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Worried about DayZ's future, let's discuss.

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I dont think this game attracted the wrong people "hackers", people genreally start cheating becuase they've been killed loads or they've seen a "Cool" video and they wanna copy it, the livestreams that have been happening have not been helping becuase people want to hack more becuse they see the power and they see themselfs being the "best" even though they have cheated their way there.

I think Dayz will go far, its still early Dayz yet to say if it will fail or not becuase like the Dayz staff keep posting, the game is growing with record numbers of people connecting, it's going strong and it's being updated all the time with hotfixes and set patch days, i think it's going well it's just a shame people wanna hack a mod thats ment to be a challange

I don't think he is referring to hackers. I believe he is referring to the kids who think this is a Deathmatch game more than a survival game, and shoot anyone they see.

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Sorry I stopped reading after you said you were a HUGE fan of the zombie genre....

Apparently in DayZ they are "infected".

The mod isn't really about that anyway... It's about survival and the unpredictability of human interaction in the face of surviving in such a harsh environment.

The Zombie genre "as a whole" like I said also includes infected obviously, actually there was this movie not so long ago "Black Sheep" which was basically a Zombie movie without Zombies, they were replaced by sheep but the rest of the movie was just the same. Just like the movie "Mulberry street" is also considered a "Zombie flick" because it's not about reanimated corpses but precisely about what you just said "survival and the unpredictability of human interaction in the face of surviving in such a harsh environment" which is that of a fast spreading virus that turns people into monsters.

Edited by Nucleqrwinter

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i just hope this game becomes more sandboxy

player towns


bigger map

if rocket gives the community tools, the community will use them. people want to build stuff but there is no point in a fort if a server hopper can render all of your time spent 100% moot.

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I must have missed that thread. Factions and player controlled areas though...that sounds interesting. Sure sounds like something that players could enjoy and would help bring some much needed depth to the game. I obviously missed out on Rocket's thoughts about "end-game" (for lack of a better word), but it is reassuring to know he and his guys are tossing those types of ideas around at least.

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I adapt to how a game is supossed to be played... but thx for your opinion...

No. That's not what you do at all.

You ASSUME the game is supposed to be played the way you WANT to play it, and then you run around trying to make everyone else adapt to you.

rocket said from Day 1 that brutal, unrestricted PvP is a core and critical part of the DayZ experience. Did you adapt to that? No, you treat it as a problem that needs to be solved. Every post you make on the forums is either complaining about the presence of "deathmatching" or suggesting arbitrary ways to remove it from the game or punish those who choose to partake in it.

You're also incredibly condescending and dismissive toward people who play the game in a way that differs from your own. Calling into question their intellect and accusing them of not understanding the game.

And you call that adaptation, really? :blush:

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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The Zombie genre "as a whole" like I said also includes infected obviously, actually there was this movie not so long ago "Black Sheep" which was basically a Zombie movie without Zombies, they were replaced by sheep but the rest of the movie was just the same. Just like the movie "Mulberry street" is also considered a "Zombie flick" because it's not about reanimated corpses but precisely about what you just said "survival and the unpredictability of human interaction in the face of surviving in such a harsh environment" which is that of a fast spreading virus that turns people into monsters.

lol that was one screwed up movie...

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Imagine if you could make your own little mad-max car, by putting scrap metal on the car

slows it down but makes it resistant to bullets.

Heavy MGs on the back of Hiluxes

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No. That's not what you do at all.

You ASSUME the game is supposed to be played the way you WANT to play it, and then you run around trying to make everyone else adapt to you.

rocket said from Day 1 that brutal, unrestricted PvP is a core and critical part of the DayZ experience. Did you adapt to that? No, you treat it as a problem that needs to be solved. Every post you make on the forums is either complaining about the presence of "deathmatching" or suggesting arbitrary ways to remove it from the game or punish those who choose to partake in it.

You're also incredibly condescending and dismissive toward people who play the game in a way that differs from your own. Calling into question their intellect and accusing them of not understanding the game.

And you call that adaptation, really? :blush:

please give me a break... its like you dont know anything about the zombie genre...

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Can you link me the post/thread where Rocket said that?

Im referring to the post about "Brutal, Unrestricted PvP"

Sure, I'm feeling generous. Read this thread: http://dayzmod.com/f...scussion-thread

I hear what everyone is saying' date=' and yes - its cruel and unsporting when you get killed 10 seconds into the game. But that's what this is, it is brutal, it is cruel. This is not fair. Maybe you will hate this game. Maybe you already do. It is an unforgiving environment with no structure. It is up to you to decide what to do next.

I would rather let the project die (and maybe it will, I accept that) than take over the role of establishing rules and punishments and structure.

Emphasis mine.

Does that clear it up?

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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i play this because i enjoy it :P of course i want it to get better but doesnt mean i dont enjoy playing it at its current state

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i play this because i enjoy it :P of course i want it to get better but doesnt mean i dont enjoy playing it at its current state

Haha yeah I didn't mean to say that everybody's sucking it up even though they hate the game. That'd be a ridiculous assumption, especially since people who don't like the game are always more vocal about it.

Edited by Nucleqrwinter

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@LumberBack - Ignore ZedsDead. He makes plenty of good posts but a lot of his 800 posts are condescending replies to anyone who suggests the mod be changed. Usually he invokes the "not adjusting the mod to your playstyle" argument, but I assume that's just because the mod fits his playstyle perfectly well which is why he doesn't want it changed.

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Isn't such a project as DayZ bound to disappoint because it's been fantasized over so much?

