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Worried about DayZ's future, let's discuss.

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I think the only problem with DayZ was that it was released in the alpha stage of its development and letting the internet test it. Not everyone understands the concept of software development.

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Lord Opeth => I agree with you on this, we get people complaining about bugs as if they shouldn't be there while playing an alpha on one hand and on the other hand we get people who simply refuse to discuss the game's flaws because "it's still an alpha, wait and see". I don't know how I feel about that...

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I see you get my point! I was wondering if some of the people who replied actually read my post entirely. :P

By "Fantasized over" I don't mean DayZ itself but rather as Rocket says "This game everybody was thinking about but nobody had made yet", which DayZ may or may not be.

No worries. it was a pleasant read, unlike other long-winded threads.

In regards to fantasizing then, the more fine-tuned roccket is able to shape his "vision," the more players he may lose as truly not everyone shares the exact same vision. I've been on board with most changes thus far, but I can admit I may eventually disagree with a change at some point. At the very least, the realization of his vision and the support it has received could spark a new trend or genre as others modify the concept to other visions. Even if Day Z doesn't maintain the 500,000 players or whatever the numbers are, an accomplishment was made in regards to showing the industry the kind of games players are looking for and that there are other avenues towards making them.

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i dont think the mod attracted the wrong people. i think people come with exspectations and they get somethign diffrent, and that itself is data rocket can use. in effect it got what it wanted.

the game is not over hyped, because nobody is hyping it, rocket isnt saying anything asfar as in stone waht the mod will have, players make grand assumptions. it wont be like minecraft, when notch released a list of everything the game would have at launch, and then stopped developing when the game made gold, there is no list with day z, there are no promises, there are ideas, there are plans, but most of them arent brought up.

if anyone feels they are being hyped up, remember rocket never advertised the game, it got popular on its own, and anyoen who thinks day z will change doesnt read what he writes about the game. things will get added, but it will always be this brutal game we have.

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I think both Rocket and BIS have already gotten far more out of this than they ever could have dreamed, so I'm not concerned for them, but I do think that soon the hype will begin to fade and the popularity will peak. Rocket seems to be developing things with teamwork/clan play in mind and the lonewolf playstyle is already starting to get boring (after 80+ hours for me, more than worth the $30 for Arma 2: CO). The casual gamers will start to leave and I feel by the time the final mod is actually released 6 months or a year from now it will already be whittled down to a primarily hardcore fanbase. Since this seems to be what they wanted all along, I don't hold it against them, even if it isn't what I personally want.

Edited by walrus2517

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Let me guess, that type just happens to conveniently be people who don't play the game precisely the way you do with exactly the same motivations and methodologies?

People who don't think the designer should start throwing up invisible walls and arbitrary punishments to get everyone to fall in line, lock step with your personal subjective evaluation of what the game should be about?

People who enjoy PvP for its own sake?

The irony of your post is that gamers like YOU are the ones who threaten to poison DayZ against it's roots and pull it back from the bleeding edge of game design toward a watered-down, status-quo borefest like every other online game that has come out in the last 15 years. You're asinine complaining and namby-pamby hand wringing has been a blight on this forum since the day you showed up.

Actually what i mean, is people that play fps deathmatch shooters 100% of their time... Do you think they are going to switch their gamestyle...?

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Actually what i mean, is people that play fps deathmatch shooters 100% of their time... Do you think they are going to switch their gamestyle...?

if you want to survive in any situation, then you must learn to adapt, there will always be CoD for the crowed that doesnt. until then ill enjoy the free beans.

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Aren't people getting too hyped up about a mod which will in the end only be satisfying for a rather niche audience as it was probably meant to be from the beginning?

There is lots of hype and people looking for some kind of salvation from the generic dribble current fps games have become. I think even if the hype decreases, DayZ has enough of a foundation of fans to keep going for a while. On top of that, this mod is quite unique within the Games industry and is bound to regularly be mentioned or get some cover.

Didn't all this hype bring the wrong people here and won't it generate undeserved anger amongst the casual gamer community towards DayZ which will in the end disappoint them?

Imo there are no right and wrong people, as much as there is no right or wrong way to play this mod. There are people who like this mod and will stick with it and others that jump ship as soon as something else interests them.
Isn't such a project as DayZ bound to disappoint because it's been fantasized over so much?
The only one who would have reason to be really disappointed would be Rocket himself; I'm pretty sure whatever happens, this mod has proven so much that his base idea is great that it cannot turn into disappointment. Everything else is up to the players playing the mod (and eventually game), what they make out of it.

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If i was a moderator i would simply reply ALPHA and lock this thread.

yeah because now is not the time to mold the game...? do you really think things are going to change when the product is finnished?

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Actually what i mean, is people that play fps deathmatch shooters 100% of their time... Do you think they are going to switch their gamestyle...?

I know exactly who you were talking about.

It's all you ever talk about.

And no, I don't think they will switch their style.

What I do think is that people who want others to "switch their game style" just because it happens to not match up perfectly with their own are the ones who pose the greatest threat to the future of DayZ.

People like you.

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yeah because now is not the time to mold the game...? do you really think things are going to change when the product is finnished?

Yes, how many games or mods ever see a public Alpha test? The game developers are using feedback from all of the changes they make to steer the game in the direction they want. Creating posts about how you are concerned about a game failing during its Alpha testing, is flat out stupid.

By all means go to the suggestions forum and make some suggestions, i am sure the devs would be grateful, this however is an example of how not to make them.

Edited by raw

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Raw => If you replied "ALPHA" and locked a thread discussing what will happen after the Alpha, you'd be a shitty moderator.

Good thing he's just an armchair moderator.

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I can see i am dealing players with a below average IQ, so i am going to save myself the hassle and let you idiots further discuss why this game is going to fail.

