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It is, even Rocket himself said this is not part of the game and that he plans on finding a way to punish players who do it.

Edited by Ingway

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Ah I know this. It's gotten even bigger since Jesse Cox did it on his live stream.

My personal opinion is I hate cheating I can not stand it when other players abuse the game for there own gains and it eats at me, and this IS cheating. However having sid that, I am guilty of doing the same thing. Since this is still in the alpha stages with a lot of bugs and problems, if a zombie tags me through a wall I'll do it, if a zombie breaks my legs through the floor I'll do it, if a zombie starts running at me while inside a building I'll do it. My logic is, if the game cheats so will I. But if I'm in a dangerous situation that I put myself in or if I'm batteling a bandit I WILL NOT do it.

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check out his videos. lots of d/c, talk of d/c and other exploits. sad really. tries to seem like hes legit but clearly is using all the exploits that half the community is. just look at youtube... over half the videos there have spawned crap/disconecting in them...

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Unfortunately it is an exploit and it planned on being fixed. But since it is there it will be used by people, something we have to put up with for now.

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If you wanna be a Chicken and Run Away because you're afraid to lose your gear then don't play this Game, Death is a part of DayZ.

Your own choice if you wanna Abort to avoid Death, it's an Exploit though.

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Yep, cheating. Although I hear that exploit will be fixed soon.

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This "Exploit" is like a Spawn Protection, but WAY too many abusing it.

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Yep, cheating. Although I hear that exploit will be fixed soon.

I'd rather the team work on fixing bugs insted of fix cheating until the game itself stops cheating. :(

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see the comments in the youtube video? fools saying "its fine to disconnect as long as its not in firefights.."

WTF? whats the point in having zombies at all if all u have to do after firing is log? talk about missing the point in the game....

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Disconnecting in a fight, against zombie or player, is an exploit.

I can't wait to see how the devs are planning to emplace a punishment against people that do this :P

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Not really cheating, but exploiting is still lame and should be banable.

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I think as long as the game is not fixed and the zombies are cheating through walls and stuff, I will use this method. Basically what JeserEric said.

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Rocket said it was an exploit, but people will use it if they have it as an option. It's better to prevent it with certain mechanics than punish for it.

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A bandit disconnecting to avoid death, whats new?

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From what I've heard the fix for escaping Z's is that wherever you relog, you take the Z's from your location with you

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From what I've heard the fix for escaping Z's is that wherever you relog, you take the Z's from your location with you

Yeah, that didn't work. People testing it got huge zombie trains then server hopped until they found others to sic em on.

It's called 'emergent gameplay', meaning the devs cannot predict what people will do.

Let's face it, What DayZ needs is a logout timer - one that you can interrupt if someone suddenly stumbles across your logout spot. They are in plenty of MMOs, so why not here?

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