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Tales of a butthurt player...

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The Beginning:

I first download Day Z, I couldn't wait to start playing. I fantasize about becoming a Morally Good survivor, helping out anyone in need, and willing to aid others. Then, at last, Day Z finishes downloading. I immediately hop on to a random high populated server, ready to face the challenges ahead. I spawn at a factory, with nothing but my wits, I quickly look around to loot, until suddenly, several zombies spot me. They ran faster than a Kenyan, or maybe the world's fastest car, I was terrified and dumbfounded about them (Maybe because they were horribly broken.)

I died a couple of times, due to the fact I didn't know what to do in the game. Slowly, and slowly, I begin to understand the mechanics, until I meet a fellow player. I rush towards the lightly armed player, speaking on my mic, "Hey! Over here!". He turns around with his Makarov PM raised, and holds me at gunpoint. The player blurts out at me, "What the fuck are you doing, dumbshit, you fucking dumbass. Fuck you!" and swiss cheeses me with his small Makarov PM. I looked at the 'You are dead' screen for some time, dumbfounded once again... (I shouldn't have been surprised, most people on the internet are rude assholes.)

The Middle:

I decide to start playing with a friend of mine, DirectorPr, whom had been a Day Z veteran. We meet up and begin scavenging. We stumble into some pretty high-tech gear, until a zombie phases through the wall and smacks my friend, breaking his poor leg. I fire upon the Zombie, immediately ending it's life (Again.) I look to my friend and I check my inventory... No Morphine, and he checked his inventory... No Morphine. So, he gives me to the task of going ahead of him and look for some morphine. I start searching, looking through Pustoshka and other nearby towns, and decide to head towards Green Mountain. I immediately see the colossal tower on the peak of Green Mountain, I was rather impressed.

I march forward, messing around with several zombies until I hit the tower, and all of the sudden, 'CRUNCH', my leg broke because of a glitch (Happens all the time.) I got fustrated, it was unfair that I was doomed because of a single bug. I decided to take my poor character's life, and start fresh... So did my friend.

The End:

This is when Day Z became real low, the one flaw that entirely kills it, is the Playerbase. I hang out with a fellow survivor I met on Skype, and DirectorPr decided to tag along, Director and I went through a lot in Day Z, we survived for some time. I was in the Chernarus International Airfield A.K.A the NW Airfield, my condition was vital, and I was trapped in the Southern Barracks. DirectorPr quickly extracts me, and revitalizes me. We were all talking and joking on Skype, Bad Uncle Bob and his friend, Jepah were far away, so we decide to meet up. As soon as we meet up north of Novy Sobor, we get news that Bob's friend, Dakota, had been killed. And Jepah lost connection and couldn't reconnect. So, it was just the three of us... Or so we thought. Suddenly, we hear gunfire far away, and we look to Novy Sobor, and we go prone. Then, next thing we know, 7.62 rounds take us down easily, DirectorPr and I were quickly killed, and Bad Uncle Bob claims to have disconnected. The next day, after getting supplies to start again, I decide to meet up with Bad Uncle Bob, who was online. He claims to have been in the NW Airfield, and has found a M4A1 CCO SD, I was impressed, I had the gun when we were shot down north of Novy Sobor. I had a Bizon SD at the time, 3 magazines, I had acquired it from a Bandit that tried to take me down. I easily outsmarted the bandit and gunned her/him down. I ask him if I could trade the Bizon SD for the M4A1 CCO SD, and he agreed, we stop by a deer stand, and he tells me that he'll be right back. I hear a bleep on Skype, but didn't care to check it. After a few seconds, he guns me down. I realize something almost instantly, when we were meeting up with Bob, I asked him and Jepah what guns they had, Jepah, said he had an AKM. When we got near, Jepah cursed at the fact that he 'couldn't reconnect', and that Dakota died. When I went to Bob, we were distracted by Dakota's firing, and soon when we had our backs turned, Jepah would fire upon us. Bob said he 'disconnected' and we told him NOT to reconnect, but then he decided, that he would rejoin anyway. He joins, and he says that he sees his body, but not mine, (He cared more about my loot, considering the fact I had a M4A1 CCO SD.) And I wondered why he wouldn't have been killed already, if someone shot us, they would be looting our bodies already. When I met up with him again, we talked as I was getting to our meeting point, he said that he was in the NW Airfield and that he had found a M4A1 CCO SD (Weird, right?), and then all of the sudden he says that he glitched to Stary Sobor... (Which of course, was next to Novy Sobor.), He had to constantly go AFK since he was chatting with some 'friends'. A couple days before, our group's camp, was raided, my friend Ethan was shot down by 4 people. Our V3S, Bike, and tents were all gone. Bob was closely associated with Jepah, Dakota, and another guy named Ray H... Totalling up to 4 people. The thing about this that bothers me is that I was completely friendly to them, I didn't insult them, didn't argue with them, and did nothing. I respawn, enraged, and soon begin regathering supplies, I find a couple of other players who were being friendly, and I repaid their kindness, then they shot me down and started insulting me relentlessly.

