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How will people lose zombies when they become fast indoors?

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Being able to evade zombie detection is an absolute must if they're going to start running indoors.

It is possible right now.

The 'Zeds' have had LoS buffed but sound detection halved. So you just have to break LoS and keep quiet. If your still running like a loon they still may hear you and come round the corner gain LoS' date=' thats the start of your problem.

Remember after every patch there are problems and always a hotfix, a few tweaks to LoS and hearing and it'll be fine. Just hold your horses and don't expect every [b']major change to run smoothly within hours of updating. 'Zeds' Running and being indoors is fine, let the devs have a week or so to tweak the matter of them spotting you in a hedge from way off and this will be a good change.

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Being able to evade zombie detection is an absolute must if they're going to start running indoors.

It is possible right now.

The 'Zeds' have had LoS buffed but sound detection halved. So you just have to break LoS and keep quiet. If your still running like a loon they still may hear you and come round the corner gain LoS' date=' thats the start of your problem.


Quick question: How do you lose them in the trees, then? Because stopping on the other side of that trunk doesn't work if there's more than one zed.

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When discussing PvP: learn to play mazafaka, this game is brutal and unforgiving.

When discussing zombies: Waaaaaah, i can't run like a mammoth around cities anymore....waaaaaah.

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Being able to evade zombie detection is an absolute must if they're going to start running indoors.

It is possible right now.

The 'Zeds' have had LoS buffed but sound detection halved. So you just have to break LoS and keep quiet. If your still running like a loon they still may hear you and come round the corner gain LoS' date=' thats the start of your problem.


Quick question: How do you lose them in the trees, then? Because stopping on the other side of that trunk doesn't work if there's more than one zed.

Play the game and find out for yourself.

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I seen someone suggest that they should be extremely stupid when it comes to them losing sight of you. That seems like a good idea, like if you run inside a building, they pause for a second, then attempt to search for you. It would be awesome if we could have tables and stuff to crawl under so the LOS is lost, but sound would still be a concern.

In my honest opinion, this game has been intelligently created thus far. We just need to be patient and deal with what we have now. In the future, I see a new patch coming where everyone gets completely power-stomped by a horde of zeds, essentially resetting everyone, but a new patch will fix that.

That seems like the cycle of a patch. "FFFFUUUUUU NEW PATCH (did this) AND I DIED." *Fixed over the next few days*

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Rocket' date=' give these clowns a sniper rifle at spawn and hear the whinging that follows about "How all the zombies in Cherno chase me when i fire my cannon off!"


Rocket, don't listen to this clown, no one's asking for a sniper rifle at spawn, just something to start with... an axe or crowbar, or maybe even just a couple of flares or tin cans that you can throw to try to distract zombies from a room so that you can at least have a chance of getting the weapon that's in there when you've just respawned and are desperately in need of one.

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just something to start with...

Please no. Rocket... please... Nothing. Starting gear is perfect right now.

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Quick question: How do you lose them in the trees' date=' then? Because stopping on the other side of that trunk doesn't work if there's more than one zed.


Play the game and find out for yourself.

Oh, aren't you clever. Since I have tried the method I mentioned above and it hasn't worked, would you like to depart your omnipotent knowledge upon me, oh great master of wisdom?

Because unless there's a way for me to erect a wall between myself and them, I don't have a fucking clue what to do.

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The whole spawning with no weapon thing would have been fine if only Rocket wouldn't have also added (at the very same time!) zombies now commonly spawning inside the very buildings or shacks you need to get into to get your starting weapon after spawning! This is what's most frustrating--and utterly silly--about the change to me (and the friends I play with). What are you supposed to do when you start with no weapon' date=' yet almost every time you finally see one inside a structure, there's also a zombie or two (or more) in there??

Scumbag Rocket.


Didn't you just say your playing with friends? :huh:

I was talking about when you respawn alone down on the coast somewhere (generally far away from any friends that might happen to be on and who know better than to hang around the Southern coast).

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i can never understand this; how can people like if the game is damn near impossible, escaping form zombies becomes no longer possible if they can run indoors, and all of this other stuff? there's a difference between challenging, and FUN. all of these additions that makes zombies more of a pain in the ass take away from the fun. as of now, the game is fun, despite the fact that everyone in chernarus was a kenyan before they were infected.

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just something to start with...

Please no. Rocket... please... Nothing. Starting gear is perfect right now.

Eh' date=' as I obviously stated (and have many times before and will continue to do so), I don't agree, but think we're [i']very close to a perfect balance. But again, my vote is that starting with NO weapon whatsoever (not even a lowly melee or fists) or cans to throw for distraction is just plain silly and tends to lead to endless, frustrating restarts (for some of us anyway). I've never rage-respawned in a game so much in my life! :)

So yeah, change it, Rocket. Thanks.

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All I have to say to all of the QQing in this thread is -

Jesus guys, it's a fricking alpha state of the game. Stop expecting it to be paradise for gaming.

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Sorry about this words and my eng, but I really want to say.

Before made any changes

test it and play it, then think about its good or bad

don't just thinking to made the game harder, because it too easy

it need to be make sense, don't destroy the world patching like D3.

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My thought would be military bases having very fast zombies due to military training with increased health from military grade body armor. Town zombies would be more walker types (with the occasional runner). And Cities would have type zombies only a bit slower.

