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i'm rhys, i'm not quite 30, and i've just managed to get the game sorted out. i'm having a blast so far...

been playing about 4 hours when i stumbled upon my first group of semi-friendly players...i was prone in a bush trying to find my way into a house when they blazed into town causing a ruckus. they definitely blew my cover, and two of them were going to protect me, one of them kept going on about taking me hostage, and one of them blew my brains out...in the middle of trying to defend a house that was being overrun. hillarious situation :D

either way, i'm interested in finding some people to play the game with, i'm an old BF2/2142 player, absolutely love the fallout 3/NV games on hardcore and with the lone wanderer mods but always wished they were harder core and multiplayer....i'm a big fan of teamwork, and...well that's about it.

i'm going to be messaging some people looking for groups to play with, if you feel like taking on a complete nub to hang around with you, feel free to send me a message!

edit; fwiw i'm playing in the -7 timezone.

Edited by tigerpr0n

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Hello everyone!

I'm Majkman and I just found out about this game.

I have played a couple of hours and I just love the type of survivaltype of game this is!(Thanks Rocket!)

My name in-game is Rolf Shotgun.

Hope to catch up in-game soon!:)

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I'm Ivan and go by Argentino0 in game. I'm from Las Vegas NV and currently in the US Air Force. I been playing dayZ for about 2 weeks now and I still feel like a noob. I recently started playing with a friend that i met on a different game and trying to teach her everything about dayZ is not easy. We are peaceful but when it comes to finding other players we come across to many that are out to just kill making us very weary about killing others that come across. I'm looking to find at least one or two person to join our group in our quest of zombie killing and finding vehicles. Would be nice to find someone patient and mature who just likes to play for the fun rather than skill. If interested send me a message!

Also please be on the west coast. We usually play around 5 30 pm to whenever we get tired.

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Hi, name's Evinyl.

Got DayZ a while ago, just started playing again. Fairly decent at surviving and scavenging. Have quite a few zombie and bandit kills under my belt (Don't shoot at me if you can't aim.)

Pretty fun game so far, always looking for new people to play with.

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hello i am the HighwaytotheDangerzone if you see me or my bud jebus we are frendly.

but you will have to say so or we or i are likely to shoot you .

as we have been murderd alot by people that we have assumed to be friendly.

see you around.

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Name: Rabid

Status: On-Duty

Rank: undetermined

Position: Scavenger,mechanic

Enlistment Date: july 20 2012

Retired: No

Gender: Male

Age: aprox 40

Race: Human

Birthplace: Mountains region unknown

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Green

Physical Build: Could use a meal and bath(but so does everyone)

Education: Top of class nascar "mech-a-nicin'" as says, used to runa family barbeque house(miss dem ribs),Various schools, some

college, once read a pile of books in a library during the first months of zombie reign.

Service Record & Events of Note:Found and fully refitted, atv, motorcycle, civilian truck v3s(guy headshot me as i finished

adjusting the rearview), Rescued many people from various points of map in orderlytime, cooks a mean bistro pastrami ala goat

Reprimand - none

Promotions: waiting please load....

.... etc etc

Awards & Reprimands:

Died in the service of non-bandito'ism, once accidentally shot someone whom appeared threatening, bandaged, morphine, painkillers, and blood transfusioned them while making them a bowl of saucey bbq beans and chilled coke. Apologized."Sorry man, i just just twitched when yer gun went up all at me n stuff."

Psychological Profile: Fiercely loyal, Honorable,and willing to put in the extra mile to make things work. Does Not handle threats

well. Psychotic behavior torwards any hostile force imagined or hinted will result in violence. Suggest medication and perhaps a

pictures of kittens.

Other: Attends he has a sense of humor.

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Hi all,

I am Tjerk de Vries, ingame known as theexterminator.

I lm still new to day z and i want to team up with some people. I live in the netherlands

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I'm Ricco, same name ingame, i love surviving in the woods where no one can kill me. be warned, if you come too close I will shoot without any hesitation.

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Hiya! My name's Dani. I'm relatively new to DayZ and I only have 1 friend who plays so I'm always looking to team up with people.

I am a FEMALE GAMER. Gasp, I know.

But that most certainly does not mean I'm good. I play the game for enjoyment, not to beat any world records.

So if you ever want to casually play, hit me up :)

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Hello my name is Sam, but people call me Hammond.