The Summary: I am done with Day Z, the fact that the Community is full of people who completely disrespect others for no reason, and that greed governs 95% of the playerbase, the other 5%, I respect you. No matter what, there are always assholes and morally terrible people in games like these, and on the Internet. Of course, this happens to everyone on any game. Call me a whiner, quitter, some idiot that doesn't understand Day Z. Day Z is mostly filled with assholes... Mostly.

I understand that other people are forced into shooting on sight due to the fact that they are victims to acts like these as well, but for those who give in, allow for more and more people to fall victim, and thus, raising the bandit count. Also, Day Z has so many game-breaking issues that keep on fucking over so many others. Plus, the Zombies put you out of the immersion due to the fact they can run faster than a Jet going over Mach V. I haven't put in all the times I have been killed by assholes because I'm already tired.


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I can't count how many times this has been quoted on this site, but put simply:

Welcome to DayZ

This is an Alpha. Deal with the bad and take the good of it.

Also, only trust those you've met in real life. Like me. I trust those I deployed with overseas. They know the same tactics I do. So it's easier than trusting someone when you have no clue who they are.

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I understand what you mean.

It's all fine if you meet a player in the game, team up and 1 hour later, he/she shoots you in the back.

What's BS is that players might seek out players from forums, Skype or through friends to shoot players in the back. That's just being a douche and there's no excuse for that. It would be like entering a hardcore TDM FPS gaming lobby just to kill friendlies.

Heck, every time I spawn from now on, I could find a makerov and meet somebody from Skype/The Forum, claiming, "friend" and swipe that players gear.

Total exploit and I understand your decision.

(If there is a..) Next time, don't force the team-work scenario, it seems you were destined to be shot in the back sooner or later with that attitude and I suppose it's best you encountered it sooner rather than later.

Edited by Dave_

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At least the OP wasn't ragin and was quite calm in writing this...don't give up. There is good and bad in all us players...you just need to find a GOOD group of personal friends and do BAD to everyone else.

I will say this...that was some major espionage work by that Bob fellow with the other group that was killing you. It sounded like he was setting all of you up multiple times.

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ignore the losers, who only play to ruin other peoples day, and


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Its tough man but if you can muscle through the bullshit you can see the true beauty of this mod; give it another chance but go solo this time.

i tottaly agree

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I quickly look around to loot, until suddenly, several zombies spot me. They ran faster than a Kenyan, or maybe the world's fastest car

i lold

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Change the way you play the game. No remorse. If they aren't trustworthy, put a bullet in them before they put one in you, and cut all outside communication. You'll like the game a lot more. You do not have to practice your same moral guidelines that you have in RL, in a video game. It's an outlet, use it.

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Change the way you play the game. No remorse. If they aren't trustworthy, put a bullet in them before they put one in you, and cut all outside communication. You'll like the game a lot more. You do not have to practice your same moral guidelines that you have in RL, in a video game. It's an outlet, use it.

But isn't everyone untrust worthy upon first meeting them? so what your saying is kill everyone you meet?

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Didn't read or hear Rocket say that, spying and such, like in this case, he finds acceptable?

I mean this is a game of survival, they did what they had to do.

Plus, it's only a game, if you get this hurt over a game, maybe you shouldn't be playing them in the first place.

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At the end of the day, you got shot by the deathmatch virus. One by one the actual human beings are quitting this game, and I'm very hopeful that the community implodes on itself. In the aftermath, DayZ will grow for the better when the community is being led by level-headed players who have a vocabulary higher than "welcome to dayz lol" and "go back to wow".

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I can't count how many times this has been quoted on this site, but put simply:

Welcome to DayZ

This is an Alpha. Deal with the bad and take the good of it.

Also, only trust those you've met in real life. Like me. I trust those I deployed with overseas. They know the same tactics I do. So it's easier than trusting someone when you have no clue who they are.

lol i want to say its ironic... but its really just typical.. One of the type of people he mentioned is ranting on him with a cliche remark just to rub salt in his wounds? everyone whines about something. You're doing it about him making a valid point about how insanely common it is for community's (in games like this) to have malicious people that are hardly human.. game or not when you tell your self whatever you do is ok because its over a game even if its against a REAL human being makes you a piece of ****... I'm not caring about wanting to be right or look good in any sense but only to see the truth for what it is... even if its about me... it bothers me off how ugly human kind has become as a society... corny as it sounds meh... i truly see it as a privilege to be considered a true human being not a thoughtless animal...

