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Debug Monitor disappearing randomly while playing

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Date/time: Not sure. I will come back with an exact time stamp next time this happens to me as it happens a lot.

What happened: Debug monitor disappearing and some game features stops working.

Where you were: Location doesn't seem to matter. It has happened in cherno/elekro camping and in the woods while running. Or that's at least when I discovered it was gone.

What you were doing: Nothing special, it happens randomly it appears.

Current installed version: 95417 & (Last time it happened)

Server(s) you were on: SE4, SE3, SE12, SE27, Norway 5 (These are the ones I remember only).

System specifications

CPU: Intel Core i7 2600K

Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-P67A-UD3 REV B3

RAM: 8GB (4x2GB Corsair CL9 1600Mhz XMS3)

Graphics Card: XFX Radeon HD 5870 1GB

Sound Card: Realtek ALC892 7.1

Monitor: Samsung SyncMaster S23A700D (120HZ)

Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

Internet Connection: 100/10 Fiber

Every time I've played DayZ I've encountered this bug. I have no idea what could be causing this since only some of my friends are getting the same issue.

This usually happens when I've been playing for a while. I'll notice out of nowhere that my debug monitor has disappeared. Not that it matters that much really if that was the only thing that happened.

It's easily fixable by just pushing abort in the menu and go all the way back to the screen that shows who's connected to the server. When you've gotten there, you just click OK again to spawn.

After that it's working for a while again, but the problem will come back and you'll have to do it again.

When the debug monitor disappears some game features stop working as well. Here's a list of things I've noticed that stopped working when it disappears:

  • Bandages. Both on yourself and others. When used nothing happens and you'll get to keep the bandage aswell.
  • Blood Bags. You can't give other players blood. You wont even see the option for it while looking on the player needing blood.
  • Equipping Clothing. When trying to equip clothing, nothing happens. When doing the fix you'll see that the clothing you found is now a "civilian clothing" instead.
  • Chopping wood.
  • Removing tank traps with toolbox.
  • Removing barb wire with toolbox.
  • Zombie detection bar. (The eye icon)
  • Eating and drinking
  • Hourglass displaying how long you're unconscious. Not visible.
  • Refuel vehicles
  • Saving vehicles
  • Pick up vehicle parts or jerry cans. I think this extends to any item, not sure.

I will continue to add stuff to the list.

I would guess that any item that requires interaction stops working. Not 100% sure about it though. You can still shoot, reload, kill and open doors. And you're not out of sync with anyone as they can see you absolutely fine.

Edited by XAM
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I have also encountered this bug, and noticed that the zombie detection bars read at 0 no matter what you do. Might want to add it to the list. Also of note is the fact that the bug disappears once you disconnect and reconnect to any server.

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  On 7/11/2012 at 1:13 AM, thorgold said:

I have also encountered this bug, and noticed that the zombie detection bars read at 0 no matter what you do. Might want to add it to the list. Also of note is the fact that the bug disappears once you disconnect and reconnect to any server.

Could it be that all bottom right icons stops working? I'll add the detection thingy until I can confirm if the others stop working as well.

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Seen this happening as well, to me and few regulars on our TS3. Seems like you just stop getting info from the server.

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Has anyone tried if the issue is still there in the latest arma beta 94700?

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So I'm yet to encounter this bug after the following changes:

If you're having the same problem I had, try this out. I will post again if I encounter the bug again.

Edited by XAM

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  On 7/13/2012 at 11:59 AM, XAM said:

So I'm yet to encounter this bug after the following changes:

  • Updating my AMD drivers to 12.7 Beta (Catalyst)
  • Updating DayZ to
  • Changing my interface size from Very Small to Small
  • Installed this DirectX package from microsoft: http://www.microsoft...ls.aspx?id=8109

If you're having the same problem I had, try this out. I will post again if I encounter the bug again.

This does not work. The issue is still there with with beta 94876. :(

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Same issues began to occur to a friend and myself since yesterday.

Updated to and these 2 days almost constatly we botch have the same exact issues you describe.

When the debug monitor disappears some game features stop working as well. Here's a list of things I've noticed that stopped working when it disappears:
  • Bandages. Both on yourself and others. When used nothing happens and you'll get to keep the bandage aswell.
  • Blood Bags. You can't give other players blood. You wont even see the option for it while looking on the player needing blood.
  • Equipping Clothing. When trying to equip clothing, nothing happens. When doing the fix you'll see that the clothing you found is now a "civilian clothing" instead.
  • Chopping wood.
  • Removing tank traps with toolbox.
  • Removing barb wire with toolbox.
  • Zombie detection bar. (The eye icon)
  • Eating and drinking
  • Hourglass displaying how long you're unconscious. Not visible.

When we reboot the server it seems to work properly, but after some minutes it begins to happen again.

The fun part is that sometimes these issues occurs to my friend, and not to me, sometimes to both, etc..

Checked server log and didn't see anything strange server-side. Not sure if it's client, server or Hive-side problems, but it's really unplayable.

Edited by fdrk

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Getting them a lot more since the latest arma 2 beta patch. I regain the monitor though, but I'm also getting teleported back to the spot I lost it at.