New to DayZ, loving it so far but looking to play with some other people. Got a few mates on with me but they're not always on as late as me.

Living in the UK, but I'm usually on later, so I can play among European and American servers, not the best player but by far not the worst. Looking to team up with anyone really, just to make my time on DayZ more enjoyable. I have team speak and Skype. So give us a shout

Skype: Hammondd.

Steam: Shammondd

Teamspeak nickname: Hammondd

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Hiya! My name's Dani. I'm relatively new to DayZ and I only have 1 friend who plays so I'm always looking to team up with people.

I am a FEMALE GAMER. Gasp, I know.

But that most certainly does not mean I'm good. I play the game for enjoyment, not to beat any world records.

So if you ever want to casually play, hit me up :)

I'm usually up north, if u ever gonna go up north, add me on skype :D ricco-ng

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My name is Chris but everyone that knows me either call me chris, big dog, or lumpy (which I use for dayz). I live in wisc. and always down for meeting new people to game with. If your'e down with forming a group and shooting the bull while living, send me a line cause if I'm not gaming on my pc, then i am on my xbox 360 or ps3.

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Mick here, (ACiD in game, akatinacid on steam and acid.mandrews skype) 31 yrs old love this mod, always looking for people to join up with hit me up, i play across AUS, NZ and US servers (depending on what time of day it is :D

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Hey guys, couple weeks in to this game, fantastic mod! in game name is OMG!THEPOPE! as well, looking for other survivors to go hunt down some bandits. I have team speak and I work rotating shifts so I am on at all times of the day.

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Greetings to fellow Survivors!

My humble person hiding under name of Dalegor Dobrutro. What can be translate most simple into english as: "This one who defend from conflagration and herald better future".

I must be total stupid or I just like challange to play as survivor, because playing as bandit or shooting anything at sight is good for easy-mode players. Regards and good luck brothers!

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Hello everyone!

I'm Koen, 18 years young. I recently started playing DayZ, and am looking for some people to team up with. I hail from the Netherlands so I primarily try to play on UK/EU servers since those have the lowest ping. US servers end me up with pings over 150 which is unplayable to me haha. I'd prefer to use Skype for communication, although I have experience with TS/ventrilo (just don't have them installed anymore).

I come from a long history of Quake 3, Counterstrike 1.6 and COD4 and this is a welcome change for me! I love the game, and I'm sure it would be a lot better if there were some people to talk to. Hit me up on skype: "koendercksen", or Steam "koenpowner" (I was 12... cut me some slack :P) . See you in Chernarus!

Edited by Koen37

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Hello everyone,

I've been playing for a little less than a week now and I have only been playing solo. The game seems pretty cool, even though I've only seen like 5% of the map. If anyone is bored and wants to group up for a little while later on tonight that would be great. I'll be checking back soon.

Until then, survive.

Edit: I just logged in and not 3 minutes after I found a compass I was teleported several thousand feet into the air and fell to my death. So I'll be starting over....

Edited by resolent
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Hello everyone;

Sam here, I've been playing DAYZ for a couple of days now. I've died once, silly trusting people. I'm still finding it hard to navigate. I'm pretty active on it, so if anyone would like to drop by. Feel free to PM me. :)

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Whats going on guys, the names Eddie but in game I go by Da' Jesus, this game is amazing hands down my favorite of all time. Hope to see you all!!! (not in a bad/dead way though) :D

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Allo Allo,

Nice to meet ya'll.

Names Nicholas, im from Brazil and been playing for a few days now...

So... thats it! xD

Hope to see some of you in game! :D

Kind Regards,


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Ryan 'ere, ingame name is Nightshade, i'm from the Channel Islands, the British ones that is.

I tend to hang around on EU servers between the hours of about 6am - 11pm, the first place i'll go to are General Stores, as I had brilliant luck with one earlier today when I found a revolver, a winchester, an alice pack, a tent and alot of food and drinks, all in one spawn.

It's a pleasure to meet you all, and that's my intro.

Edited by Simple Epicness

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Hello my name is Voyevoda, I travel with two other guys back and forth between the coast. We are quite friendly so if you need some help drop us a line. We play on AUS/NZ/SG servers and will probably be out of commission tomorrow because two of us got shot by a bandit sniper. But if you are close to us and need help like medical attention we are glad to make the journey. Usually in bandit territory looking for unoccupied settlements that bandits have set up. Drop us a line.


Edited by Voyevoda

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