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I Can't even Play this game!!!

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What's up with everyone shooting the living? they set back up in the woods are where ever and shoot you!! I Been to chernogorsk twice out of 20 tries because people lay and wait and shoot you! It just ruins the experience of this game and makes me not want to play any more, because there is no point.


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Umad? no in all seriousness, if you get upset from dying some from bandits like my self, you wont enjoy this game, you can probably move on.

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You will end up getting killed a lot in the major cities. Head towards Electro instead of Cherno if you keep dying there, or head to Balota Airfield. If you don't know where any of these places are just google "DayZ Map" and it should have a link for a map.

If you dying and losing your gear is too much for you then you might as well not play this mod, because it'll never be at a reasonable ratio, there will always be more people killing on sight then there will be actual survivors.

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This is a realistsic zombie survival, put up with it. Think about it, people would kill other people in a zombie apocalypse. There is almost no trust between people, ITS THE APOCALYPSE. Of course people are going to kill people.

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I Been to chernogorsk twice out of 20 tries because people lay and wait and shoot you!

Insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results.

If going to Chernogorsk has resulted in your untimely, frustrating death twenty consecutive times, perhaps you ought to sit down for a fucking second and think about whether going to Chernogorsk is a particularly good idea?

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If you want to play it super safe, use an online map and just find resources and weaponry in deer stands or other smaller towns. Big cities are about high risk and high reward. I really only bother going to them when I'm just starting out a new play through and can afford that risk.

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It totally unrealistic to even be killed on-sight like this. I'm not even making in to the "big city" and i'm being killed. Everyone is killing everyone, there is no RP evolved. A bandit is a robber belonging to a gang and typically operating in an isolated areas. I've been robbed once, i lay on the ground a dropped my flash light as they asked and they went on their marry way. This is okay, it just makes it more realistic. What's unrealistic is just about everyone is just shooting other people from a distance and not even robbing them, this isn't a bandit, this is someone with nothing better to do than ruin the zombie survival experience for every one else. Hell, i would prefer them to rob me first, than shot me.. it would be more realistic, because he's wanting something from me and when he gets what he wants than he shoots me because he can't take the chance for me getting to get back up and causing harm to him.

I'm sorry, but laying and waiting off in a distance and shooting someone for the hell of it is unrealistic and not fun, especially when you cant even get started.

Let me ask you this, if some major disaster were to happen that stops the world in it's tracks, would you just go out and start killing people for no good reason?

Also, think you for the tips about the deer stands and everything else.

Edited by cjones636

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It totally unrealistic to even be killed on-sight like this. I'm not even making in to the "big city" and i'm being killed. Everyone is killing everyone, there is no RP evolved.

RP evovled? i'm sorry but you really seem like you have 'no' skill with stealth, try being abit more tacticfull when you enter a city, you can avoid combat all together if your good at it. If you stop to RP, you die.

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I'm sorry, but laying and waiting off in a distance and shooting someone for the hell off it is unrealistic and not fun, especially when you cant even get started.

I understand. Maybe later a solution will arise. Until then, do something more fun. Sorry you're having a bad time.

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I understand. Maybe later a solution will arise. Until then, do something more fun. Sorry you're having a bad time.

Your posts incomparsion of mine kinda makes me feel like i'm being a jerk xD

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It totally unrealistic to even be killed on-sight like this. I'm not even making in to the "big city" and i'm being killed. Everyone is killing everyone, there is no RP evolved. A bandit is a robber belonging to a gang and typically operating in an isolated areas. I've been robbed once, i lay on the ground a dropped my flash light as they asked and they went on their marry way. This is okay, it just makes it more realistic. What's unrealistic is just about everyone is just shooting other people from a distance and not even robbing them, this isn't a bandit, this is someone with nothing better to do than ruin the zombie survival experience for every one else. Hell, i would prefer them to rob me first, than shot me.. it would be more realistic, because he's wanting something from me and when he gets what he wants than he shoots me because he can't take the chance for me getting to get back up and causing harm to him.

I'm sorry, but laying and waiting off in a distance and shooting someone for the hell off it is unrealistic and not fun, especially when you cant even get started.

Let me ask you this, if some major disaster were to happen that stops the world in it's tracks, would you just go out and start killing people for know good reason?

