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Female Chars Shining Clothes

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Hi ^^

Maybe a not so important suggestion, but I would appreciate it, if you take a look.

I've started playing dayz with my boyfriend and of course I took the female char but I'm a littl bit (only a littl) frustrated about how they're handicapped to male players. They wear white trousers which are (very nice but) very visible at day and especially at night. Ó.ó But the females can't change their clothes to the camouflage style with the cloth set which can be found ingame, unlike the males.

It's not like I would constantly get shot by other players, but I personally see the female character always in first instead of the male and because of that there's a high chance of being seen by the enemy as the first in a crouching group too. ;)

In addition to that I would like to have a choice of different faces (maybe 3 oder 5? [20! <3]) like the men have, the fem hairstyle is ok, even though I'm not blonde ;) (I know it's still alpha.)

I hope my swiss Engl is understandable ^^

Cya in the game


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Female character is still glitched. She can't wear gillie suits, camouflage, or anything of the sort. They're fixing that, or working on it, it's a bug. As I recall, males start off with white sleeves, so if the girl short colors are changed, then the sleeve colors will have to be, as well.

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Well I hope there will be changes soon. I cant play a male char, I mean. Man, i'm a woman and i want to show that.

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Well I hope there will be changes soon. I cant play a male char, I mean. Man, i'm a woman and i want to show that.

Most players are going to asume female characters are played by males anyway....

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Lol, women should be in the kitchen!

Nah all jokes aside, i guess you're right, but maybe the "picking the face type or hair colour" might take too long to respawn everytime... unless you can save it at the start and set it to default.

But as you said, the game is still in Alpha and i'm sure they'll fix it up.

Sam B got the thing that go bump in the night, who do you voodoo bitch! xD

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haha the kitchen :D I'm honest, my mouth opened as I read the sentence :D but yes, its a joke, ehehe ;D eh.... xD haha.

And yes, I know that many guys take the female chars, especially in mmorpg. ^^ I'm playing since I was eight. ^^ maybe because of that I've got demands.

Edited by Lupina

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Most players are going to asume female characters are played by males anyway....

True story.

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True story.

Lol that would be a true story if the in game females didn't look so manly.

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