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Where exactly does the map end?

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First off I don't ask because I want to build a stash outside the map, but.. where is particular the border when I don't want vehicles or tents to be removed.

I'm just curious of what http://dayzmap.info/ shows me. Ingame map is larger than the printed map. Maybe the reason is that there are no POI's outside.

Oh and forum search failed me.. it doesn't accept words with less than 4 letters..

Edited by Levias

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http://dayzmap.info/ doesn't show the whole map, there's quite a bit more than it shows. You'll notice when you're at the end of the map, the landscape will be lacking flora and it will seem all deserted and copy-pasted in terms of graphics. You'll spot it.

If you're thinking of putting a camp outside the map, I'd advise you not to (not implying you are, but still)

Wipes are made every now and then outside the map, meaning tents and vehicles outside map border will get removed.

Edited by Monstrous Treachery

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Then I don't get the whole debug forest thing. Seems like it's part of the map?

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Basically anything north or west of 000 000 is outside the map. Anything south and east of that is inside the map, except for a little bit of the NE coast where the ocean runs out.

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If you're on the very edge, you will notice that the grass stops rendering "on the other side". So basically there will be an imaginary line you need to follow. Also, in some parts of the map the boundary is actually a big black line

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