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To those who say "oh it's only an alpha blabla "

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Don't be stupid, we're not lab rats. Lab rats have to be fed and watered, or put down humanely; we're something even lower on the food chain: playtesters.

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Don't be stupid' date=' we're not lab rats. Lab rats have to be fed and watered, or put down humanely; we're something even lower on the food chain: playtesters.


This, right here, is gaming industry gold.

I'll have to remember that one.

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Of course its an alpha everybody knows that. But the devs wanted to create a mod/game which is highly emotional the one way or the other way and actually they reached their goal already as the forum community reflects. And given all that heart, work and emotion people have put in this game/mo(a)d^^ already by playing it up and down people will get mad when something is going wrong. Some stuff you just have to bear with whether it be all this rage or the fact that the game is in an unstable development stage.

Giving the answer: "This is alpha so gtfo and stfu!" to almost every thread here is leading nowhere.

And at last the devs are as much depend on the community as the other way round. Of course its "their" mod, but playing zombie apocalypse with 5 people seems not that much fun.

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i agree OP since most the time it is for people who are complaining about bugs...but oh look a new feature BAM instant whine the waaambulance makes a vist each patch it seems you don't hear "its just an alpha" then do ya? Nope.

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