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What do you think about non-hive servers?

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  On 7/16/2012 at 10:19 PM, jdz said:

Thanks to these non-hive servers I managed to lose all of my military spec gear, thanks fuck wits.

What the fuck? Are you retarded? How would you loose your gear from something not even connected to the official Hive.

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well what should be done is people are gonna find a way to make there own private server anyways so, rocket should make it so smaller private hives exsist but with the stipulation that the owners dont heavily alter the code, and that they send in bug reports of stuff you notice weather ingame ,or in me and my friends case, we were able to notice certain problems that other owners may miss due to the masses of people on at the time,(those spawn lists do get really big).

personally as a coder myself id love to contribute things Ive noticed without fear of being ban from the forums, and fixing this and even noticing those bugs in all that code is tedious work in itself.

to be honest we use a small public seperate playersave data server at the current version with a max of 25 people and we have battle eye enabled and dont alter anything in the sql and its no differnt then any of the normal hive servers other then theres what id call "a healthy amount of bandits" cause of not being able to combat log.

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  On 7/16/2012 at 10:19 PM, jdz said:

Thanks to these non-hive servers I managed to lose all of my military spec gear, thanks fuck wits.

yep trolling... those servers run on a diffrent db... means they have no influence whatsoever on ur main char... u could only loose ur gear on a server actually connected to the main db

Edited by myselph33

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  On 7/17/2012 at 6:45 AM, myselph33 said:

yep trolling... those servers run on a diffrent db... means they have no influence whatsoever on ur main char... u could only loose ur gear on a server actually connected to the main db


I have my live character with his gear and private server with his crappy gear.

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  On 7/16/2012 at 8:55 PM, Dallas said:

Any of you actually ask for permission?

Why would we ask for permission? Server and mod files are publicly available, you don't need anyone's permission to run an ArmA2 server.

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  On 7/17/2012 at 7:47 AM, Rolle said:

Why would we ask for permission? Server and mod files are publicly available, you don't need anyone's permission to run an ArmA2 server.

yep u kinda get the permision when u buy the game, when u buy arma u can host arma servers, mods are as their name says modifies arma servers but still arma servers

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Even though I'm running an official one I'm pro non-hive server.

All the way baby.

Yeah sure more than half a million people testing (lol) this mod is not enough for such a small team of developers! And the non-hive server ruin everything! -_-

Way to go drama.

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'Have you asked permission?' or 'your stealingz hiz worx"

Gallop back in on your high horse's once you've deleted your stolen MP3's and avi film collection.

I hope the poster above me is correct and these private hives are getting some form of official backing. Part of the community clearly wants it.

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  On 7/11/2012 at 4:20 PM, chucklemonkey said:

If you want your own server on your own hive...make your own zombie survival mod. Otherwise it should be used as intended by the person who has invested a shit ton of time into making it. I don't understand the thinking that you can just do whatever you want with DayZ, it doesn't belong to you and you haven't done hardly anything to make it. By using a private server you are doing nothing to help the game and should be punched in the dick. Like I said, the answer to EVERY justification for private hive is for you to make your own mod and use whatever hive you want. But I doubt you could.

I have paid 20 bucks on the game, and i'm free to choose servers i want, so your argument is invalid. Keep obeying the almighty Rocket.

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Private servers are OK for me.

After playing hundreds of hours on public servers I will happily join some private RPG servers with some merry bandits crazy survivalist and helpful survivors. And without hackers cheaters and DC cowards.

Mod in current state is a total mess not so fun and boring.

It become a bloody mess.

Recently I play on some private server with side chats and some modifications and it was more fun.

So if somebody can point me in direction of some nice RPG server I will appreciate this. PM me if you can and want help.

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I stay away from the DayZ non hive servers, Except for DayZ Lingor. Love that map waterways and jungle, boats are essential for quick raids. Freakin server is stuffed with all russians though. Wish I could read Crylic, feel like they are out to get me......

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If there is a decent US-based non-hive PRIVATE server I'd like an invite. Sick of getting killed by hackers every day on the pub servers.

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  On 7/11/2012 at 12:29 PM, DeadManDan said:

Which all seems to be made possible by one specific member (anti_rocket): http://www.tunngle.n...01-anti-rocket/

Hahaha yea no. Do some more research man, anti_rocket is a noob coder, there are much better versions out there.

Private servers in my opinion have a lot more going for them then the official hive, if you want a good discussion on why check out this thread http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/50870-re-private-hives-and-the-rules/

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Guest cRy

weak, lily livered pizdas

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  On 7/12/2012 at 2:12 PM, DeadManDan said:

So, are there any battle eye enabled or anti-cheat protected non hive servers any of you would recommend?

I play on a private battle eye enabled anti-cheat/hacker do-not-shoot-on-sight non-hive server and love it. I'll send you the server info in a PM so you can check it out.

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  On 8/1/2012 at 1:06 AM, VitaminK said:

... anti_rocket is a noob coder ...

Must be the truth, if some guy on the interwebs says so :)

Best of wishes and don't stop "programming" your ArmAScripts

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I dont know why people crying that non-hive servers are sooooo bad and destroy the mod (oh come on on u rly think so?)

I like non-hive server, too. Why? Cause my played time on a HIVE server i visit a lot of servers, after founding a good one, i still just connect to them, and hey i also connect to them.

I think lots of people just join 1-2 servers and found there "home". So private-hive is much better than hive in this case, caus no-one just can jumping barracks for loot, or DCing in Battle just to join behind u.

If you just found 1 good non-hive server i tell you, you never leave them!

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