If you spend any amount of time on this forum you will come to realise 95% of the "community" are assholes, the world has gone to shit in the game so its kill on sight.

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Just go into the hills around Cherno and live off snipers. They will be looking the other way; just sneak up real quietly, open their ALICE packs, take out whatever gun is inside, and kill them with it.

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RP evovled? i'm sorry but you really seem like you have 'no' skill with stealth, try being abit more tacticfull when you enter a city, you can avoid combat all together if your good at it. If you stop to RP, you die.

Kind of hard to gain skill when you just started playing dayz 3 days ago (haven't even played arma II before) and getting killed by the living.. Never been killed by a zombie, been chased by zombies a few times, if you run up the steepest hill and zigzag up it you can loose them..

Edited by cjones636

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If you spend any amount of time on this forum you will come to realise 95% of the "community" are assholes, the world has gone to shit in the game so its kill on sight.

There is no need to kill on sight, if the person you see is keeping to himself. That's the mentality you guys have got to make it seem 'okay' to shoot some one. If a person is moving away from you, what is the reason to shoot that person? if i see a person running my direction, i hide and watch him and when he passes i move on. But it's kind of hard to hide from a person if that person is hiding and waiting, just to shoot the next person that starts to enter a building or shooting you while running away.

Edited by cjones636

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I am one of those bandits, but I will usually not kill someone who has no weapon, just seems fair. Now, if you have a weapon in your hand, fair game :P. Keep at it, also getting with a group is a good idea. I'll get a link for yeah to our groups page, if you want to join, just sign up, say Moore sent you in the app

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I'm not dying in cherno, i'm dying as i'm starting off heading to cherno. I'm dying in koma and balota.

Edited by cjones636

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Kind of hard to gain skill when you just started playing dayz 3 days ago (haven't even played arma II before) and getting killed by the living.. Never been killed by a zombie, been chased by zombies a few times, if you run up the steepest hill and zigzag up it you can loose them..

Everyone was new mate, two weeks ago today, i was in your shoes, i never really had a problem with bandits, i kept my head down.

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Noobs stay out of big cities, I am a noob and I stick to small towns and raiding tents in the woods with the only form of defence is an axe! ;)

I might goto the bright lights of the big city someday, but for now am a shadey woodsman. :D

Watch your tents guys am a coming!!! :cool:

Edited by Itchy

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Watch you tents guys am a coming!!! :cool:

Plant trap Tents, stay about 500M away, with a sniper, got it thanks :D

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I agree with you OP in the sense that these idiots on here snipe people just to frustrate players and then rationalize it by saying "it's an apocalypse". I've been sniped only one time in a month though, so actually I've heard it talked about on these forums way more than I've seen it.

But while I agree with you that being a dick by sniping people for no reason is stupid and not realistic, you have just alter your strategy and not let it bother you. I totally love every aspect of the PvP personally, and I've been careful, and even gone after these snipers myself. In fact, they are the best way to get great gear. They do all the work for you rounding it up, and if you can find their position from paying attention when they shoot they're loud ass guns, you can walk up behind them and headshot them with a makarov or a crossbow if you're skilled/lucky.

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I agree with you OP in the sense that these idiots on here snipe people just to frustrate players and then rationalize it by saying "it's an apocalypse". I've been sniped only one time in a month though, so actually I've heard it talked about on these forums way more than I've seen it.

Just to say, none of my guys will do that xD, we'll have a reason for sniping you.

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Plant trap Tents, stay about 500M away, with a sniper, got it thanks :D

I have only found about 5 tents in playing and 2 were empty, the best loot i have had off a tent

was epi pens, antibiotics, morphine and blood bags. ;)

But I will continue my search hoping one day to hit the jackpot!!! :P

Oh another TOP TIP

If you hungry get a zombie to chase you into the woods kill and loot, sometimes they have food!! :D Saved my arse today thats for sure!!

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I have only found about 5 tents in playing and 2 were empty, the best loot i have had off a tent

was epi pens, antibiotics, morphine and blood bags. ;)

But I will continue my search hoping one day to hit the jackpot!!! :P

Someone leaves there gear that far away from them, should lose it at that point anyway.

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