Absolutely. And that's great. You had your ideas about zombie survival and how to do it. But suddenly when it becomes 'real' (as in this game), shit just doesn't go as planned and certainly there is no quick fix for getting into the 'youtube video' fun. Other people fuck shit up, you fuck shit up, disappointment galore.

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The game is on a good track as long as Rocket doesn't give in to all the whiners and CoD players that want this game to be super easy.

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I assume that's just because the mod fits his playstyle perfectly well which is why he doesn't want it changed.

Assume whatever you want. I've played ~600 hours and have logged fewer than 10 murders total, and most of those have been people who were posturing threateningly or trying to steal from my tents or vehicles. I don't personally seek out PvP that often.

But everything I do do would be a hell of a lot less exciting if there weren't people following me around all the time trying to murder me.

Believe it or not some of us defend PvP not because we do it, but because we appreciate the impact it has on the intensity and challenge that the game presents.

You can certainly ignore me if you want, but please don't presume to know me.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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I hope they will listen to players and keep making great patches in the future.

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Personally, everytime their is an update I see the threads start rolling in. "wah wah wah", Ya, those ones. I really just want to hunt them down and slap the piss out of them. People need to grow the hell up. This is a mature game, aimed at hardcore gamers, set in a no win situation "zombie apocolypse". "infected" shouldn't be pushovers like they were, now they arn't blind everyones mad cause its "hard". As long as Rocket keeps doing what he thinks is right I'll roll with him to glory or the dumps. I enjoy myself with his creation and as the foreseeable future projects, I always will.

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Assume whatever you want. I've played ~600 hours and have logged fewer than 10 murders total, and most of those have been people who were posturing threateningly or trying to steal from my tents or vehicles. I don't personally seek out PvP that often.

But everything I do do would be a hell of a lot less exciting if there weren't people following me around all the time trying to murder me.

Believe it or not some of us defend PvP not because we do it, but because we appreciate the impact it has on the intensity and challenge that the game presents.

You can certainly ignore me if you want, but please don't presume to know me.

I don't ignore you. As I said, you make plenty of good posts. I was just telling LumberBack to ignore you because you were attacking him harshly and based on what I read of his posts without merit.

I've argued PvE servers should be allowed because it's alpha and it's worth experimenting, but I'm 100% in support of PvP. However, I do think improvements to the system can be made and I think it is worth considering the opinions and suggestions of others even if you completely disagree.

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The game is on a good track as long as Rocket doesn't give in to all the whiners and CoD players that want this game to be super easy.

I think we can agree on the fact that the mod is currently somewhat hard enough, making it even harder would be uncalled for IMO. (While it's not hard to survive per say, the mod is very punishing when mistakes are made and I think it's fine this way.)

Edited by Nucleqrwinter

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The only thing I'm worryed about is DayZ becoming more of a pvp game than a zombie apocalypse game.

The PvP is key to the experience, as it brings to the table something that the zombies can never do: an constant unpredictable threat.

But it needs to be balanced with the rest, or else the immersion will suffer greatly.

Rocket is on the right track though by making the zombies more of a threat as to the newest patch, but as many know they are hard for the wrong reasons: pathing issues and glitches. It needs to be a fair challenge where if YOU make a mistake, you die. Cheap deaths should stay in the 8 and 16-bit era of gaming.

And yes I know he is working on the pathing and so on, but he should have fixed those issues before buffing the zombies awareness.

I hope he can balance the game out and reach the potential DayZ has.

I was gonna read the thread until making my post, but I just have to after reading your reply. This is what is wrong with DayZ. People complain about the zombies being difficult in the wrong way, call for a fair challenge and say the pvp is a problem. IT'S IN ALPHA! The zombies will not be "a fair challenge" until the game is closing release, be patient people! As for pvp and such, rocket has stated that he wants everyone to be able to play the way they want to and is addressing that.

I think this is what causes major problems for DayZ at the moment: rocket has an idea of what to make this game into, but it has blown way out of proportions. I'm willing to bet that 99 % of the players involved have never been alpha testers (myself included) and as such don't understand what they are allowed to expect of the game at this point. And so we get 4 forum topics about the same problems, about the same suggestions over and over again. If I was rocket I would completely stop reading the forums at this point, it must blow his mind to try and keep in touch with the community as update threads get blown to 50 pages in a couple of dozen hours and people screaming for him to make this so and that that way, while other people are shouting for him to make it the other way around.

I think this stems from people thinking they are ENTITLED to have a say in what kind of a game this should become. They have bought ArmA2: OA for 25 euros (or however many dollars it costs) just because of this mod, and come to the forums crying that it isn't the way they want it to be. I can definitely see why open alpha is such a rarity, and I'm sure rocket wouldn't have made it open had he known how big this would get (and of course he couldn't have known as it was intended for the small ArmA 2 community) The servers and updating systems are not organized, rocket is expected to roll out updates every week and with such a huge player base (unnecessarily so for alpha) he has to take extreme care the patches are stable. And then there is something broken and the flaming starts on the forums. If I was rocket I would probably kill myself :rolleyes:

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If I was rocket I would probably kill myself :rolleyes:

Haha, well I don't know if I agree with that! :lol:

I do agree that the mod might have been made playable too early in the development process, Rocket couldn't guess it would get so big though, so we can't really blame him for that.

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it seems only the most ignorant and uncreative people are always the most motivated to start new threads..........

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My take on it:

Rocket is creating what he wants, it's his vision. Some will like it, some will hate it. Does anyone's opinion count one way or the other?


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