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The new nice Player ... allways get shot and looted

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Dear Comm,

I am realative new player - i played like 50 hours now.

Even after watch countless Gameplay on YouT. and somthing like that there are still hard leasons.

I try to give some wisdowm to otherplayer so i play on recruit server or normal. If is see a player i use voice and chat. No problem so far. I teach them how to survice basis. Useing an Axe looting the small towns ect.

- for open Chat use the Direct Com to chat with player around.

What the base problem of this mod is there is now line of good or evil.

You try to get the basic equip in the game:

Axe Hunting knive Matched Map and a Coke

And you know now - for 100% you will get killed at lease for 1 of this items .... even it is for the Coke.

Then your Body covered in blood and you get looted from a player (Bandit).

He put his hands in your backpack on your bodys pockets he will get bloody.

He should get a debuff 5 min minium and distrakt all kind of zombies in the 1 km range at this building.

The sound agression on the weapons fire sould be increased by 50 % minimum.

To teach the random single wulf bandit - looting is not nice. *HEHE*

OK think on a moment how sharks hunt 1 drop of blood in the wather and the can track this more than 10 km to the wather in the oceans. Zombie walk and wanna eat your brain. Ok the brain from a bandit should be a only small snack !

But i guess the bandit are realy a pain in the neck of every normal player !

They wait in the save position let the otherplayer loot buildings and when they came out the kill the player because the are full of loot.

The normal player share resource and try to play together.

Thats a good goal for a big Map EGO Shooter like Arma/DayZ.

Bandits play to easy and has no disadvantage,

for her rude way to play the game over the dead bodys of the last survivor of man kind !

Please change something on that fact - or you force every player to be a Bandit !

Because we have no choise other then shoot first !

Edited by MucMonsi

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I don't like the debuff system but I like the blood on arms and hands, Rocket talked about it.

There is no good and evil in real life. SO, I really like this chaos. Harsh and cold.

I always try to communicate with players before engage, but sometimes you have to make the hard desicion to pull the trigger. either its you or him.

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The idea of zombies "smelling" blood on a bandits body is quite nice. Or just the blood of a recently died person so they surround it.

On the other hand... why are you even complaining? This is an apocalyptic survival game and no Zombie-Role-Play game. Avoid contact with other players, don't loot the big cities, always be cautious.

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I always try to communicate with players before engage, but sometimes you have to make the hard desicion to pull the trigger. either its you or him.


I agree, there is always the 'choice' not to shoot on sight, but to communicate first. True; it takes great skills to survive encounters that way, but it's better than just to massmurder everybody you run into.

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well zombies got enhanced hearing and smelling so i would say that it would be pretty cool. If a bandit kills a player and LOOTS HIM he should get a debuff with blood on his hands, but only if he loots him. Then it would be a great addition to the game...

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