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So I killed a (pretty dumb) bunch of carjackers.

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This was probably one of the weirdest situations I ever had in DayZ....and one of the funniest.

So last night I found a perfectly repaired white pickup with half a tank of gas in Sosnovka...I couldn't believe my luck and just bailed with the thing...don't know if it spawned that way or belonged to someone...and who cares?

Sadly, IRL stuff came up when I was near Pustoshka...so I didn't really have time to hide it good, just drove it into the woods, thought it would suffice...I'll only be gone for a night, anyway.

This morning I decided to give it an hour of DayZ before work....and logged back on the server. And my truck was gone. :/ I raged a little but soon said to myself "win some, lose some".

I decided to just quickly hit the airport, maybe get some shit out of it. I didn't feel like going through Vybor...cause that turned out to be a deathtrap more than once. So I decided to pass Lopatino instead. I arrived their without incidents and when I was just about to walk away, I heard someone honk (yes, someone actually used the damn car horn). I quickly made my way to the large warehouse just outside of Lopatino, and climbed up to get overwatch. I looked around and sure enough: I see my own white pickup barreling up the road towards Lopatino at full speed, with two guys sitting in it. The driver made a very adventurous turn at the intersection just south Lopatino and kept going at full speed (I winced when he nearly totaled my sweet truck...)

And he just kept going and going and I wondered If he knows about the roadblock at the south entrance of Lopatino...the one you can't see when you're moving towards it in first person, until you're right at it. Well, what can I say....he didn't know about it...He slammed the pickup against the concrete barricade at full speed, completely destroying the two front wheels. I was mad, the asshole stole my truck and drove it to shit. The driver kept trying to move away, cause in first person you can't see the destroyed tires...meanwhile of course, the zombies I had spawned earlier were knocking at their doors.The passenger finally got out and began shooting zombies with his AK-74 (of course, there was a lot of them, we all know how loud cars are..) the driver soon followed when he finally realized the truck ain't moving anymore. He helped his buddy, shooting zeds with his M4 until they were all dead. One of them bandaged himself and then they surveyed the damage. At this point, I still didn't know for sure that it was my truck, but when the one guy swapped his AK for the M1014 I had stored in the truck, I knew. I took revenge....I took them both out from my nice little vantage point. And it felt oh so good to see them go down bleeding....

I went down there and checked the truck myself...yes, it was mine...the food and ammo I had stored were still there...the truck itself had a lot of engine damage besides the two missing wheels, but was still running. Sadly enough, my time was up and I had to get to work, so I couldnt find wheels and repair the damn thing.

Right now I hope I'll be lucky and still find it when I get home from work...cause I want my truck!

Lesson: if you gonna steal someone's ride: don't crash it two towns over.

Edited by -=Pixel=-
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hahaha nice story! hope you get it back i just lost my car dont know if it was a bug tho.

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Update the thread when you come home from work will ya?

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No No. There's one of those barricades blocking the street, you find them everywhere...the thing is, moving into Lopatino from the south, the road is sloping. And if you're coming from the south and use first-person you don't see the barricade until you're over the slope, and at that point, you're only about 30 meters away from it, which doesnt give you enough time to stop the car before you slam into izt.

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I actually have it back now, yes...it was still there...with everything undamaged for some reason.

And no, it wasn't EU17.

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My sweet little Pickup has now finally gone the way of all things. Again it has been stolen (this time from my crew's tents deep in the woods, along with most our stuff and our other car, a red GAZ).

I was moving south of Gorka when I heard an explosion in or near the town...at first I thought it was a frag grenade. Even tho I wondered why someone would use a M67 in Gorka, I decided to check it out anyway. I moved in closer and soon saw a smoke trail to the east on the road. I moved up the little hill and saw it, the smoldering remains of a white Hilux. I didn't think much of it...took it for some random crew's truck. The driver was dead right next to the car and I spotted the passenger not far off in a bush with his back towards me. I set up my M107 and gave him a center mass round to the back.

I moved in to check their gear...and when I saw that they both had SVDs and were carrying all other sorts of rare goodies, I had my first suspicions.....suspicions that would later be confirmed, when my buddy informed me of the theft from our camp five minutes later...

I wasn't too mad....it gave us a new goal, find more tents to create a new camp somewhere...and also: find new cars. It still sucked tho, I loved that truck!

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