I've gotten used to how hard the game is currently due to it being in alpha so i dont need to complain about it other then how UNREALISTIC it is to have zombies with more keen senses then a player could ever have(cue the whine card now cause its going down).. When the very NOTION of a zombie is something thats braindead but wants to keep feeding and survive... Only ranting because I don't mind making the effort, due to the fact people that ignore it till it happens to them or literally love being the ones that do it have become the ugliest cliche's i can think of... And just to be clear, camp on a hill for 10 hours and kill all you want thats not at all what i care about.. thats all game there... To have someone show you trust and then to walk all over them and think nothing about it like.. "hey... lol thats life man welcome to ass hole county"... no thats what people have become.. and a lot of people choose to keep it that way and love being coy about it untill someone slaps it in their face.. ridiculous amount of a generation learned their social skills habbits through the internet.. if that doesn't depress you then you should be considering what it means to be human.. not just being alive.... and please forgive my awful grammar, hope i didn't cause anyone's eyes to bleed.. zer0 i hope you dont give up on the game :(, i wouldn't mind buddying up with ya i play with a few others that ARE trust worthy.. anyways i need to stop before i start my life story next all in one post... and with my typing/grammar skills im likely to get banned doing that because it would be that awful

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Don't give up. Just play the game solo as long as a RL friend may joins you. Getting killed by any other player, i never met before, is fine with me. But players doing social engineering are

seriously ill. Looks like you find these people in any part of your real life, so in Gaming too. Bugs will be fixed, but you just can't do anything about these people.

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Anyways you'll soon learn that being a good samaritan has no place in this game, what's best is to run, for the most part, solo.

say you meet a stranger, talk through voice with him, tell him that if he doesn't respond in 30 seconds, you shoot him down. If he does respond, give him a can of beans and run away from him, as fast as you can (there's this saying "give someone help, and he'll come back asking for more", in this case substitute the latter part by "shoot you in the back")

the only situations I would recommend you to team up is with people you know of a long time ago. If you really find yourself in a dire situation (200 blood with a blood bag) you can contact the reddit rescue force http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditRescueForce/ a group of trustworthy people who will come to aid you if you provide location and situation.

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Mr-Zero, I gladly team up with you. I'm like you and I can't trust anyone really. I like to help people, not only in this game, I did it in WoW, SWTOR and loads of other games too but the downside is you mostly doesn't get any creds for iit and usually end up dead. In the future I won't team up with anyone unless I just reasently died and have nothing on me otherwise I rather go by myself or with some friend I know but for now I don't have any friends that play this game.

As I said, I team up with you if you can stand a guy that is totally new to this and only had a gun for 2 min ^^

My skype is; Radeonlight and don't go by my avatar picture, I'm not as evil as I look :P

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This is awesome


Anyways you'll soon learn that being a good samaritan has no place in this game, what's best is to run, for the most part, solo.

say you meet a stranger, talk through voice with him, tell him that if he doesn't respond in 30 seconds, you shoot him down. If he does respond, give him a can of beans and run away from him, as fast as you can (there's this saying "give someone help, and he'll come back asking for more", in this case substitute the latter part by "shoot you in the back")

the only situations I would recommend you to team up is with people you know of a long time ago. If you really find yourself in a dire situation (200 blood with a blood bag) you can contact the reddit rescue force http://www.reddit.co...ditRescueForce/ a group of trustworthy people who will come to aid you if you provide location and situation.

This is awesome! Right now I'm totally new to this but when ever you need a serious and friendly guy just tell me and I join the force

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At the beginning of the mod i'm sure there weren't as many assholes just killing on sight. People actually wanted to team up and explore.

But honestly, there is no reason whatsoever to link up with anyone. You can have your small IRL friends that play, or your clan or whatever, but other than that, randoms you meet will generally kill you, even if its just for a mag or a can of bean.

Unfortunately, there is no downside to blatant murder. So unless this changes, the playerbase will still shoot on sight.

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first off


# 1 - trust no one unless they are a persoal friend

#2 - citys are packed with douchebags who would love to watch you bleed hopelessly

#3 - dont give up all of this is part of the game you will learn as you go

and my personal favorite

#4 go hunt down people being fags and punish them for killing others who have nothing

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I don't even trust the clan I belong to. Not sure why OP chose to trust random people.

This game isn't for everyone but don't worry. I'm sure EA or some other shady publisher already has some fly by night or cookie cutter developer hard at work with making a DayZ knockoff that won't let you kill other players, has a smaller map, super awesome pre-order goodies, day one DLC, lets you choose the gear you want when you spawn, and has game breaking pay-to-win in game store.

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Too long; didn't read. A great wall of text to let everybody know you won't play anymore...who the fuck cares?

Edited by ArrThePirate

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Too long; didn't read. A great wall of text to let everybody know you won't play anymore...who the fuck cares?

Are you an angry pirate?

I care sorta kinda. A lil I think.

Maybe not.

Do you have any rum?

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