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Wüstenfuchs (DayZ)

"Waiting for Character to create" - Read this!

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Everyone who is stuck at loading at the moment, it's a known issue and they are working on a fix.

Roger' date=' known issue, we're just trying to figure out what is causing it. Possibly something with the update.


Server side update released' date=' details emailed to all server providers. This solves the loading issue. Confirmed on multiple servers with full client numbers.[/quote']

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Im pretty sure it was the update because i play today without updating and it worked fine but as soon as i got the update it started to do that witch it never did for me before

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I am sooo glad to see this thread. Not only to find out that the guys are working hard on the fix but even more importantly because this is the firest time that I have tried to play and I thought that it was something that I had done :angel:

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I was glad to see this too, and would have spent less time troubleshooting if I had just come here first. keep up the good work guys!

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Although I'm utterly pissed because I was in the mood to sit down at my computer and play some DayZ today I'm very happy to know they are working on a fix considering most big game corporations wont fix the problem until a week sometimes a month later.

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well, look on the bright side, the time it takes to wait you can have some quality time with your fellow DayZers in the group chat :D

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Hope you guys fix it soon, every server got this problem most likely at the moment.

Good luck :)

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I was playing before update fine today.

I updated then I've been getting the "waiting for char..." error on all servers since. The one exception was that I got on a server and was able to play for like an hour. I logged off and now it's back to "waiting for char".

I didn't do anything differently that one time, not sure why it worked.

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I loged into the Colorado 3 server and it loaded my char. Once loaded it said I killed myself.. I reloged freeking out and I start on the coast again but all my zombie kills and stats are the same It just lost all of my Equipment. anything I can do to get my gear back? I had 2 akms 4 mags, alice pack, and tent. I loged out of the game at Zub castle on Colorado 3. Also, Now i get the waiting for character to create screen.

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I get this message now when trying to play a regular mission. (Harvest Red)

You cannot play/edit this mission. It is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. dayz_code, dayz, dayz_equip, dayz_weapons.

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Same thing. Was able to log in and play as soon as the patch came out, then server stopped spawning loot, I disconnected. After that I wasn't able to join any server so far, getting same "waiting for character to create"...

I'm getting a feeling my character will be wiped as well... Started out as a new chracter right after the patch though, so not super gear, but enough to continue a comfortable living. :*(

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Nice to see it is worked upon.

Just for the information: it happened sometimes before, but it was usually enough to switch server.

Besides, one of my mates managed to enter the game... and found himself in Debug-zone.

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So I'm having the same issue as everyone else. However, I've noticed that each time I attempt to load DayZ, Arma and Arma 2 seem to lose files as a result. You can observe this by attempting to play bootcamp following quitting from the "Loading character screen" This is fixed by right clicking arma in steam, going to properties, local files and then click verify cache. Doing this for both games allows you to play anything but dayz. However, upon attempting to relog into a dayZ server will result in having to restore these files all over again. One of the afflicted files is the battle eye service. I hope this is of some help to the guys trying to fix this.

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Server side update released' date=' details emailed to all server providers. This solves the loading issue. Confirmed on multiple servers with full client numbers.


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Server side update released' date=' details emailed to all server providers. This solves the loading issue. Confirmed on multiple servers with full client numbers.


i havnt tryed to join a server in a bit, but this is great news im only 2 days into playing ur mod but as i said i cant wait TO HEAR MORE ABOUT A STAND ALONE VIRSION :-D GREAT WORK

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My current issue now, is that I got past the creating character part, but now DayZ gets stuck at Loading... screen and nothing happens. I have all the latest updates, launching with six pack.

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Many thanks to the DevTeam for fixing this issue, you are great!

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