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Hi all i was just wondering what to use to record arma2 dayz with i am having trouble with fraps so please dont say that unless you know how to fix it. i have also triend Gamecam also wasnt working for me.


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I prefer Camtasia / Hypercam personally.

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If you're having troubles with Fraps then the usual culprit is a blown gigaflux capacitor on your computer. You should get that replcaed.

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I have camtasia but how do i record arma with it because when i start the recording and open the game its just a black screen?

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I don't really have a rig set up for video recording (separate HDDs etc), but I've been using dxtory and it's ok. I just can't call myself a professional about it or anything. I only really use it to record bugs or weird things. I don't do any long recordings.

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I use PlayClaw, it's built for quad core computers. Works wonderfully.

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Just setup your video camera aimed at your computer screen. That's how the professionals do it, don't cha know?

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Fraps is really the only thing to use. Everything else sucks. What sort of problems are you having with fraps?

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With fraps i have installed it a huge number of times, when i press (Fn,F9) it is supose to start the recording but it dosnt, and when i press it again i look in the folder and it creates a file then disapears?

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With fraps i have installed it a huge number of times, when i press (Fn,F9) it is supose to start the recording but it dosnt, and when i press it again i look in the folder and it creates a file then disapears?

ehhh I have no idea whats going on there... try changing the keybind to something else.

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I use fraps atm and have no problems. Make sure you're not recording to the same drive your running off. Hope you sort it out, I've never had a problem with it tbh.

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Iv used bandicam before when i use to play minecraft and it leaves there logo at the top of every video (not very professional). But Thanks

Edited by AJEARLEY

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I use Fraps and Bandicam. The reason i use bandicam is because when Fraps is to choppy I use bandicam no problem.

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Fraps is really the only thing to use. Everything else sucks. What sort of problems are you having with fraps?

People can be so ignorant... you're basing "everything else sucks" from what logic?

PlayClaw shits all over Fraps.


1) It's more forgiving on your HDD

2) There's more recording options

3) Separate UI to change settings on the fly while in-game

Edited by Sephisto

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FRAPS is a massive resource hog. A game that runs at 125 FPS normally (on my PC), drops to 30 the second I start recording (even with FRAPS frame limit set to 60).

Unless you have a fast, multi-core CPU and an SSD, don't even think about it.

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MSI afterburner might work. Also always record to a different harddrive than where you have your windowsinstallation or your game.

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I use bandicam also, FRAPS is a nice product though. I only use bandicam because it records and compresses the file before storing.

As a comparison last night I recorded 30 minutes with bandi and it was around 4gb's I believe, while my friend using FRAPS ended up with around 400gb's.

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Were does PlayClaw save the recodings by default?

Click on "Set Folders" in the PlayClaw UI.

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