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You know you play DayZ too much...

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When you pack an emergency kit, so you have more than just bandages and asprin when the real apocalypse happens.

Edited by bad_mojo

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when you read in news about crashed heli - first thing what comes in mind is you need to go and loot it :) - that was yesterday :)

from skype:

[12.07.2012 23:47:56] V3C1C: http://www.tvnet.lv/zinas/kriminalzinas/428912-riebinu_novada_avarejis_helikopters

[12.07.2012 23:48:19] Onka: loot

[12.07.2012 23:48:20] V3C1C: heli crash saite (y) \o/ (beer)

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When seeing a Mountain Dew in real life gets you exchited.

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When you eat canned goods cold, from the can, without a spoon.

When you forget that loot does not respawn in your pantry.

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Yesterday I purchased a hunting knife, a water can, and some waterproof matches and a machete for cutting wood =D

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When seeing a Mountain Dew in real life gets you exchited.

This. This a hundred times.

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u played dayz to much..when u buy yourself a ghillie suit and prone around the fields...

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Does everyone here have to be a dumb fucking kid that jokes about serious conditions that impact millions of lives daily?

You're a fucking piece of shit.

lol 9/11, cancer, AIDS, famine, genocide lololol

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When you see another human being IRL for the first time in five days and the first thought that pops into your head is: "Oooh, survivor!"

(Happened to me yesterday.)

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When you eat canned goods cold, from the can, without a spoon.

I um.. may have had this for lunch today...


(They're actually really good, just kind of expensive around here)

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When you wake up, realizing that you dreamt that your dayZ character was killed by a sniper

When you wake up, realizing that you dreamt that your Dayz character just sniped a survivor.

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Basically, I have barns near me that look pretty much EXACTLY like the longbarns in-game, and I always have that inclination to check it...

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When you salute to random people you see on the road.

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When you see someone with a big backpack and yell "friendly!" at them, only to sucker punch them and steal their backpack

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u know u played to much dayz when ur walking in the park and u see some1 u go prone and start stalking them

I keep hearing the sound you make when going prone in a forest as soon as I read or hear the word...

Oh, yeah, you know you played too much when you associate common words with the corresponding sound-effect in DayZ.

Or when you try to visualize a RL scenery and are unable to not use textures and/or models from of DayZ.

When you see another human being IRL for the first time in five days and the first thought that pops into your head is: "Oooh, survivor!"

(Happened to me yesterday.)

Thanks, I am not alone in not seeing other humans in RL for several days or even over a week.

when you wake up still holding down w :S

Steam overlay = autorun. I have fallen asleep I think twice while traveling (once on a bicycle and once when crawling with broken bones). To be fair, though, I really wanted to find a good place for my bicycle and I was not in a good area... I really liked that bicycle. I think it was my second one, out of like 4. That alone is an indication of time spent...

Edited by Athrins

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I wear a wireless headset and just had a special moment:

I went prone, went to the head, and just as the first drops of spent beer hit the porcelain, it started raining in-game, and I thought....synchronicity.

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When I see a guy walking down the street and I ducked behind a fence and shouted, "FRIEND OR FOE?", then thought "wait, this isn't my computer."

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When you go for a walk outside and this is all your brain wants to see


Edited by Alpo

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