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whats with punishing bandits?

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lol yeah i wouldnt want to stand in the way of your fantasy of being a massmurderer...

Look, any and all respect for your ideas went out the window when you pretty much suggested spontaneous bleeding when you kill someone who isn't labeled a bandit, even if it was in self defense.

But no, we need ways to penalize bandits. Because there's no other way to solve this "bandit epidemic" we have. Nothing at all we can do in game to break the shoot-on-sight mentality like, say, introducing cooperation mechanics that would incentivize people to work together instead of causing a bloodbath. Nope, nothing at all that I can think of.

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The only issue iv been running into that "bugs" me about pvp is this:

I spend time gearing myself out and my two buddies i roll with. We watch for others and if we run into another player we ask each other if he looks like he could be a threat and or has better stuff then us.

We scout known Hot spots. Move in the darkness of night. Have over watch. And all of it is in vein because the last 10 or so deaths i have had were from Server hopping snipers looking for quick kills Or going from 12000 blood to -17000 without anyone hearing a shot and no matter how long my buddies wait hidden watching my body only for no one to come gets annoying.

I cant claim cheaters on the random deaths by some unheard and unseen force because i have no idea what happened.

I cant claim that server hopping snipers are cheating or exploiting because hey the sniper is right i didnt look where he spawned in at when he did after i thought it was clear to move in.

How do i combat this?

No idea.

My ideas are that if i move around the map on a server that if i switch to another server i should be on the beach again (with all my loot) but not where i left off on my home server.

Edited by Johnny 5

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Ok so i am having a hard time understanding why so many people want measures to punish bandits...... i see no justification for their attitude and feel that they are simple butthurt and need to get over it, anyone knows that in a world like this going to a once heavily populated place would be an incredibly high risk, zombies, bandits animals and disease and injury would all hinder you in such an environment, i worked long and hard to get myself self sufficient in game and find my way to the random heli crashes and so on to gear up to take on the elements and players and zombies. i will quite frequently camp cherno and wait for retards to stop to loot things then insert a 50. cal shot into their behind. i will then wait creep down and take the medical supplies they took from the hospital and head back out on my way again. its survival of the fittest, anyone who cries about campers in COD, Battlefield or any other game need forget all that shit when they play DayZ none of us "bandits" are going to change our habits, you simply need to adapt to the environment.

can I get your address and we will see survival of the fittest... but really whats the point in killing players that are no threat to you and offer you no supplies, other than you want to live out your cunt fantasy.

Edited by Orthus

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The best solution at this point is to make the environment more deadly. More zombies, harder zombies, etc. Right now bandits run rampant because they can survive alone & are bored. If the environment FORCED you to cooperate with others to survive, you would. Right now, zombies are a afterthought & hardly a threat. Just today, new character killed 57 zombies with hatchet like nothing. They either need better AI, have some new mechanics or something.

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Look, any and all respect for your ideas went out the window when you pretty much suggested spontaneous bleeding when you kill someone who isn't labeled a bandit, even if it was in self defense.

But no, we need ways to penalize bandits. Because there's no other way to solve this "bandit epidemic" we have. Nothing at all we can do in game to break the shoot-on-sight mentality like, say, introducing cooperation mechanics that would incentivize people to work together instead of causing a bloodbath. Nope, nothing at all that I can think of.

sorry for the double post but really bandits will just game the co-op mechanics and still kill on sight.

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To clarify to anybody in this thread who's been easily persuaded by people like LumberBack, not all of us just kill randoms. If I can see you don't have a weapon, I'm not gonna open up on you. But if you even have a Makarov, it only takes one bullet to put me out of commission. So if you don't want me to kill you, just carry your flashlight. I can't vouch for anybody in game, but if you'd like to be indefinitely safer against one guy, versus potentially safer against nobody, that's your option.

Or, you could just gang up with an LFG on the Survivor's HQ. I can't speak for my group, but if there are more than three or four of you, I'm not going to just open fire. That's just too much crossfire for my liking personally.

There are tons of ways to improve your likelihood of living in this game. You just gotta think outside the box to figure them out.

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sorry for the double post but really bandits will just game the co-op mechanics and still kill on sight.

And? You think we're still gonna open up on a group of six or so survivors, especially if we're going lone wolf? That's fucking suicide.

At least getting groups together will give spawnees a better chance of survival. Better than they've got now, at least.

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The best solution at this point is to make the environment more deadly. More zombies, harder zombies, etc. Right now bandits run rampant because they can survive alone & are bored. If the environment FORCED you to cooperate with others to survive, you would. Right now, zombies are a afterthought & hardly a threat. Just today, new character killed 57 zombies with hatchet like nothing. They either need better AI, have some new mechanics or something.

I say make zombies spawn by tent cities.

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I fail to see why there should be any advantages or disadvantages to killing players. It's a game. Why are people taking it so seriously?

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After having been a friendly since I started I have recently taken to hanging with a bandit group of Beanditos. To all those killed, it's just a game. If nothing else we are testing the PVP aspects. When the game releases and nothing has changed, then you can whine.

the pvp aspect is finished because its directly from arma 2 and needs no testing.

