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[WAR] Pandemic Legion declares war on the imposter legion

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PL you don't have supers in DayZ. I'd be wary.

DMR's rifles are the supercarriers of Dayz' date=' also we have some titans aka M107 " cut you in half with one .50 bullet" rifles


Wouldn't rely on sniper rifles being too much of a crutch ;)

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First of all, this is awesome! Made me register to the forums!

As an ex-EVE player I still enjoy reading about it and scrolling through it's forums for the drama. Seeing the same kind of metagame and RP coming to DayZ is the greatest thing since chocolate icecream.

What people not familiar with EVE need to understand is that metagame is a HUGE part of the experience. One of the biggest coups in EVE ever took place outside of the game itself. We are talking alliances (~clans/guilds) infiltrating the private forums/irc-channels/in-game structures of competing alliances via month-long deep cover operations. Wars that are prepared for (resources harvested, assets built, FOBs set up, supply lines laid out) thousands of hours of play. The year-long work of hundreds of people undone in minutes by spies, double agents and backstabbing.

It is not about showing of skill in a controlled environment like your typical e-sports game or your K/D ratio. It's about moral victories. It's about breaking your opponents spirit to fight. It's about entertainment for everyone involved and even everyone just observing. And most importantly, it's about not confusing the game or the metagame with reality and, after hostilities have been settled, acknowledging your opponents skill, giving them the respect they deserve and continuing on having fun together in a sandbox where everything can happen, because you decide to make it happen.

Ofc DayZ is not EVE and lacks many of the components necessary for that kind of play. But the foundation is laid. A persistent sandbox, with no rules restricting play except for do not cheat/hack/exploit. Which I guess is exactly the reason why EVE players and people like me are attracted to it.

Imo this would be an awesome direction to take the mod. Set up a killmail/dogtag/ID system. Support killboards (to reduce unwanted PK'ing of bystanders this could be limited to kills of tagged players by other, properly wardec'ed tagged players). And most importantly (and quite probably the easiest thing to set up): give this forum a metagame subsection!

Also @[Legion]: Wow, you guys have no idea what you are in for. My advice: embrace it and enjoy the ride. And quietly lay aside some sniper rifles for when you grow frustrated. Also start brushing up on your knowledge about EVE metagaming and tactics, you are gonna need it if you want to understand exactly what you are fighting, what the rules are and what to do to stand a chance.

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I would volunteer for a real zombie apocalypse if it meant avoiding the EVE metagame.

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Operative Malcore and Operative Pallidum discovered a group of cowardly imposter legion playing on a server with the most lenient of settings' date=' Virginia 16.[/quote']

You mean, like the PL servers?

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I'll will pay for footage, or alot of screen shots of ambushes against legion targets.

Payment will be 1 good rifle + ammo. What ever i am keeping in my bag at the time as a backup; m14, m16a4 acog, silenced m4 can be expected. Alternative payments may also be a 24 slot bag, or GPS upon request.

Trade location will be on my terms because, er, i'm not crazy.

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I would volunteer for a real zombie apocalypse if it meant avoiding the EVE metagame.

Hahaha, I agree. I guess we now reached the point when OP found out that DayZ is not Eve.

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I'd be thrilled if the assassins would record their next encounters. I haven't really seen too much organized pvp in this game.

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