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Fuck Kamenka! *RESPAWN*

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Simple suggestion: don't let players continually spam the "respawn" button to get their preferred spawn location. Example: limit 1 respawn per 60 minutes.

Survivors should be making an honest attempt at survival despite where on shore they spawn at. This would also encourage teamwork amungst players since it will eliminate the respawn-rat-race to Cherno or Elektro. Further more, everyone in the DayZ community is always promoting 'realism'. Let me ask: how realistic is it to commit suicide and teleport to your destination? LOL.

I'm also tired of seeing:

John was killed

John was killed

Frank was killed

PLAYER 1 was killed

John was killed

John was killed

John was killed

Frank was killed

PLAYER 1 was killed

John was killed

PLAYER 1 was killed

for 20 minutes until those bastards finally spawn where they want. >.<

I just want to respawn east of elektro oder cherno... i dont like those cities. I just move to Kamyshovo and from there onwards to Berezshino

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if there is a cooldown, people will just die to respawn, since respawn kills you anyway.

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people are re-spawning not just because they wanna get to electro or cherno but to meet up with there friends playing a "GAME".... why not just add a random group spawn location so you can add people to a squad or something that all spawn at the same location. and just remove the spawn points from the major cities like cherno and electro so they are forced to run to them. there done deal

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Absolutely. Limit the amount of times you can respawn in an hour. Respawning constantly also wears out the HIVE server if I recall correctly and it's highly disliked by rocket&co.

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if there is a cooldown, people will just die to respawn, since respawn kills you anyway.


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I would agree that picking a spawn place exactly wouldn't be the best way to hande this problem. However I think that their should be some way to meet up with your friends if you wish. Right now spawning without a map or weapon makes moving across server almost impossible if you start in certain areas.

I don't mind it but sometimes a friend and I spend hours trying to meet up... no big deal I guess.... but this is what I was thinking...

It would be cool if you could pick a region of the map to spawn randomly in.... like just devide the map into 4 parts.. you could select nw zone or se zone and such. You guys are saying its unreleasitc and not right to have buddies near you.... I think thats crap.. in an emergency situation your going to get up with your friends and family and work as a team your not going to call your long lost brother in law on the other side of the freaking world to run and try to meet up. Anyways just some thoughts out loud.. the respawning till you get a specific area is BS but I do understand peoples playing times can be limited and that they enjoy playing with friends instead of running around alone. People will get around the cooldown by going to another server and how would you prevent people from playing that log into the server to find 3 zombies running straight at their face with no way to pretect themselves....or outrun/smart them..

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Dont worry Iam sure he got killed in chrno/electro when he finally spawned there...

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The solution is simple enough. They need to give everyone a fairly equal footing, regardless of where they spawn.

Why do you think people respawn so often? Because there in most other spawn locations, there are no lootable buildings, or it is even just wilderness for miles etc.

That is why people respawn over and over. Also, other than the notification in the bottom left, it doesn't effect you at all, so I'm not sure why you are whining about it.

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People will get around the cooldown by going to another server

No, because the 'cooldown' would be saved on the central servers. Just like if you log-out while you're in shock, you will still pass out for 8 minutes if you rejoin another server.

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Simple suggestion: don't let players continually spam the "respawn" button to get their preferred spawn location. Example: limit 1 respawn per 60 minutes.

Survivors should be making an honest attempt at survival despite where on shore they spawn at. This would also encourage teamwork amungst players since it will eliminate the respawn-rat-race to Cherno or Elektro. Further more, everyone in the DayZ community is always promoting 'realism'. Let me ask: how realistic is it to commit suicide and teleport to your destination? LOL.

I'm also tired of seeing:

John was killed

John was killed

Frank was killed

PLAYER 1 was killed

John was killed

John was killed

John was killed

Frank was killed

PLAYER 1 was killed

John was killed

PLAYER 1 was killed

for 20 minutes until those bastards finally spawn where they want. >.<

Wrong Section Though, this is like a Huge Suggestion thread?

DayZ is a Modification not a Stand-alone game like ArmA II, they can't change whatever they want, they're not able to change whatever they want.

This Mod will be a Stand Alone game in September 2012, be patient and it's still in Alpha.

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Wrong Section Though, this is like a Huge Suggestion thread?

This thread is actually in the appropriate section. Thanks for pretending to act like a moderator but gtfo.

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And die

And die and respawn constantly is ?...

Are you suggesting that people should never be able to respawn back after being killed in the name of realism? A line has to be drawn my friend. Lol.

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This thread is actually in the appropriate section. Thanks for pretending to act like a moderator but gtfo.

Well, I was talking about the other guys, sorry..

1h hour cooldown. Problem solved.

Edited by Nine

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The only problem i have with the spawn system is spawning so far from friends. If we could implement a friend system into Arma II/Dayz, so people who are friends could spawn on each other or close to each other. Although this could be "abused" by players buddys could be close by when they die.

The only thing i could think of for friend spawning, is that you can only spawn on your friends if they either: located by the coast, or just created a new character. This would stop people spawning on buddies for revenge, it also stop "noobs" spawning on their friend and getting half their load out.

I think all of us agree we need a better way spawning on buddies, this would also decrease the respawn problem your talking about, the main reason people respawn it to spawn close to their buddy. But i agree a cool down system would be good or the game spawns you back in the same position making the user achive nothing from respawning.

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I reckon the best solution here to appease all would be to simply not show the "so and so has been killed" when respawning. It should only say this when a player is killed by another player, infected or other game related fatal occurrence.

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The only problem i have with the spawn system is spawning so far from friends. If we could implement a friend system into Arma II/Dayz, so people who are friends could spawn on each other or close to each other. Although this could be "abused" by players buddys could be close by when they die.