This needs to be fixed asap.

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My debug monitor disappeared tonight about 10-15 times. It happened always when i looted something, 1 minute after looting debug monitor disappeared. After that i couldnt kill zombies and they couldnt see me. When i reconnected, i spawned at the same place i aborted, but the stuff i had looted was gone.

Pretty annoying bug in my opinion..

It happened with both beta patches, 95168 and 95208. I played in CZ02 server.

Edited by Kankkulankaivo

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This has happened MANY times to me and my friends. 80% of the time this happens, about 10 minutes later they teleport to a place they once were. Sounds weird but I have seen it happen a few times.

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I feel like I have every single problem on this forum since I got the six updater... This happens for me in particular all the time, but its nothing compared to the fact that every time i log out i lose all of my items... all of them, no matter how long ive been playing and how long the debug monitor was gone... I spawn in the same place, and my health is the same, but I spawn with painkillers, no guns, a bandage and my shitty backpack. Its ruining the game to say the least.

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Still happening in

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looks like the servers arnt sync with the hive anymore...maybe cuz of 10 beat patchs a day xD

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I have had this same problem for a while now and getting pretty tired of it.

The Debug Monitor fades away sometimes at completely random times when I just walk around, but most of the times it happens when I loot. Especially vehicles and tents seems to trigger this. All other parts of the GUI are still there, except that the food/water/blood/hearing/visual monitors are not functioning any more.

The debug monitor reappears after ~30 minutes with varying consequences:

  • In earlier beta patches (up to 95054) I would get teleported back to the same spot where the monitor disappeared, with no gear lost.
  • Funnily enough, in patch 95208 everything seemed to be working fine. I played a whole day without any problems.
  • From patch 95248 and up I don't get teleported anymore. If I'm lucky, the monitor kindly returns and I can eat again. But in cases when I loot and transfer a large amount of stuff during the time when the monitor is gone, I get a crash to desktop (CTD) with the following error: "too many virtual memory blocks requested". When logging back in I spawn at the same location where I crashed, but with the gear I had long ago when the monitor disappeared.

A quick workaround to the problem is to log out and log in back again. However, this also has consequences:

  • Sometimes my recent loot (~2-10 min) is not registered, and I lose everything I have picked up
  • If I go into chock when the monitor is gone, the chock state will be there until I log out. This results in 5 min consciousnesses every time I log in, and the only way to get rid of this is for my character to die and respawn.

Other problems occuring when the monitor is gone, adding to the previous list of problems:

  • Can't refuel vehicles
  • Can't save vehicles
  • Can't pick up vehicle parts or jerry cans
  • Can't equip clothing/suits. When trying to equip camo suites, civilian clothing is duped but the clothing is not changed. After a few seconds I'm beeing teleported to debug plains, and after relog I spawn with all my gear on the coast.

As I have admin rights to our server (Vilayer) I have checked the web console log and found that my character is not updated during the whole time the monitor is gone. I can't really say what causes this, but I have reinstalled everything client side, and tested with different networks with no luck.

Edited by Baldricx
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Thanks for the massive addition of information Baldricx :)

I really hope this get sorted soon.

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  On 8/5/2012 at 2:41 PM, Flawless said:

just press h and it will come back up :)

Yes, the monitor will come back up. But all the features are still behaving as it's not there.

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... got the same problem a few days ago while looting a city.

Debug monitor was gone and everything I looted, was gone as I connected again (changed server to meet a friend).

Also my position was "reset" several meters from where I disconnected, I was still shaking under pain (although I had taken the painkillers before relogging.

I also had the feeling before disconnecting, that I am fairly alone and out of danger somehow (Zeds seemed to not look that me, but not sure about that, as I usually can avoid Zeds while looting towns, and the pathfinding of Zeds nevertheless go to the clients machine).

For me it looked like a huge desync between client (me) and server.

After reconnecting everything seemed fine again.

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noticing more and more "zombies 0/0"

desync has gotten so bad driving a vehicle can be down right dangerous!

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I have this exact same issue every now and again. Also Zombies can't see me... So I just run through towns, When I get near players that have agro'd zombies I can agro them too, but until then I'm ok.

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This happens to me multiple times, I normally just hit my H key and it comes back for a short period amount of time.

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  On 8/6/2012 at 12:58 PM, Wyatt Johnson said:

This happens to me multiple times, I normally just hit my H key and it comes back for a short period amount of time.

As I said earlier in this thread. Pressing H will give you the debug monitor back, but all the features that stopped working cause it was gone is still not working. Pressing H is just forcing it to show, even though you're still out of sync with the server.

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Are you guys still having this problem? I could actually play pretty well on a low populated server running version 95883, but when we upgraded to 96061 everything was back to the normal pain in the ass..not to speak of all the tent/vehicle save bugs and graphical artifacts...

Are you using any VOIP programs such as Ventrilo or Mumble? It seems that often when I talk with my friends on Mumble (used Ventrilo earlier) I lose my debug monitor, i.e. lose connection with hive...anyone knows what could cause this?

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