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About Mister_AL

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Mister_AL

    DayZ: Namalsk

    yeah, that's nice. Not in a small room with BS ))
  2. Mister_AL

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Single Bloodsucker today killed me with M16 with no problems at all. "little stun" results in uncontrollable moves in different directions after it and it becomes impossible to shot the beast.
  3. Mister_AL

    DayZ: Namalsk

    One thing I haven't noticed too much in original DayZ but see way to often in Namalsk is "delayed death". When two meet and start firing each other - both will die, and with some delay. It does look that damage is applied too late so that the victim can fire back long enough, to ensure both will die. Encountered at different servers.
  4. Mister_AL

    DayZ: Namalsk

    mmm.. I know where that monster came from )) Any chance of some special sound for him, to be a little more AFRAID!!! ?
  5. Mister_AL

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Nice mod but I've just got banned for no reason from I wonder how can one contact admin if he cannot join the server...
  6. Maybe you should post it ot BI forums?
  7. Mister_AL

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    A little FFFRUSTRATED after gathering parts for heli for hours and after the server restart all the tents came back to the previous state (sure we saved them). Taking into consideration yesturday in the same situation partially fixed helicopted returned to original state too - I'll make a pause in playing, I think.
  8. Mister_AL

    FR100 Possible Admin-cheater

    hm, that changes things. However, did you notice something happened with tents? Those I saw you at are gone, as well as others I've found that day (with some interesting things like M HALO SD). PS. That time you flew over the airfiled after we moved the cars there - you were tracked with 3 AS50 waiting for you to lower. But I don't remember if we had ever fired at helicopter before we left. PPS. I presume you took the white Lada from the forest we moved it to from the airfield first. We just came to the server about an hour before it, as I found the Lada, wrecked SUV and a number of bodies at the airifield. And while you were flying around (and your pair taking the car), we just had one man who decided not to show up.
  9. Mister_AL

    FR100 Possible Admin-cheater

    Well, just assuming, since we killed noone and at the Vet servers we don't have nametags (I saw someone running inside the camp, once I was approaching it). Is there any way to get confirmation in this game other then the dead body? )) But: 1. We saw helicopter flying from the north several times after the gloabal message of his logging in 2. I doubt usual cheater would be able to wipe the server data. I do hope there are some logs making is possible to check.
  10. Yesturday at Krasnostav airfield at FR100 we found a wreck of VAC (or how is it named) big black offroad. We started camping it. Several times we had a helicopter flying near us from or to the north. Each time it happened within minutes from the global message of admin (Enko) logging in. So I went north in my search. I found the camp, and as I was approaching it on the motocycle - the helicopter lift off and escaped (Enko was online). So this is what we found there, not mentioning all the shinies in the tents: (police car was marked GM in Russian - we have ru. clients) We moved these to the airfield just to wait for people to come. Two more times we saw the copter (again with Enko online). This morning the camp disappeared altogether, along with the other camp rather far away from it and the boat I had hidden and so on. It seems the server was wiped. We do suspect that the admin was cheating, creating all those cars and once we found him - decided to hide all the evidence be clearing the database.
  11. Mister_AL

    Ammo: separate cartridges and clips

    I understand bullet as "cartridge", and a hold of of cartridges you put into your weapon as clip. Sicne "bullet" is a thing that flies out of the gun, not the one you load it with )) 1. Empty clips can be later re-loaded, so they are kept. As you need to have a clip to load. 2. Clip contains a number of cartridges 3. When after killing a Zed or two I usually re-load so that when I need it - I have a full clip. It leaves me a semi-loaded clip in the gear. Aftershok is correct. As for space. I'm a "nightdweller" and I have M4A1 SD, L85 and DMR with me all the time. So there is really not much space, esp since I have 5 StanagSD clips. There is just enough space, if I don't need to have some tent with me. The other point are mentioned Double-barreled and crossbow. With a clip of 2 (or 1 for crossbow) shots having a separate slot in a gear it is impossible to have enough ammo with you, and that is a main reason I never use those, if I have any alternative. As i wrote, that is a question of ballancing, how many bullets you can have in a pack for each type. I'd like to have a pack of 30 M1911/Revolver, 10 12'caliber(or what is there in the double-barreled) and 5 bolts. STANAG and AK following the same pattern will give 90 cartridges, and this can realy be too much - I'm not sure.
  12. Proposition: - separate amo clips and packs of cartridges - implement new items: packs of cartridges (maybe as a slot disignated for it, with no need to find an item), empty clips - pack can hold more cartridges then several clips - empty clip is left in the gear when re-loading out-of-ammo gun - survivor can reload empty or semi-empty clip from the pack - loading the clip with ammo takes much time (doing this in fight makes you certainly dead) - some weapons when re-loaded take cartridges directly from the pack. Double-barreled of crossbow, for example. - give the ability to empty the clip into the pack - remove clip-transformation - obviously, if several clips are filled with a one type of ammo - they all can be filled using the one pack. - STANAG clip can be loaded with SD or usual ammo Why I see it necessary: - more realistic - creates a choice for the survivor: have a lot of clips for prolonged firing, but have little free space in gear, or have a lot of space, but needing time to re-load your single clip once you are out of ammo in it. - makes it possible to use some kinds of weapons, which are currently lack of players interest, due to ammunition taking most of space in gear: mentioned Double-barreled and crossbow - more adequate way of using several weapons with the same type of cartidges - gives the ability to carry more cartridges, but not to use them the moment you need them Qustions: - how many cartridges should a player be able to have in each pack (question of ballancing)? The idea is definitely to make a pack usefull for having more cartridges, then having them in clips - should this be used for clips having many cartidges in them? While for M249 and its kind it is likely to be a bad idea (clip is a pack itself there), I don't know about assault rifles clips. Discuss.
  13. Mister_AL

    Pending Update: Build

    Seems like we won't have it patched, when puting ghileon - we get basic backpack instead of what we have (( I've just lost M107 I had in my top-backpack due to piting on some stolen ghile (((
  14. Mister_AL

    Pending Update: Build

    Like it was said before - there may be false-positives. The fact that 95% of people are idiots make others consider it.
  15. Mister_AL

    Pending Update: Build

    Rocket Decided to find time and to read through all responces in the topic (well, managed up to page 45). It is generally ideas for future awesome, but some concerns: We sometime have to switch many servers in row to find appropriate due to lack or wrong server parameters in description Hive-reputation is a nice idea, but really, how many people will know about the reputation check at the site? I'd say about 5% of those actually playing. As far as I know people, it would result in many players finding these things only after they got banned. Thus it may be better to go with 3-days ban first instead of perma. Nor will they read warnings on the loading screen. Will there be implemented +reputation changes, or only -? For example additng some points for each day of staying alive (up to some low limit). The desired affect is: false-positives, being rather seldom, will not break the reputation of a nice player. Will we have a full list of things giving - reputation? E.G. from the given descriptions I'm not if going to lobby and back is considered a -rep violation.