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wo0kie (DayZ)

L85A2 AWS/Ghillie Missing.

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Date/Time: 7/9/12

What happened: Upon updating to the 1.7.2, I lost my L85A2 upon connecting.

Where you were: North Carolina 2 (Far West)

What you were doing: Spawning in.

*Current installed version: 1.7.2

*Server(s) you were on: NC2

*Your system specs:

ASUS P8Z68V-PRO LGA 1155 Motherboard

Intel Core i7-2600k 3.8Ghz

Zalman CNPS9900-MAX CPU Cooler

Corsair Vengeance 1600Mhz DDR3 RAM 16GB

eVGA GTX570 Classified x2 SLI

3x 1TB 7200RPM WD HDD

HT Omega Striker 7.1

Corsair HX850 PSU

Corsair Obsidian 650D

Samsung 2443BWT-1 24" (1920x1200) 5ms Monitor

*Timeline of events before/after error: Reconnected to another server - no luck.

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I also lost my L85A2 AWS when I updated, along with a ghillie suit. Soon after I found another L85A2 AWS at a heli crash site, but as I tried to pick it up it turned into an invisible item, and when I relogged I appeared in debug. -.-

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I also lost my L85A2 AWS when I updated' date=' along with a ghillie suit. Soon after I found another L85A2 AWS at a heli crash site, but as I tried to pick it up it turned into an invisible item, and when I relogged I appeared in debug. -.-


Yup, definitely sucks. :(

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Read the 1.7.2 update thread' date=' alot of weapons got broken.


Can you link me to a specific post? A lot to dig through. :\

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Yea, I lost my camo wear, and the first time I logged in, I gliched really bad (turned invisable, no-clipped through walls). After I re-logged, I lost my camo wear.

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I updated to 1.7.2 and lost my Ghllie suit. Fortunately, or so I thought I had another in my ural. When I put it on, it warped me under the sea for a quarter second then back to my truck. Still no ghillie suit and ALL of my kit vanished? Im curious to know how it takes 3 weeks to release this major patch and the very first thing I do is bugged!?!?!?

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I think they actually removed the L85 from the game.

You collectively lack the ability to say "no' date=' that actually is fucked up." The latest patch once again demonstrates this: the L85 is removed, and suddenly the forum is full of posts about how it never should have been in the game anyway, how people are just crying about their OP gun, how it doesn't fit DayZ, and a dozen other bullshit justifications.[/quote']

I have nothing to confirm this, and I haven't logged into the game yet... But when I do, this might mean MY AWS is gone too...

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Just said good bye to M107 and night vision googles, as well as my only clips for Bison I luckily had in my backpack. Tried to put on my spare g.suit.

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The L85 in our tent has gone completely, and the one in my backpack has shrunk itself to one slot? What? I'm scared to do anything with it. Rocket, has the L85 been removed or something? I didn't see that in the changelog.


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Can any one confirm that the L85A2 AWS has been removed from the game? I have one on me but have not logged in yet. I am going to wait and see what happens. My character is like 150 hours, 25 dayz old. I also have the m107 in my backpack and I am wearing a ghillie suit. I will wait for a hotfix and hopefully save my weapons.

-btw the laser on the L85A2 AWS is AMAZING!!! It's only visible with NVG's.


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My L85A2 AWS and Ghillie suit are both missing. Along with all my STANAG magazines.

My backpack was rolled back to previous contents (from like a few days ago... whut) which may be the cause of my M249 also disappearing along with both belts of ammo for it.

Then I tried equipping a Camo clothing and it deleted my food, medical supplies and my PDW and magazines. So....

I'm now stranded in the middle of Berezino. With no guns, food, or medical supplies. Dang.

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There we go, Rocket didn't intentionally remove the weapons that are gone. It is a bug which will be corrected later I guess.

I gotta say, I am a little sad that my gun is gone (Especially since I saved the life of a couple friends of mine yesterday with it) but I guess I gotta just keep rolling on.

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Yeah my L85's also gone from my hands. Very sad now, took me a long long time to get it.

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So I have not found an official post saying the L85A2 is missing.

Any word on the ghillie suits?

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My L85A2 was also missing,

Strange thing is after grabbing a new weapon, pressing F can actually select the L85A2, but new weapon remains in hands and cant shoot.

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My L85A2 AWS is also missing, very sad thing, i feel rather naked without it. :/

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Yep lost my L85A2 too. Im still at so i went to server that said to be too but when i got in my L85 was gone and there was text in the middle of the screen that said:You have wrong version and that server was running -> FUUUUU that server :( BTW is there any way to get it back?

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Got my L85A2 AWS back today with patch and 94876 beta!! Stole some ghillie suits from a nearby tent and put one on and everything is good! Yesterday I had the baby L85A2 AWS (only took up 1 slot) in my backpack along with a m107, some ammo, meds, food and water. Upon logging in today I noticed the baby L85A2 AWS was now normal size and I still had the m107 in my bag as well but it deleted all of my ammo, food, and water. No big deal since my group and I have plenty extras.

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yeep, i also lost my l85a2 (night scope one)

so now... what the fuck do i do with 15 mags of the ammo

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