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About Kijuta

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Kijuta

    Lost characters when updated to

    I've lost my gear more then twice now to absolutely nothing and doesn't seem they're doing anything at all about it. their excuse is "its in Alpha" like their half a**ed support and the issues in the game will be gone afterwards... lol
  2. lol, way to bitch about people whining? yay for common sense not being common, but hey it was a good long winded rant i'll give you that ;). Maybe it will cause people to stop cause they clearly care about what you want to whine about as well, right? we ALL whine about something... period... ide rather read someones childish rant then someones mindless rant about ranting.. Even with out the patch installed people are still appearing with out their gear. I'm personally one that has dealt with it but am already over it but will still see it for what it is(a s***ty thing to have happen).. so over half his rant was literally just mindless emotions. god damn i love tools lol... but hey long as they pay money they're a great asset to the community... cause who kisses a** better then a tool that'll exaggerate?! im sure the dev's are ok with that kind of ranting compared to someone that will say something they don't like(truth or not).. considering i've literally read the forum moderaters whine about people whining as well... probably getting my self in trouble for typing that, its just such a cliche to see it in forums that i can't say im worried.. ide rather shoot it out there instead of ignore it..
  3. Kijuta

    Tales of a butthurt player...

    lol i want to say its ironic... but its really just typical.. One of the type of people he mentioned is ranting on him with a cliche remark just to rub salt in his wounds? everyone whines about something. You're doing it about him making a valid point about how insanely common it is for community's (in games like this) to have malicious people that are hardly human.. game or not when you tell your self whatever you do is ok because its over a game even if its against a REAL human being makes you a piece of ****... I'm not caring about wanting to be right or look good in any sense but only to see the truth for what it is... even if its about me... it bothers me off how ugly human kind has become as a society... corny as it sounds meh... i truly see it as a privilege to be considered a true human being not a thoughtless animal... I've gotten used to how hard the game is currently due to it being in alpha so i dont need to complain about it other then how UNREALISTIC it is to have zombies with more keen senses then a player could ever have(cue the whine card now cause its going down).. When the very NOTION of a zombie is something thats braindead but wants to keep feeding and survive... Only ranting because I don't mind making the effort, due to the fact people that ignore it till it happens to them or literally love being the ones that do it have become the ugliest cliche's i can think of... And just to be clear, camp on a hill for 10 hours and kill all you want thats not at all what i care about.. thats all game there... To have someone show you trust and then to walk all over them and think nothing about it like.. "hey... lol thats life man welcome to ass hole county"... no thats what people have become.. and a lot of people choose to keep it that way and love being coy about it untill someone slaps it in their face.. ridiculous amount of a generation learned their social skills habbits through the internet.. if that doesn't depress you then you should be considering what it means to be human.. not just being alive.... and please forgive my awful grammar, hope i didn't cause anyone's eyes to bleed.. zer0 i hope you dont give up on the game :(, i wouldn't mind buddying up with ya i play with a few others that ARE trust worthy.. anyways i need to stop before i start my life story next all in one post... and with my typing/grammar skills im likely to get banned doing that because it would be that awful