The only thing i could think of for friend spawning, is that you can only spawn on your friends if they either: located by the coast, or just created a new character. This would stop people spawning on buddies for revenge, it also stop "noobs" spawning on their friend and getting half their load out.

I think all of us agree we need a better way spawning on buddies, this would also decrease the respawn problem your talking about, the main reason people respawn it to spawn close to their buddy. But i agree a cool down system would be good or the game spawns you back in the same position making the user achive nothing from respawning.

You should make a new Thread in Suggestion, I would love a Friend System, it's needed, or a Group System maybe

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It's already been created several times.

Try again then, and prevail them that this suggestion is a Good One and a huge improvement for the Community? :)

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The only reason I, and a lot of the people I know love this game, is because we can play with each other, and watch each others back.

Because of the COD kiddies, it is impossible to team up with anyone anymore. Can you honestly say that in a zombie apocalypse, it would be every man for himself?

Let them have their choice of current spawns. Let the deathmatchers spawn constantly in Cherno and Elektro. Does it really bother you?

Sure it's "unrealistic", but it does solve the problem of mashing respawn.

If I couldn't meet with friends, there would be no point to this game for me. Running for an hour to meet isn't an option; I don't know what you do all day, but I work. And there's the problem of trying to figure out which direction to run in. And I'll be honest, it will loose a large portion of its player base if the respawn option was removed.

Friend system, as in, spawning with your friend? No, get someone to idle outside of Stary or NWAF and you have unlimited respawns there.

The minute you move away from the coast, it is basically progressing into a game with you and whoever is with you at that time. Distance is just too big to cover.

So what's the solution after all that?

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I think a stacking respawn timer would be a good tweak. After respawning, there's a cooldown that grows every time you use it.

-First respawn is instant.

-30 seconds must pass before you are allowed to use next respawn

-1 minute must pass before you are allowed to use respawn again

-3 minutes must pass before you are allowed to use respawn again

-5 minutes must pass before you are allowed to use respawn again

-Then it stays capped at 5 minutesThis cooldown time resets after 30 minutes of play without using respawn

I think this tweak is subtle, but gives a good deterrent to respawn spammers, without being too invasive of gameplay.

Edited by bbilbo1

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I think thats fair.. I like it.

Edited by Altman

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I really do not know what is so bad about spawning in Kamenka. For me it is happy times doing my deer stand run up the north!

But you guys are right - the respawn button has to be removed or at least locked for a specific time. The life expectancy of 35 minutes only comes from respawn spams.

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I'm not quite understanding why you think I don't have any friends far less how you think it's relevant to the topic.

In any event, allowing players/friends/clan members to meet up 'quickly' is not conducive to DayZ nor is it fair for independent players to come across large clans who've met up by means of mashing the respawn button or being given the choice of spawn locations. This is a survival game. Not an "everyone spawn together" game. The map is 255 square kilometers... USE IT!

If you know how to navigate and read a map/compass properly, then meeting friends is not a problem. Yes, it may take 15-20 minutes, as you said, but you'll have a better appreciation for your life (and the welfare of the group) as not to make risky life-threatening moves. Here's the bottom line: DayZ is designed to be unforgiving.

If you had acctually read my post with some brain cells turned on, you would see answer to all you questions, and you gave some yourself.

1. One of major resons (not the only one) people respawn like crazy is to meet up with friends. And that how my post is relevant to the topic.

2. You say it's not fair for independent players to run onto organized group, and then in next sentence you say "it's a survival game" and at the end "DayZ is designed to be unforgiving", and what is more survivalistic and unforgiving in the same way then running and hiding from the group of organized people? Running away and bugging up zombies in buildings? Is that so hard for you?

3. I don't have trouble reading maps, and finding way, i fact i do it very well, regardles of that trip from NE of the map to S-SW of the map lasts about 30-45 minutes depending on the circumstances. And if me and my friends were a bunch of nolifers who can play this 8h it wouldn't be a problem, since we're not and moslty play 2-3h max, losing 40 minutes (given someone is not killed during that time and spawned back again at quarry or something like that) is a lot.

4. And please stop the BS about valuing your life more. All you people who whine about this, and PKing need to grow the fuck up and stop yanking moms skirt (in this case rocket's) to protect you from the evil boys at the yard.

You aks of me to explain my views on this topic, and then again you never stated how this affects your, or gameplay in general? Why do you care if someone respawns 30x? Unless you got frustrated from people killing and you killing them and them getting better spawn and runing down to loot you faster and you couldn't make it in time... If someone likes to spawn in Cherno and play cat/mice game with other players so be it. If someone likes to sit whole day at a hill with a sniper so be it, that's the beauty of this game everyone can make it to suit their play style. If you like to play pvp you go to Eektro, if you like to run around forests you run around forests. And all this BS about realism, once you have option to resurrect talks about realism should kinda stop.

I really do not know what is so bad about spawning in Kamenka. For me it is happy times doing my deer stand run up the north!

But you guys are right - the respawn button has to be removed or at least locked for a specific time. The life expectancy of 35 minutes only comes from respawn spams.

It acctually doesn't someone from dev team said on reddit or somewhere that they filter those out,i guess they don't count deaths that happen in less then a minute or so.

And timer wouldn't solve anything, Since you can always run at 10 zombies and get killed. So only thing it does, is giving people who respawn a bore of 1 min to find zombies to get killed.

Edited by Aign0r
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5min respawn on all respawns.5mins to mourne the loss of your character, go drink something or take a poop. 5mins is not alot in the scale of things.5mins is gonna be a major annoyance if you're pressing respawn repeatedly to select a specific starting position.

Edited by Dallas

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