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A lesson on loot pile manners.

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isnt loot piling taboo? because players can camp stary sobor out and do it? we did or didnt test this before and it did or didnt kit out our squad.

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Good morning / afternoon / evening ladies and gentlement. My name is Unholy_Kyono and today I would like to discuss with you all the proper manners required for when you scavenge loot piles.

1: When looting a loot pile' date=' please be sure to take everything in the pile. Even if you only plan on taking a Lee Enfield mag from a pile that contains said mag and three empty tins. Drop the tins a short distance away need be so that a fresh loot spawn may appear.

2: If you come across a loot pile that contains nothing you need then please, don't take from it as you will only leave behind a loot pile full of worthless offerings that nobody will take, thus leaving every pile full of rubbish that nobody wants.

3: If you enter a building and find that someone before you has ignored rules 1 and 2 and there are loot piles consisting of nothing but empty tin cans and glow sticks / road flares about, be a good sport and tidy up. A little spring clean here and there may result in your helping hand saving someones life in the future.

That is all.


How about I do this on purpose so you don't get any good loot? Afterwards you can GFY.

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Let's all clean up loot piles so while we're bent down trying to make ph4t l3wtz spawn for you, get can get popped in the back of the head. Get real.

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Funny thread.

Never going to happen.

As already pointed out, you only have a few spots to fill in your bag and you want people to risk time at a loot pile by picking up cans and bottles and then wasting more time dumping it outside so the next player who prances can come out in front ? Never going to happen. Take what you need and leave it up to whoever wants to loot camp to take the risk.

If you can get everyone to agree to not kill anyone they see at a loot pile or dumping loot then maybe it will all be flowers and ponies..until then...no.

I don't think you thought the whole concept through properly Kyono :) ..but it was a nice thought nonetheless.

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Yeah, uhm, no. I am not going to spend extra time cleaning up loot piles. I am paranoid enough to the point where I almost don't want to spend the time needed to get what I came for!

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Jesus' date=' everyone in this thread is an idiot.


Yeung-Jin has entered the thread..the irony of his post is not lost on anyone..

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Jesus' date=' everyone in this thread is an idiot.


Yeung-Jin has entered the thread..the irony of his post is not lost on anyone..

You just posted a detailed description of why this idea wouldn't work. Guess what? It was a joke. You just explained why a joke is unrealistic. Congrats.

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Possibly if you would have put it in the form of a joke then maybe everyone would have got it..as it stands it comes across as you simply calling saying..Jesus, everyone in this thread is an idiot , sorry but somehow i totally failed to see the punchline.

Guess what, your joke wasn't. Congrats :)

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Possibly if you would have put it in the form of a joke then maybe everyone would have got it..as it stands it comes across as you simply calling saying..Jesus' date=' everyone in this thread is an idiot , sorry but somehow i totally failed to see the punchline.

Guess what, your joke wasn't. Congrats :)


Wow, you're pretty dense. THIS THREAD IS A JOKE. This whole topic was supposed to be a joke. Then jackasses like you come in acting like the kings of logic, when all you've done is missed a joke. Hence, this thread is full of idiots. That was no joke.

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So next time I have a zombie sinking his teeth into my brain i will make sure to clean up a loot pile that i run by

not being an ass just feel this is the general feeling towards this idea :P

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Oh you... :D I always bury extra ammo, eat spare beans and drink extra soda. So nobody will be able to use them against me. Die faster, leave the rest to me. Good one Op, good one :)

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Possibly if you would have put it in the form of a joke then maybe everyone would have got it..as it stands it comes across as you simply calling saying..Jesus' date=' everyone in this thread is an idiot , sorry but somehow i totally failed to see the punchline.

Guess what, your joke wasn't. Congrats :)


Wow, you're pretty dense. THIS THREAD IS A JOKE. This whole topic was supposed to be a joke. Then jackasses like you come in acting like the kings of logic, when all you've done is missed a joke. Hence, this thread is full of idiots. That was no joke.

Hey man..its all gonna be ok ..i love you dude. Sorry i didnt get your joke..it truely was hilarious. No really.

Y'all..stop being the kings of logic, the thread is a joke.

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stupidest idea ever

Well seeing as how you completely missed a joke, does that make you the stupidest poster here?

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This is DayZ. There is no etiquette , except double tapping someone when they're unconscious on the ground before they get a chance to disconnect.

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Well guys, maybe you will laugh at me, but I sometimes clear the shit out of the loot piles...

Nah, don't take the shit mate, just take the empty cans and bottles; that will be sufficient. Leave the poo, it's good fertilizer :-)

Edited by Elias

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Heheheh, and now i will specifically leave one empty tin can at every loot pile. Did you want a morphine? Well sorry, we've only got tin cans.

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Heheheh, and now i will specifically leave one empty tin can at every loot pile. Did you want a morphine? Well sorry, we've only got tin cans.

Not a problem. You can break peoples legs with tin cans ;)

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Good morning / afternoon / evening ladies and gentlement. My name is Unholy_Kyono and today I would like to discuss with you all the proper manners required for when you scavenge loot piles.

1: When looting a loot pile, please be sure to take everything in the pile. Even if you only plan on taking a Lee Enfield mag from a pile that contains said mag and three empty tins. Drop the tins a short distance away need be so that a fresh loot spawn may appear.

2: If you come across a loot pile that contains nothing you need then please, don't take from it as you will only leave behind a loot pile full of worthless offerings that nobody will take, thus leaving every pile full of rubbish that nobody wants.

3: If you enter a building and find that someone before you has ignored rules 1 and 2 and there are loot piles consisting of nothing but empty tin cans and glow sticks / road flares about, be a good sport and tidy up. A little spring clean here and there may result in your helping hand saving someones life in the future.

That is all.

How about....NO

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