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Going far up north, whats the point?

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It also used to be because the south was full of dozens of murderous noobs with makarovs, and the bandits that hunt them.

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You can actually get noob to l333tz000r gear in about 10 min if you kill snipers in cherno/elektro after spawning :/

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There's a place up North I go a lot for reasons I won't say. Call me paranoid, but there is a certain logic to that area that involves survival and protection.

Also, a lot less shooters in the area as well.

Let me guess, Black Lake? :P

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I go up north, because I'm a bandit and bandits need their AS50's NVG's Rangefinders, and M4A1 CCO to get their murder count up. I KILL FOR THE THRILL, and to bring stuff back to my camp. Today I took out a clan of 4 from 600m and was able to steal their van by shooting out the wheels keeping them from leaving. All of that was done in the North ;D It's always a great day when I get to bring back a van with an MK48 and all their other stuff :D

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I go up north, because I'm a bandit and bandits need their AS50's NVG's Rangefinders, and M4A1 CCO to get their murder count up. I KILL FOR THE THRILL, and to bring stuff back to my camp. Today I took out a clan of 4 from 600m and was able to steal their van by shooting out the wheels keeping them from leaving. All of that was done in the North ;D It's always a great day when I get to bring back a van with an MK48 and all their other stuff :D

why the fuck does anyone care if you do that? thats not what this is.

its not that hard to survive in this game if you stay away from players. honestly you can just go into some some random forest area and all you would need is food and water from a nearby town store. its not hard to survive in this game at all IF u stay away from players because zombies are no threat what so ever. they dont even spawn in forest areas so its a complete safe zone (funny how rocket says there is no safe zones in the game tho). all u need for defense is a weapon that u can get from any civilian area/barn. infact, if ur around no players at all then the only thing u need is a M1911 since they 1 shot zombies. once u have atleast a m1911 then u wont ever die from zombies unless ur stupid. now to help illustrate my point better i will give 2 examples. there are 2 small towns called petrovka and Gvozdno. whats the point to going to those 2 towns? why do they exist? how about dubroka? if your entire purpose is to just survive then you do not need military loot at all. military loot is purely for PvP because why the fuck would u snipe zombies with SVDs and ghullie suits? the only military stuff you would need is GPS and NVGs for survival. u do not need military weapons at all unless u want to pvp/mass pvp against other clans. other than that, there is no reason for anyone to get them.

your stupid, the point is that there is pvp, so people need better gear than the bandits to keep from dying. not for hunting.

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Sure u can find lot of nice stuff near cost line.

there is 2 player tipes - ones who like PvP a lot, ones who prefer not to go PvP. Last ones will prefer go up north for loot - there is more less chanche to get killed in first 30mins after spawn.

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your stupid

learn the difference between "your and "you're" before you call someone stupid bro.

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Let me guess, Black Lake? :P

Black Lake is nice. I check for the vehicle spawns there from time to time. Nothing yet.

I'm going to get bored enough to check out NW Airstrip one of these days though.

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I go, and have stayed up north because it easier to survive. As you said in the OP, there is a ton of empty space, and empty space means there are next to no players. Im on Day 20 now with my character, started with looting the military tents in Cherno and then going straight north. Im pretty much now fully kitted after having done numerous raids on stary and both northern airfields with friends, but I would say about 60% of my gear has come from other peoples tents.

Yes Tents!!! You wana go raid some tents? Go North. If you strike lucky, you will find a ton of top grade gear. Raiding tents, vehicles, starry and the airfields every now and then gets my adrenaline fix as of when I need it. I don't put myself in danger unless it's absolutely necessary. Hunting the animals for meat and stopping off at watering holes/ lakes gets me by easily.

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Because I want to survive? South towns are plaged of people that will shot you withouth asking before, so why should I die, this is supposed to be a survival game, and thats what I do, surviving.

My character is around the day 320 and I feel ok in the north, i got good weapons, 2 ghilie (that I cant wear since the last patch), a quad, and yes some murders since there are players too in the North.

Edited by HalloweeNGT

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Because I want to survive? South towns are plaged of people that will shot you withouth asking before, so why should I die, this is supposed to be a survival game, and thats what I do, surviving.

