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So most of our loot is gone.

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So basically the story goes. We have 3 tents. And since 1.7.2, everything disappeared in 2 tents (those 2 tents were set up by someone else in our group, if that changes anything).

I'm pretty sure it wasn't stolen, so I'm guessing it had to do with some bug. I'm not too upset with the lost items, but I am upset that I "lost" this game. I can't really play it anymore knowing that it might happen again. I know it's alpha, I can deal with losing great gear because of some stupid bug, but this, not so much.

So I was just wondering. Has it been fixed yet? Has this happened to anyone else?

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I know it sucks losing stuff you've collected but you can't just overlook the fact its Alpha. Yeah, you're gonna lose stuff. Items will dissapear and gear will go missing. It's a huge part of playing alpha. These problems will, eventually, be fixed but for now, you have to expect these things.

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This might sound very weird, but I'm fine with knowing I will lose the loot in the long run, but not in a day or two.

Can't really explain, but has this bug been fixed yet? I'm okay with it if it pops up later, but right now I want to play the game, which I can't do if the bug is present.

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Tent's are buggy as fuck and always have been, I've lost entire tents full of equipment but that's the risk you take putting stuff in there. Not much you can do about it, you can either wait for a server reboot and hope it reappears or just get on with playing. Either that or come back in a few months when the game is in a more stable state, it's called alpha for a reason.

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I'm frustrated that I can't play this game, which is, yes, linked to loot. I can live with losing loot in the long run, but I can't play this game if I lose loot in a day.

But if this bug didn't come with 1.7.2 then I guess I can play again =D

Ya, I know it's weird.

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I'm frustrated that I can't play this game, which is, yes, linked to loot. I can live with losing loot in the long run, but I can't play this game if I lose loot in a day.But if this bug didn't come with 1.7.2 then I guess I can play again =DYa, I know it's weird.


Edited by Authentic92

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I don't care what you think I am, just answer my questions. Did this bug come with 1.7.2 (rocket said something on twitter with equipment loss), and if so, has it been fixed yet?

If you can't answer them, how about you stop wasting both of our times?

Edited by Acron

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I think you're wasting your own time. This being alpha, there is every possibility of losing equipment be it after a day or after a week.

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Oh I think I figured it out. It's not losing equipment in long term or short term. It's not knowing I will lose them. Okay, figured it out now, I can see why you call me stupid. When I lost the loot, I wasn't sad that I lost the loot, I was sad that I couldn't play the game anymore.

Ignorance is bliss.

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You should google the term Ironic or Irony. That's why you're stupid. And Yes ignorance is bliss, again ---------> Google -----------> Realise the mistake -----------------> Feel like a fool

Option two

Load the game ------------------> Die -----------------> Come back and whine ---------------------> Be a retard

Option three

Wake up in the morning ----------------------> Go to school -------------------> LEARN -------------------> Be able to understand what irony means ----------------------> Profit.

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You know you can still play the game right? Loot in tents isn't what the game is even about.

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You should google the term Ironic or Irony. That's why you're stupid. And Yes ignorance is bliss, again ---------> Google -----------> Realise the mistake -----------------> Feel like a fool

Option two

Load the game ------------------> Die -----------------> Come back and whine ---------------------> Be a retard

Option three

Wake up in the morning ----------------------> Go to school -------------------> LEARN -------------------> Be able to understand what irony means ----------------------> Profit.

I know what irony means. I just don't care what you are saying since you're not answering my questions.

Stop going on this thread --------------------> find something better to do than be a keyboard bully -------------------> save time

Edited by Acron

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Hi guise, why isn't this alpha as stable as a game that has been out for a full year?

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Welcome to Alpha.

All your things are likely to be gone. Do not be attached to your loot. It takes less than a few hours to get any loot in dayz.

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So basically the story goes. We have 3 tents. And since 1.7.2, everything disappeared in 2 tents (those 2 tents were set up by someone else in our group, if that changes anything).

I know it's alpha, I can deal with losing great gear because of some stupid bug, but this, not so much.

So you don't care about loosing gear by a bug, but you care about loosing your gear by a bug?


Edited by RoboSheriff

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Dont get attached to any gear.. if you cant handle losing your camp stuff to players or more likely bugs then stop that playstyle and go kill people in cherno..

nobody said "YOU MUST STOCKPILE WEAPONS" or you will lose the game.

Plz piss off the forums if you complain about 2 tents xD .. lose your first 10+ vehicles and 50 full tents and then I might commend your post with a "oh that sucks"

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