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Realistic? Remove the ability to respawn.

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If you want to make the game realistic, remove the ability to respawn. Simple as that.

I agree that would suck, but if you want to make the game/mod realistic that's what you have to do.

So to the people that didn't like the in game chat and bandit clothes because it was unrealistic are "stupid" because last time I checked you don't respawn when you die IRL.

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So your saying, you can die once and not play unless you purchase another game key? You serious?

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I get where you're coming from but it IS still a game and if you wan't to kill yourself and with that start a new character then that should be okay. When you respawn you have to imagine it as your character having died and you commandeering a new subject through the terrible plains of Chernarus. With that in mind.. it doesn't break the realism as a new survivor simply washed up on shore.

Edited by Zeal0t

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I think he's meaning the ability to respawn while you're already alive. (Meaning suicide by clicking respawn)

Edited by XAM

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Also remove zombies because they don't exist in real life and obviously this game is trying to mirror real life in every single aspect.

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You know what I agree.

Today I spawned ran to elector and a wall nearly killed me. no morphine, broken legs 3k blood. I thought about respawning and said "no!" . Crawled into town calling for help , passing out occasionally, and a guy came and gave me a transufiosn then went back to the hosptial and got me a morphine. legend. Back on track. He then also killed a guy that tried to kill me. A good little adventure and feel good moments that wouldnt have happened if i had given up.

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If you meant the Respawn option in the Menu, then I guess that'd be cool.


Edited by OPBullets
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OP, please give me 480 USD and I will support you, as well as a payment of 30 USD per death.

Cause really, you are asking for people to pay 30$ every time they die. And with this being an alpha, they WILL die.

Anyhow, this has been used time and time again to troll people. Nice going. +0 internets.

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Rocket always described DayZ as trying to be authentic, not realistic.

You should edit your post as it is far too vague. Removing the respawn would screw over people who are stuck bugged out. A cooldown in the region of 10mins-1day would be fine.

If you mean respawning after death, then -1000 internets

Edited by TheGoldElite

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oh yeah, great idea man, after you die, you have to buy a new game!

thats perfect!

you are obviously someone that got killed and is pissed off about it

get over it

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There's a difference between wanting an aspect of realism, and wanting everything to be realistic. Obviously, game-y things like respawning and not taking a shit every so often are going to be inherent in the game. That doesn't mean things like realistic wildlife, spawns, weapons, etc should be overlooked.

I hate logical fallacies.

The persistent characters are already unforgiving enough.

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Bad idea. The game is still in Alpha stages and there are obviously many bugs/glitches in the game. If you happened to spawn and get glitched then what? Respawn button is still needed, at least untill the game reaches further in development.

I would suggest that the respawn button can only be pressed every 5-10minutes. This would stop respawns and still would compensate if you were to be glitched/bugged out.

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lol persistent characters are very forgiving.

That's why you see an increase in reckless behaviour and why people spam respawn.

Death doesn't matter anymore, you can be reasonably well geared in 15min, if you abuse respawn.

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definately remove respawn on demand. perhaps even limit how many times you can respawn in an hour, so people wont run into zombies to get closer to wherever they want to be

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definately remove respawn on demand. perhaps even limit how many times you can respawn in an hour, so people wont run into zombies to get closer to wherever they want to be

That's not respawning that's aborting and reconnecting which is considered an exploit in every way.

Edited by Zeal0t

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If you dont want to use the respawn option, then simply do not use it.

Just because I use it doesnt make your game less realistic :rolleyes:

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The only way I can agree with this is IF! they let you CHOOSE your spawn location from the pre-selected spots.

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I hate when everyone who posts their butthurt elitist pro-realism comments thinks this game has to be either



No you're all retarded, if you want a fun game you have to have a balanace between realism and gameplay. And let me tell you now, making your badass two line suggestions and comments isn't going to constitute a well balanced mechanic.

But I understand, when I first start playing I thought that every little unrealistic bug had to be ironed out and destroyed! The game had to be soooo hardcore, but after playing for a bit, I see that was an unrealistic approach and would only serve to make the game a one time novelty. Contrary to what one may believe, a game does indeed have to be fun if you're going to be playing it longer than a month or two.

In short;

your suggestion doesn't even begin to address how removing respawn will increase realism


Anyone who takes on a 100% realism stance is a mongoloid

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it wouldn't completely stop respawning until you find a spawn you like, it would just require an extra minute to go and find something to kill you. Also, if you're in the middle of the forest and you break a leg, do you really expect someone to spend an hour or two crawling around to find stuff or hope someone manages to find you? I would kill myself in real life if that were the case (which you can do by the way). What if you get stuck somewhere or glitched? You just have to hope someone comes and shoots you?

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Rocket always described DayZ as trying to be authentic, not realistic.

Yeah he did say that in a recent video and I could not agree with him more. It's a game, it can't be totally realistic or it would be no fun.

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