the game and how it works.

On the positive side, despite misguidedly, they are bringing more attention to Day Z and likely earning BI more sales of Arma 2 as their minecrafters decide to try it out. They are just in for a rude awakening when they learn they don't spawn with weapons and there's no server admin who will move them around or protect them from harm.

I do not hate Yogscast. I just believe they should stick to the games they enjoy, such as minecraft. I enjoy their minecraft videos, because they seem to genuinely enjoy what they are doing. These Day Z videos look more like pandering, and they couldn't be bothered to give a shit about the game.

Edited by Dingus
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It's a private server that isn't connected to the Hive, meaning that their gear will not be transferred to a normal DayZ server. In case you don't know, there are a lot of private 'network' type servers that allow players who are in groups to have their hand in a new character within their own pool of servers. I personally don't see anything wrong with what they are doing, and it seems like you have a personal grudge against the Yogscast because the rest of the community does. Grow up and stop making stupid threads that "The Yogscast is ruining the community" and that you think their videos suck because you don't agree with them. You don't have to watch their videos if you don't want to.

Relax pal I love the yogscast, been subbed to them for around a year now. This is like the first series by them i've actively disagree'd with.

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I was all fine with these videos too. Private server? Makes sense. Starting gear. I understand millions of people watching can't spend 20 mins getting stuff. Running around like idiots? Okay that's how they play games it is pretty funny.

Then what do they do? They start fucking judging the game/mod badly. Even after they stated they didn't do any research on it. Like how does approaching games like they do give them a right to judge it? I really want to smack both of them right in the fucking face.

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There's all ready a metric F*ck ton of threads talking about this, and it's been explained why they do what they do, some people like it.. some people don't, they're free to play the game how they want when they're on a private server. If this were an official hive server I would have a different opinion.

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There's all ready a metric F*ck ton of threads talking about this, and it's been explained why they do what they do, some people like it.. some people don't, they're free to play the game how they want when they're on a private server. If this were an official hive server I would have a different opinion.

I understand, but finally felt like chiming into the topic this time. My point is that it was incredibly misrepresentative of something I enjoy a lot. I let it out, though. So I'm done. Sorry.

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It is just that they are going to bring people in who expect things that dont exist in the "real" mod. It is going to give a influx of people who are going to be very frustrated about it and then.... you can do the math.

Let us wait and be patient about how it will work out. I think a quick influx, combined with the steam summer sale, and then it dies off again.

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I understand, but finally felt like chiming into the topic this time. My point is that it was incredibly misrepresentative of something I enjoy a lot. I let it out, though. So I'm done. Sorry.

lol I wasn't scolding anyone you have nothing to apologize for xD

Yuru Yuri Hajimaru yo~

Edited by Dynama

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Here we go again!

Also, for input as to how stupid their viewers can be, I actually had an argument with a guy in the comments of one of the videos, because he said it's impossible to change the controls of the game. Gotta fucking love Yognaughts.

Edited by KWilt

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My only real complaint with all this is that video is about as funny as getting kicked in the balls ... or punched in the tit, if you're female.

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Neither Rocket nor anyone else can control what others do on a private server. All they can do is blacklist them from the hive they're not on in the first place. I didn't like the video because it wasn't funny or entertaining and it sold DayZ short. I can literally spend all day watching entertaining DayZ videos made by people who aren't even trying and yet somehow Yogscast manages to fail at it.

If they'd actually played DayZ it probably would have been good. How entertaining would their Minecraft videos be if the whole time someone ran around killing everything for them, dropping off workbenches, swords and armor while teleporting them to nodes they need.


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Question why the fuck do you care? I watch there videos seen that and was like okay cool there doing Dayz it will be great and funny, You think they give two shits on what you think? NO they don't, Keep hating.

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Neither Rocket nor anyone else can control what others do on a private server. All they can do is blacklist them from the hive they're not on in the first place. I didn't like the video because it wasn't funny or entertaining and it sold DayZ short. I can literally spend all day watching entertaining DayZ videos made by people who aren't even trying and yet somehow Yogscast manages to fail at it.

If they'd actually played DayZ it probably would have been good. How entertaining would their Minecraft videos be if the whole time someone ran around killing everything for them, dropping off workbenches, swords and armor while teleporting them to nodes they need.


You seem to not have watched their Minecraft videos. That's pretty close to exactly how they go and they are funny as hell while doing it.

That said, "funny" is rather subjective, so some will Like, some will Dislike.

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Apparently you.

I think the bigger problem here is you. The game is meant for fun...

If you really think killing people is bad in a game then you have something messed up in your mind.

But i guess i can tell with all the anime shit.

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Question why the fuck do you care? I watch there videos seen that and was like okay cool there doing Dayz it will be great and funny, You think they give two shits on what you think? NO they don't, Keep hating.

Have you actually watched the videos? They are very judgmental of the mod while they approached the mod from a way that really doesn't give them the experience to judge it. They stated in part 1 they barely did research. They are calling it boring and buggy. They don't know what to do and are judging for reasons that no one should be right now. I am fine with them playing it, with starting gear and such, but the videos should be funny. Not them judging it in the wrong way the entire fucking series. It isn't fair to rocket and others behind the mod, they are brainwashing their loyal subs in the wrong way and in turn are pretty much saying DayZ is bad. Look at the comments. You already have people who never played calling it bad because the Yogscast said it was.

It's stupid.

Edited by JPalmer

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