My character is around the day 320 and I feel ok in the north, i got good weapons, 2 ghilie (that I cant wear since the last patch), a quad, and yes some murders since there are players too in the North.

Day 320?

Now I would really love to know how you've managed that?

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Day 320?

Now I would really love to know how you've managed that?

Especially considering the game has only been out for say, and this is being generous, 150 days.

The reason people go north is because they are loot obsessed. I know I am.

I want an M103.

I want NVG.


You find these up north.

Then you come back to Elektro/Cherno with your new stuff and kill people for lulz.

That is the true reason you go north.

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I haven't been back down to cherno or elektro in about 5 days. I have no reason to. No need to have some new guy with a revolver log back in behind me while I'm looting the stores to get a shot in the back. I'd rather see my enemies from a ways off and figure out whether to engage or not to. Plus camp is up there, good players are roaming from west to east and a little south but as easily avoidable if you want to. Plus, the REAL tactical firefights happen there. I'm not talking about free for all deathmatch in the main cities or the snipers who sit on the northern hill of cherno in the woodline with 50s picking off weaklings or the snipers who sit on the road up from the power plant in elektro shooting down into the firehouse and supermarkets from 500m off. Got better things to do. Camps to find. Tents to rob. Vehicles to find and steal, and missions to the airfields with my group to strip the barracks clean for the loot that only spawns there. And more helicopter crash sites spawn up north,

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People go north because other people go there. Because there is bound to be conflict and epic moments in hotspots. Because the PvP in the game is so exhilaratingly awesome. Why do we do anything in this game? To have fun (or at least I do). Staying south is kinda useless if you have good gear as you are bound to run into a lot of people and be forced to shoot/be shot. I personally don't like shooting everything that moves in south, but when I go north I know the people would shoot me if I don't shoot them first.

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I recently stopped going north because staying alive serves no purpose. Better to cut the fat off of the DM where you can, and the best part of the southern area is that 99% of people can't aim for jack (which is why they play DayZ and not competitive DM games).

Most of the people up north have bigger guns to compensate for their bad aim, making it a much longer journey to a much more certain death and often you won't even see who it is shooting anyway. I've been running around Cherno all day with a hatchet and have only been killed once by someone in debug forest on joining a server (at least I think that's what happened). So it goes.

Edited by Electrolyte

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so much COOL STORY BRO for this thread

People go where they want cos its there, there are more cities and places for fun and drama than chern and elektro and it takes 20mins of your life to run one side to the other anyway

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You can actually get noob to l333tz000r gear in about 10 min if you kill snipers in cherno/elektro after spawning :/

I could never do that seeing as I'll sometimes spend an hour looking for a single weapon. I blame part of that on me being new, though. I'm slowly getting better :)

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I could never do that seeing as I'll sometimes spend an hour looking for a single weapon. I blame part of that on me being new, though. I'm slowly getting better :)

depending on server that has alot of action on it (like mines) ppl will usually duke it out in chern/elektro alot with high tier gear. after the aftermath or even during it u can just go loot there bodies. if u manage to not get shot its pretty easy. ppl go north, get there military shit, and then come back south just to fucking kill unarmed survivors. anti bandits then fight with them and the kill count grows and so does the gear looting.

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I've been to the NW airport several times and found jack s%#, must be bad luck or I'm looking in the wrong places.

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I created a thread because I don't like the way you guys play the game. I have some valid points to support my argument is that going to stop you from going up North? NO so I'm wasting my time because I will never see the point


The North is random. You could be up there for days and not die then some random shit happens and you get in fire fight. I go to the NW and stary daily. There is always something happening there. The majority of the Heli crast sites spawn up north especially around stary. OP don't tell me you never dropped 1 gun to pick up another so don't give me that a gun is a gun crap.

Most people set up their camps up north. If you want to run around elektro and cherno with a short life expectancy then go ahead. I don't understand why you want to cause your doing the same thing . Running around to collect the same things just to die and go collect them again.

In the end to each his own

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bro u can get a sniper rifle at any of the high yield barns. u can get a NVG at belota and same thing goes for GPS. deer stands to. ive found about 3 NVGs in random deer stands around kamenka and belota....

you are wrong and you are lying, quit it.

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