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OVERTURE Private Military Company

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Alignment : Passive/Friendly

Trader Alignment : Friends


Before the outbreak, OVERTURE PMC was founded in the United States. Before coming into Chernarus, OVERTURE mainly operated only inside the US, but seeing the financial opportunity in countries outside of the US, the company decided to move out and branch out into the world. The first outpost and HQ outside of the US, was a base located in Chernarus. Business was slow to begin with, but recent mysterious disappearances in the area had the locals on edge. Soon business was booming, getting hired by many for protection services around the area by decent sized companies had moral in great shape. Then it happened. The Apocalypse. OVERTURE quickly fell in Chernarus and was inevitably split up. Few members are with each other, and that is why we are asking for recruitment possibilities.


OVERTURE is a group of Private Military Contractors, or Mercenaries. What we do is provide military services (Raids, protection, recon etc.) to you for a price. The price usually consists around either Ammo, or weapons, vehicles etc. More rarer the item, the more the value. If you wish to hire a team of our contractors, please PM me and we will talk over a contract that will suit both of our liking's. Remember, no offers are ridiculous!


If you are interested in joining OVERTURE, please send me, dadgoat, (

http://dayzmod.com/f.../43719-dadgoat/ ) or ( http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/user/21240-symbolic/ ) a Message Via PDA [Private Message] and we can work something out. We will see if you have the skills it takes to be with us, and we will find a role to your liking.Also, if you wish to discuss or register here, you may do that as well.

Edited by CheongGu
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What is Overture's home server?

Still looking for a good, stable server atm. Besides, it wouldn't be safe to publicly announce that at this stage.

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How many players do you currently have?

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Can i join?

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We have been getting a lot of recruitment requests, but we are still looking for members. Be sure to message me or dadgoat if you are interested.

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I pm'd you, wanting to join

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We have our camp setup. PM me if you are interested in joining.

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We are looking for members of our SpecOps Unit, please, PM me if you have any special skills you wish to offer us.

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what time zone do you all play?

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just sent dadgoat a pm but he hasnt been active since the 13th. can someone else help me with joining? same for symbolic well almost 14th for him

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