Body armour does not provide health, anyone who has to wear it hates it because it is hot, heavy and ends up stinking. It should be a detriment, making a zombie less able to run fast. It would be much heavier.

Military training doesn't make one faster either. Zombies should not be faster on bases, but perhaps the body amour that slows them down should also be protecting military grade zombies that hold better loot (military loot).

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All I have to say to all of the QQing in this thread is -

Jesus guys' date=' it's a fricking alpha state of the game. Stop expecting it to be paradise for gaming.


I've said the same thing before. You know what, though? :-/

The game shouldn't be getting worse with each passing update, and that excuse just doesn't work anymore. It's time to stop kissing up.

1. Zombies can't be avoided. Tin can or not. It's fucking impossible to get by them unless you're prepared to have a shoot-out.

2. Fourm-warriors like the fellow with the green megaman avatar are starting to make this place look bad, telling people with reasonable complaints to kill themselves... Or restating the same thing over and over again, when it really isn't all that helpful in the first place. This sounds all very familiar to me; I supported Ron Paul for a while but got turned off by the other "supporters", and haven't seen this level of blind faith since then.

3. For many players, a "Loading screen of death" puts a stop to any attempt to play the game in the first place.

4. The AWS wasn't even removed on purpose; it was a glitch.

5. I miss

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All I have to say to all of the QQing in this thread is -

Jesus guys' date=' it's a fricking alpha state of the game. Stop expecting it to be paradise for gaming.


I've said the same thing before. You know what, though? :-/

The game shouldn't be getting worse with each passing update, and that excuse just doesn't work anymore. It's time to stop kissing up.

1. Zombies can't be avoided. Tin can or not. It's fucking impossible to get by them unless you're prepared to have a shoot-out.

2. Fourm-warriors like the fellow with the green megaman avatar are starting to make this place look bad, telling people with reasonable complaints to kill themselves... Or restating the same thing over and over again, when it really isn't all that helpful in the first place. This sounds all very familiar to me; I supported Ron Paul for a while but got turned off by the other "supporters", and haven't seen this level of blind faith since then.

3. For many players, a "Loading screen of death" puts a stop to any attempt to play the game in the first place.

4. The AWS wasn't even removed on purpose; it was a glitch.

5. I miss

I absolutely agree with you that posts should be helpful towards developing the game beyond Alpha stage. I also agree that things may or may not have gotten worse?

I can't say what is worse or better, and neither can you nor anyone else...it is all subjective. All we do as players of this Alpha version is help give data to the developers who will use that to inform their own development of the game to what THEY want it to be. This is what Alpha testing is.

What I base my possibly getting worse judgement on though, is that (my disagreeing with your point 5 should illuminate this one) I had to spend the entire life of the update in the debug wilderness. Couldn't play for 2 weeks. So today I update to 1.7.2, played for the first time in 2 weeks! happy! Two mins later I crash because of a firewall query on the updater and BAM....I'm back in the debug wilderness.

So no, lets not go backwards, but YES, please, lets fix the important issues BEFORE doing things like adding bear traps! Important issues being the many of us, (only data is my buddy who plays) who have not been able to play for weeks because of the debug issue. Incidentally, he is working fine after the update tonight and Im still in debug plains hell.

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I absolutely agree with you that posts should be helpful towards developing the game beyond Alpha stage. I also agree that things may or may not have gotten worse?

I can't say what is worse or better' date=' and neither can you nor anyone else...it is all subjective. All we do as players of this Alpha version is help give data to the developers who will use that to inform their own development of the game to what THEY want it to be. This is what Alpha testing is.

What I base my possibly getting worse judgement on though, is that (my disagreeing with your point 5 should illuminate this one) I had to spend the entire life of the update in the debug wilderness. Couldn't play for 2 weeks. So today I update to 1.7.2, played for the first time in 2 weeks! happy! Two mins later I crash because of a firewall query on the updater and BAM....I'm back in the debug wilderness.

So no, lets not go backwards, but YES, please, lets fix the important issues BEFORE doing things like adding bear traps! Important issues being the many of us, (only data is my buddy who plays) who have not been able to play for weeks because of the debug issue. Incidentally, he is working fine after the update tonight and Im still in debug plains hell.


I actually spent much of my time in the debug wilderness too, man. I know what you had to put up with. I got to know it though, and on a few of the servers, I'd run up to the NW airfield and the northern towns, restock my food, and find some stuff. Sure, I'd respawn in the wilderness the next time I logged in, but I still had my gear, and it was a short hike to the point of interest. Point is; was miserable. 1.7.2 is worse though, and I can't even walk around without having to worry about zombies now.

On top of that, it will only load a server 1/17th of the time (seriously). I almost always get stuck on the "loading screen of death" and have to X out of ArmA, then start 'er up again. Lo and behold, I'm still in the god damned debug wilderness, AND MY AWS IS GONE.

You're right though, it is pretty subjective, but now for me "I am, in a world, of SHIT" indeed. I can't even play the game, let alone hike out of the wilderness to find something decent to shoot with when I barely get to log into a server.

This patch itself has been a huge step backwards in my experience so far. I really hope they fix this mother quick, because I think the whole community just got hit with a fail bomb that they aren't used to. On the bright side, the DayZedBots enjoy the new difficulty, somehow. They must have cars...

Anyways, I was really looking forward to playing the game normally after the release of 1.7.2, and I was estatic to download it. But... Well, it looks like it's back to Campaign mode for me...

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