Edited by raw

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This game is incredible and I continue playing it despite the bugs because it is such an engrossing experience. I have NEVER played a game that made my heart rate go through the roof when I encounter other players until now. Dayz is not some "Holy Grail". It is a fucking great idea that has been very successfully implemented into probably the only game engine that could do it justice. It obviously can be made today in 2012 because fuck, its available right now.

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It is a fucking great idea that has been very successfully implemented into probably the only game engine that could do it justice.

You must be the first person I see saying something nice about this engine being used for dayZ. :P

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Arma2 has a bad ass engine. Its buggy and flawed but its still bad ass. I cannot think of another game engine out right now that could do this. DayZ simply would not exist if this engine was not available.

You must be the first person I see saying something nice about this engine being used for dayZ. :P

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I'll first start by saying i LOVE the concept. Rocket has done a great job considering he is working with an absolutely horrible engine. I was one of those who bought Arma simply to play DayZ. I've been playing a few weeks now and I've had quite a bit of fun. However, I must admit my hope for the game's future isn't very high. That is by all means NOT an insult on rocket or his team.

I think the real problem at this point is...well...there's nothing to do. I logged in as a fresh toon (due to some unexplained bug, but it's alpha). Spent a little time scrounging up some food, water, a tent, and a weapon.

Well....Im done?

Yeah, that's pretty much it. I already have enough food and water to last quite some time. I even have the needed items which would allow me to live off farm animals for an extended period of time. No need to re-visit any zombie infested areas. My camp is in such a random and remote place that I'm not likely to be stumbled upon by another player.

I learned early on not to visit Electro, Cherno, or either Airfield. Now I dont have to visit anywhere at all. I am surviving, which is supposed to be the goal of the game. Well...I've done it.

I have no interest in "high-end" gear...I dont need it.

I have no need for a vehicle...dont need it.

Like alot of people, I will admit that I resorted to PK-ing to pass the time. The first few times I picked off some unsuspecting player from afar, I did giggle a bit. Then it downgraded to a titter. But now, that's not enough entertainment to keep my attention.

I know there is a certain percentage of the player base that SWEARS by player killing. I've seen plenty of posts about So and So's murder count and blah blah blah. Killing other players in this game is easy. You're not elite. You're not special. You're not "hardcore". You're one of two things: A griefer by nature or, most likely....just bored.

While that small, yet overly vocal minority, may thrive on PK-ing; most of the playerbase is going to need something more immersive than that to keep them here. There needs to be more depth to the gameplay.

No, unfortunately I cant say that I really have any suggestions. I dont have the answer. I just know that there is something missing to give this mod real "staying power". Rocket and his crew have done an amazing job so far. My hopes are they have some cool ideas up their sleeves to take the mod to the next level so to speak.

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Sorry I stopped reading after you said you were a HUGE fan of the zombie genre....

Apparently in DayZ they are "infected".

The mod isn't really about that anyway... It's about survival and the unpredictability of human interaction in the face of surviving in such a harsh environment.

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You have a valid point to a degree with the "end game". There used to be a post that included all of the things rocket had said about the game that was lost when the forums were hacked. One of his posts was pertaining to games holding your hand and telling you what to do. He does not want to do that so I doubt there will be some kind of end game. He had posted ideas on creating factions and player controlled areas though and I think that would add some more depth to the game. If you feel the game gets boring when you get a tent and some weapons though, maybe this just isnt your cup of tea.

I'll first start by saying i LOVE the concept. Rocket has done a great job considering he is working with an absolutely horrible engine. I was one of those who bought Arma simply to play DayZ. I've been playing a few weeks now and I've had quite a bit of fun. However, I must admit my hope for the game's future isn't very high. That is by all means NOT an insult on rocket or his team.

I think the real problem at this point is...well...there's nothing to do. I logged in as a fresh toon (due to some unexplained bug, but it's alpha). Spent a little time scrounging up some food, water, a tent, and a weapon.

Well....Im done?

Yeah, that's pretty much it. I already have enough food and water to last quite some time. I even have the needed items which would allow me to live off farm animals for an extended period of time. No need to re-visit any zombie infested areas. My camp is in such a random and remote place that I'm not likely to be stumbled upon by another player.

I learned early on not to visit Electro, Cherno, or either Airfield. Now I dont have to visit anywhere at all. I am surviving, which is supposed to be the goal of the game. Well...I've done it.

I have no interest in "high-end" gear...I dont need it.

I have no need for a vehicle...dont need it.

Like alot of people, I will admit that I resorted to PK-ing to pass the time. The first few times I picked off some unsuspecting player from afar, I did giggle a bit. Then it downgraded to a titter. But now, that's not enough entertainment to keep my attention.

I know there is a certain percentage of the player base that SWEARS by player killing. I've seen plenty of posts about So and So's murder count and blah blah blah. Killing other players in this game is easy. You're not elite. You're not special. You're not "hardcore". You're one of two things: A griefer by nature or, most likely....just bored.

While that small, yet overly vocal minority, may thrive on PK-ing; most of the playerbase is going to need something more immersive than that to keep them here. There needs to be more depth to the gameplay.

No, unfortunately I cant say that I really have any suggestions. I dont have the answer. I just know that there is something missing to give this mod real "staying power". Rocket and his crew have done an amazing job so far. My hopes are they have some cool ideas up their sleeves to take the mod to the next level so to speak.

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I know exactly who you were talking about.

It's all you ever talk about.

And no, I don't think they will switch their style.

What I do think is that people who want others to "switch their game style" just because it happens to not match up perfectly with their own are the ones who pose the greatest threat to the future of DayZ.

People like you.

I adapt to how a game is supossed to be played... but thx for your opinion...

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