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Bandit punishment / Survivor rewards

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If I recall in rockets latest interview, he stated that he will not be punishing banditry. Though I am not sure of your ideas... You never know.

^ this.

Also, shouldn't this be in a different forum?

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PvP as it is ingame is fine at the moment, the problem is there's no incentive to do anything but murder. In all honesty i don't think adding penalties for banditry will ever solve anything, since these penalties would be almost impossible to reasonably offset the potential gains of murdering somebody with decent gear who's distracted and grabbing all their stuff. The issue currently is that the benefits of teaming up with that person you just met aren't enough to offset the risks of an unknown player being with you. We need something to encourage teamwork that will be sufficiently beneficial that players are willing to team up if they meet early on but that won't hamper the bandit playstyle for those too greedy/cowardly to do anything but sit on a hill with a rifle and wait for somebody else to do the work for them. As i recall rocket has mentioned that he is working on ways to encourage group play some more.

The only pvp related change i would want is an extension of the shock mechanics such that firing at another player or being fired at by another player (even if the shot missed, say a bullet passes within distance X of you) causes shock or a similar debuff so that if either player alt-f4s out like a coward before the debuff ends they get a lengthy stun the next time they log in, think 10 minutes maybe more incapacitated and preferably this could not be countered by having a friendly player show up with an epi-pen. Supplement with something similar to the system that was tried before where your body persists for a time after you disconnect, alt-f4 will no longer guarantee survival and even if you do make it out alive you still recieve a punishment for taking the coward's way out. Some people may think that is too unrealistic for a "hardcore survival simulator with occasionally threatening zombies" such as this but let's be honest, it's a damn sight more realistic than snipers who can fire then will themselves into an alternate plane of reality reposition themselves and will them selves back into our dimension for a follow up shot.

Rocket specificaly stated that he was not going to punish either playstyle, the game's primary focus was, and always will be PvP.

Answering the 2nd first(and easier option)

if PvP really is the primary focus, then I simply resign my idea and all I can say is the game is just fine is with how it is.

Despite what he said though, I have a feeling it isn't PvP, rather PvP just absolutely dominating the scene.

For the bigger first reply, there is just too much info there clamped into two paragraphs but you're right about the penalties not offsetting the reward, in fact I think that would be obvious but it WOULD give bandits a bigger thrill as they are risking more for each kill.


As for the shock factor kicking in despite missing, I feel its kind of irrelevant but if not continue on/or message me.

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Despite what he said though, I have a feeling it isn't PvP, rather PvP just absolutely dominating the scene.

Wait... what? So you're saying Rocket's vision for his own mod is....wrong?

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Wait... what? So you're saying Rocket's vision for his own mod is....wrong?

Hell no, its just my opinion on the current status of the game, not his vision.

and PvP is not a bad thing. It is his game, do what he will, nothing more I post in this thread is just an opinion and unrefined ideas which I wouldn't count as suggestions in the slightest.

Edited by Red_Sky

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This is a moot point. Rocket has stated that banditry is not going to be punished.

Yes I know. treat this thread as a "what if he never said that" if helps you sleep at night.

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I read this account on an internal server (group's name changed just because). They did this around May or before hence the humanity hit reference:

" today i learned that you can drag people who are knocked out, Another <member of my group/clan> and i shot dudes in the legs banaged them dragged them to a city then shot a rifle to draw all the zombies out and they murdered a dude. ;)


People will always find a way to get around mechanics that punish them if they want to bad enough. Anyways, the point is entirely moot since this isn't going to be implemented.

Edited by kareesmoon

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Yes I know. treat this thread as a "what if he never said that" if helps you sleep at night.

Sure, but he did say that, and this is his mod/game so our discussions here are pointless in every way because unless you or someone else in this thread is planning on modiyng DayZ towards more co-op play (which someone already has and Rocket himself has mentioned it) then there' no point to have the discussion. So lets repeat this again, PvP is a huge part of this game, co-operative play is a huge part of this game, it's not a deathmatch because if it were someone would hit a special number and the game would end and a new one would begin. The only beginning and end in DayZ is the time you spawn and the time you die and each time you begin anew you are beginning a new adventure and story. Will you meet that bandit that kills you? The survivor that shoots you on sight? Or the literally countless other possible encounters that are born of player interaction?

Your thread title literally goes against the very core concept for DayZ and your suggestions destory any possibility for balance. Think about it for a second, becuase not everyone plays the exact same way every life, day to day or even hour to hour. Your assumptions on the kind of person someone is based on the way they play is off. I for instance love interacting with other players, I've had to murder a lot as well if only for my own safety and other times in self defense. I generally do not go out of my way to kill players that are worse off than me however and have even gone so far as to help players who are. So lets say your suggestions are put unto place. I loot my way up the the NW Airfield and I don't kill anyone. I collect myself some nice guns, then I get shot and killed. So I spawn with three of my best itmes or three items of my choosing (I'm not a hundred percent sure if either of this features are prodivded by ArmA or can be easily modded into the game by Rocket), for the sake of simplicty because you did not outline how the best items would be chosen by the game I decide to take my favorite primary or secondary weapon and two clips for it.

Now we have an inbalance on the coast. Not only that but it's very easy to tell who was doing lots of murdering in their past life and who wasn't based on who's carrying weapons off the spawn and who's not. Any person could loot their way to the NW Airfield and do this, respawning on the beach with more than enough firepower to kill off freshly spawned players who don't have anything and the incentive to kill off the players that do because they actually have something worth taking. I gotta say I really don't like this idea and I think I'vre provided sufficient reason as to why.

