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New zed 1.7.2

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lol, but seriously, can anyone detail the major changes? They seem to see much better now, can't get close at all. Forget crossing road with anything but a crawl from 50+m. And they horde like non other.

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Yeah they horded on me and took all my shit. No more sneaking and lootin with a crossbow and 3 bolts. I got no clue how a single player will get anywhere near a town.

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My guess is that for a large chunk of people it's back to hitting Abort when pulling aggro of zombies

There's a fine line between zombies being hard(aka "a challenge") and zombies having incomprehensible beyond-human abilities that make neither sense nor anything resembling fun

People are willing to accept only so much, everything beyond that just drives them towards exploiting the current flaws, as zombies don't do anything to conceal their obviously exploitive behavior too

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Keep out of their sight.They have less hearing now so just watch where they look and their path of travel.If or when they turn around to backtrack,do not be there LOL.

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SO much easier than the last infected.

Sure they can see you from father away, but their bodies have to be in your direction. And they can not hear as well. Throwing a can away from your target makes getting around super easy.

Also prone is back to making you invisible except if you are on pavement. If on pavement you have 1 bar for each which is not that bad.

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Just logged on, all zombies in town were static models. No animations, blasted one with a 74 and the one 10 meters to the left just stood there. Ran around town for a bit, no change.

This was in elektro.

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I was just playing with a buddy. We pulled a hoard in and I was figuring it would be like any other day. For me it was. Scott was swarmed and eaten, right in front of me, in under 15 seconds. Wow.

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