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Replace JayArma2Lib pipes and Hive, HiveAuth with ArmA2NET

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Having run UK7 DayZ for a few days I see the the DayZ persistence system is implemented via JayArma2Lib named pipes to and from the external Windows Hive and Hive Auth exe's.

This creates a few potential failpoints since if the hive exe's fail or the named pipes error the complete connection chain between the server and master mysql database fails and requires user intervention to reset.

Linux compatibility aside, my suggestion to you would be to replace the aging JayArmA2lib with ArmA2NET which uses callextension to parse data directly to and from Arma2OAServer.exe using a bespoke MYSQL addin. The addin could be signed so that other addins could not be used to inject MYSQL calls to the master server.

The MYSQL addin could contain the master server connection details directly rather like the Hive exe's do now to prevent any unwarranted db calls. This solution would remove the dependency on the named pipe system and the Hive exe's.

I have also noticed that the mod sends the player data via pipe to the hive.exe and then master mysql server every 40 or 50 seconds. If there are 50 players, thats 50 updates every minute (roughy) per server which puts a huge strain on the master server DB and creates extra bandwidth use for servers.

I have been programming an Arma2 persistent database project for quite some considerable amount of time now that too originally used JayArma2Lib/named pipes to persistent update player and server data. Recently I have been working with Firefly who has produced a working MYSQL addin for ArmA2NET and I have migrated my scripts to ArmA2NET successfully. My scripts send (save) player data to the master server when a player either disconnects/crashes out or the server stops. I think this is a much better way of keeping players synced to the database than is currently implemented in DayZ Alpha. I'd be happy to help out the DayZ team in any way I can.

My project with demos can be found on Dev-Heaven:


The Biforum thread can can found here:


Dev-heaven Ticket:


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I would like to see a response to this. I haven't done any development work with ARMA2 so I'm not qualified to say if this is good or bad, but I'd like to see a developer debate about this at the very least. Anything that improves the login/logout mechanics would be appreciated.

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I'd say to be safe he should shoot the devs an email in case they never see it on here... if he hasn't already.

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I've not no I was hoping that the devs might read this as I know they are busy.

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HIVE is being redeveloped to work independently of both ArmA2NET and JayArmA2lib. This has been in development since pre-alpha.

This is the securest approach.

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Isn't it so that ArmA2NET currently only works with the latest BETApatch though? (due to the "callextension" command)

Correct me if I'm wrong.

It sure seems like a more elegant solution though.

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ArmA2NET uses the new callExtension that is present only in Arma 2 beta version 87640 or later. It is not currently supported on Linux.

Whilst Arma2NET is more elegent than JayArma2lib a better system would be needed than all the current publically available solutions including Arma2NET so I see exactly where Rocket is coming from.

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Arma2NET really is a fantastic evolution to. The guys have done a great job. Hopefully persistence becomes a key part of many ArmA2 communities and it looks like this is happening. I encourage DayZ users to get out there and see whats going on in the other mods because there is also some fantastic stuff.

DayZ wise, security is a huge issue for us, hence we are making something that's entirely self contained basically.

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Arma2NET really is a fantastic evolution to. The guys have done a great job. Hopefully persistence becomes a key part of many ArmA2 communities and it looks like this is happening. I encourage DayZ users to get out there and see whats going on in the other mods because there is also some fantastic stuff.

DayZ wise, security is a huge issue for us, hence we are making something that's entirely self contained basically.

No offense but to be honest part of the only thing that got me into dayz was the persistance, I really wish there was more information on how to use the hive, i wish there was something more for non dayz mission creators.

its not like we can find MSO servers for 24.99/mo

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A bit of a necro thread, do you not think?

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Holy mother of God. What sorcery has dug this post up from 7 months ago? I think it's safe to say this convo is past it's sell by date. Locked.

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