Edited by Killlg
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Rocket will never punish bandits. Like it or not we need them, the game just wouldnt work otherwise.

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Sure, but he did say that, and this is his mod/game so our discussions here are pointless in every way because unless you or someone else in this thread is planning on modiyng DayZ towards more co-op play (which someone already has and Rocket himself has mentioned it) then there' no point to have the discussion. So lets repeat this again, PvP is a huge part of this game, co-operative play is a huge part of this game, it's not a deathmatch because if it were someone would hit a special number and the game would end and a new one would begin. The only beginning and end in DayZ is the time you spawn and the time you die and each time you begin anew you are beginning a new adventure and story. Will you meet that bandit that kills you? The survivor that shoots you on sight? Or the literally countless other possible encounters that are born of player interaction?

Your thread title literally goes against the very core concept for DayZ and your suggestions destory any possibility for balance. Think about it for a second, becuase not everyone plays the exact same way every life, day to day or even hour to hour. Your assumptions on the kind of person someone is based on the way they play is off. I for instance love interacting with other players, I've had to murder a lot as well if only for my own safety and other times in self defense. I generally do not go out of my way to kill players that are worse off than me however and have even gone so far as to help players who are. So lets say your suggestions are put unto place. I loot my way up the the NW Airfield and I don't kill anyone. I collect myself some nice guns, then I get shot and killed. So I spawn with three of my best itmes or three items of my choosing (I'm not a hundred percent sure if either of this features are prodivded by ArmA or can be easily modded into the game by Rocket), for the sake of simplicty because you did not outline how the best items would be chosen by the game I decide to take my favorite primary or secondary weapon and two clips for it.

Now we have an inbalance on the coast. Not only that but it's very easy to tell who was doing lots of murdering in their past life and who wasn't based on who's carrying weapons off the spawn and who's not. Any person could loot their way to the NW Airfield and do this, respawning on the beach with more than enough firepower to kill off freshly spawned players who don't have anything and the incentive to kill off the players that do because they actually have something worth taking. I gotta say I really don't like this idea and I think I'vre provided sufficient reason as to why.

You got me there on both counts, but perhaps Rocket may change his mind in the future, or I just like talking about it (Which is probably why I'm not playing atm)

I realized the 3 item spawn was a bad idea and I think I withdraw that idea in a post on the first page.

But for the last few sentences on your first paragraph, I can co op, kill/be killed or countless other possibilities.

I'm not disagreeing with the countless possibilities, it is Arma II after all. but would you say that the chance of those possibilities have been decreased with what I would say, unnatural paranoia, even for one such as DayZ.

Rocket will never punish bandits. Like it or not we need them, the game just wouldnt work otherwise.

Did I say to remove bandits? I am a bandit.

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You got me there on both counts, but perhaps Rocket may change his mind in the future, or I just like talking about it (Which is probably why I'm not playing atm)

I realized the 3 item spawn was a bad idea and I think I withdraw that idea in a post on the first page.

But for the last few sentences on your first paragraph, I can co op, kill/be killed or countless other possibilities.

I'm not disagreeing with the countless possibilities, it is Arma II after all. but would you say that the chance of those possibilities have been decreased with what I would say, unnatural paranoia, even for one such as DayZ.

Did I say to remove bandits? I am a bandit.

Unnaturaly paranoia? It is supposed to be an apocalypse right? One where there are zombie like creatures and you could reasonably suspect any stranger of being infected with a single cough. The entire game is based on tense situations resutling from player interaction. I'd say what might normally be considered unnatural paranoia would be perfectly reasonable under such circumstances. Rocket has alreayd stated that he wants to encourage cooperative play, not that I think he really needs to. In order to get a vehicle properly running it takes several parts that take up multiple slots in bags. I couldn't ever imagine repairing a freshly spawned vehicle on my own without the aid of other players. Sure, it's very difficult to find a player who won't simply shoot you on sight, yet I've found several of them and some of them I've killed. Others I've helped and others still I've walked away from as they ask if i'd like to team up with them and I do this simply because I don't trust them. The uncertainty of player interaction is too much fun and as time wears on I'm certain Rocket will implement mechanics or features that bring players together.

In the mean time I think if you don't already have a group of friends to pal around with join a clan, forum, any sort of group of people who want to play together. It lessens the threat of bandits and those who shoot on sight immensly.

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There should be no reason to punish bandits, but I'd like to see more incentives for being a survivor and working with other players. I'm in no way against PvP and enjoy that aspect of the game, but it seems pointless not to shoot someone you don't know on sight. People are quick to say, "In real life it would be survival of the fittest derp." Well, sure, but in real life you wouldn't have the chance to restart if you get shot and killed. There's no reason not to player kill because even if you get killed yourself, you start over, get new gear and hunt down whoever killed you. Player killers in DayZ right now have nothing to fear.

Perhaps there could be something implemented into the game where groups traveling together have their water and food meters deplete slower, whereas those traveling alone deplete faster. That way bandits now would have a reason to kill (get food that they would otherwise go through quicker) and those working together have a reason because then they don't need to find 8 cans of beans just to get through an hour.

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\" today i learned that you can drag people who are knocked out, Another <member of my group/clan> and i shot dudes in the legs banaged them dragged them to a city then shot a rifle to draw all the zombies out and they murdered a dude. ;)



Lol I have to try that. Adding it to my things-to-do-while-not-dying-doing-it list.

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A dying man needs to die, as a sleepy man needs to sleep, and there comes a time when it is wrong, as well as useless, to resist.

Stewart Alsop

Edited by bonsai

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