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Always one slow dude

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Ok I'm trying to figure out why in the world there is always one person that is slower than everyone else. No matter if they're running with an AKM or AS 50, they will always be slower than everyone else. Even with the pistol or unarmed.

Their full run speed in equivalent to a normal player's crouch run speed... Really weird and annoying

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same problem with one of our guys, its annoying.

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same problem with one of our guys, its annoying.

Yeah and there is no logical explanation really....

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Ok, so I don't tend to overtake my buddies who claim that 'my guy is faster' when I'm following them, so I think it works like this: They aim at where I am, not where I will be. Simply put, they aren't lined up properly, and while I run in a straight line they zig zag around losing ground slowly over time as we run from area to area.

I don't think certain characters are blessed with faster run speeds.

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