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the pvp aspect is finished because its directly from arma 2 and needs no testing.

too true, the only thing that needs testing, is the survival part, and the pvpers could care less about that...

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I actually did an experiment to see how people react to an UNARMED person.

I would spawn, raid the hospital for med supplies, then go around looking for players and offering medical assistance whilst unarmed. The first player I found was a newly spawned person who had nothing and ran away from me. Then I would start getting shot at near the beach as I went into town.

The second person I met at elecktro, firestation. I climbed the ladder saying hi and clearly making myself visible to show I was unarmed and the guy started shooting at me with his ak74u. I backed away, hid in a corner and bandaged myself and stayed there for about a minute or 2. Then I thought I'd move on to find the next player. As I was moving back to the ladder he was there camping it and shot me on sight. So, 1 /COD kiddy/.

I continued for a few hours, running from a couple people shooting at me and said hi to a couple others who moved on quickly. Met another person in cherno's construction site, "befriended" and raided places together. He had a hatchet I had a makarov. We were raiding the apartments then a bandit claiming to be friendly came up to us, said hi. Then started to open fire on my newly found hatchet friend who was scavenging around. He bled to death and I got shot in the head and died instantly.

But I did find 1 person who actually needed a blood transfusion. Still my unarmed self. I gave him some blood, we spoke for a while, he said he probably might have shot me if he didn't need blood. Even met up with the "befriended" player again. So there was 3 of us running around and we looted ROG. Was a nice way to end the night.

Sooo yeah...something needs to be done with bandits. Just people randomly killing, even unarmed players.

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It is one thing to kill players to loot them for gear or they threaten you.

It is another thing when all you do is grief players by just killing them with no intention of looting or just camping on the coast just to take out newly spawning players that are completely defenseless. Or even just to kill players only.

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Point is people need to stop being pussies, games with full kit respawns are out there for all you whiney bitches so off you go. you get shot regardless of the persons agenda or motive you live with it, yeah cherno and elektro suck, dont go there its a pretty easy lesson to learn i only went there twice before i never went again, its easy to play and avoid those places. you cant blame the bandits who shoot you, there have been many situations where i have shot randoms with no kit cos they are headed my way and i dont want them hanging around and dont want them going near my gear, as i dont trust them thats not malicious its smart.

there is no sense in punishing anyone for doing anything in this game unless they are directly cheating, using wallhacks or spawning items for themselves, also all the rhetoric about finding hacked weapons..... i say they should be more than allowed. if u find it its yours, if you spawn it in then BE will get you.... having a fucking rage over someone killing you and acting all butthurt is pathetic.

it is dog eat dog, and it is brutal and its supposed to be, its not hello kitty island adventures its a brutal horrific zombie apocalypse. man up wusses.

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I say make zombies spawn by tent cities.

jealous of tent cities?!?

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can I get your address and we will see survival of the fittest... but really whats the point in killing players that are no threat to you and offer you no supplies, other than you want to live out your cunt fantasy.

lol someone must have blown your head off a few times by now you seem rather vindictive, making threats to anonymous people on forums, so tough lol.

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You can't punish Bandits that are playing the game how it is supposed to be played (like killing players for their loot).

Then you will argue that they are killing for fun. Well now your talking about griefers not Bandits! :rolleyes:

Edited by BossFi

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jealous of tent cities?!?

No but it would make having them more risky besides players finding them

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I think that for "punishing bandits" most of brain-using players think about punishing those camping 24/7 a place just to snipe for sport.

I approve any bandit behavior but sniping for sport is not my ideal of a survival zombie apocalypse game.

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Only thing that would help is to make a penalty system for killing a player that has no food, water and weapons on them. I understand killing other players for their loot, but killing unarmed defenceless people just for pure laughs, you go play Postal for something like that (i've seen one too many people quit dayz because they got killed a lot of times by people who camp coast spawns)

I myself will shoot an armed person apporaching me without words, but if i see you from afar, i'll just avoid you.

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No but it would make having them more risky besides players finding them

sorry but that is close to the single most retarded suggestion i have encountered

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Only thing that would help is to make a penalty system for killing a player that has no food, water and weapons on them. I understand killing other players for their loot, but killing unarmed defenceless people just for pure laughs, you go play Postal for something like that (i've seen one too many people quit dayz because they got killed a lot of times by people who camp coast spawns)

I myself will shoot an armed person apporaching me without words, but if i see you from afar, i'll just avoid you.

thats retarded man, many times i have given overwatch for my friends when they have needed blood and shit from cherno and elektro, there have been unidentified bogies in town so i have shot them from like 800-1200 meters away and like i have any idea whether or not they are kitted out, im certainly not going to wait for them to kill my friends before i shoot, your suggestion like so many others is void pointless and retarded sorry.

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Another clone thread, rocket has stated he will not be punishing banditry. Also this thread will go downhill pretty fast.

If you feel this should be unlocked or have a problem with this, PM me.

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