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Has to be one of the funniest moments...

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Ok guys.. I was leaving Stary heading towards the NW Airfield to attempt some sniping and possibly loot some supplies. As I started enter from the northern side of the Airfield I notice a group of two bandits moving in slowly behind the hangers. Well i've been on a great run with my lovely AS50 .50 Cal so I setup in a hurry to take a shot at the one wearing camo and seeing he had the DMR sniper rifle. Guessing I was roughly 100-200ish meters behind them near woodlines zoomed in on the guy decked out in camo, and soon as I saw him go into prone I took my shot!! Was rewarded with blood blowing out his side, first shot first kill. Soon! as I blasted the camo guy his friend dashed towards the back entrance of the fire station. Actually didn't move for a min or really attempt to take a shot at him being so surprised he didn't just log out on me like most.. After a short delay on my end I sprinted towards the fire station as well pulling out my G17 for some close combat, and I reached the back side of the station eyeing the door leading in as well as the tower of the station not seeing any movement. Crouched walked slowly lock in with my iron sights towards the door he entered min to secs before. BAM! A smoke grenade comes flying out the door way hitting almost on top of me.. White smoke fills the entrance of the fire station. I quickly back up and shut the door leading in. Now here comes the EPIC part! I mean maybe 20secs top after I shut the door filled with white smoke I hear an explosion inside.. Then I read across the screen at left corner fuzzymike was killed.. LOL! This poor bastard grenade himself when I closed the door filled in his own damn smoke grenade.

May not be the funniest moment in the game but has to be damn close! Wish I had a video for you guys!

Thought I would share! Enjoy! ;)

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Lol, the guy you took out first must've been angry when his teammate told him he died, and how! ;)

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i think it was like you shoot him and he decide to die of his own grenade and not giving the kill to you :D

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Sad truth :( We cornered a guy in one of the houseblocks at Berezino. Forced him to hide in one fo the rooms. Stalemate... First to show in a doorway dies. So our fella decided to throw a grenade inside. I dashed down by the stairs safely and our partner didnt make it in time. Wasted by his own grenade. And the guy we fought with... He logged :(

At least this story have a good ending :)

Edited by Jimmy Rustlers

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Sad truth :( We cornered a guy in one of the houseblocks at Berezino. Forced him to hide in one fo the rooms. Stalemate... First to show in a doorway dies. So our fella decided to throw a grenade inside. I dashed down by the stairs safely and our partner didnt make it in time. Wasted by his own grenade. And the guy we fought with... He logged :(

At least this story have a good ending :)

So the guy you were fighting tossed a grenade and then instantly logged out? Wow, what a weakling.

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Lol, that guy must feel awful now.

Bet he's facepalming himself while reading this topic. xD

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Funny stuff, Still not got the hang of the frag aiming system and its almost as dangerous for me to use them as it is for the guy recieving them

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