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1.7.2 Opinion thread. All your opinions, good and bad, go here.

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I LOVE!!! The new performance. Much better, it's almost smooth now. (Yeh, I need a new PC, I don't even know how my laptop is being able to run this)

Can't wait to find out about which new weapons you have.

Throwing knives? Hunting knife is a weapon now? Spears, swords? Harpoons?

I want the new bear traps!!! Anyone found them yet? Pics/vid? Story? Where? How does it work? Will you break your legs and end up bleeding? -50% walking speed? How much damage? Can you trap animals with it as well? Place them inside buildings? Tell me! :D

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No I disagree, the New Zombies are nuts now, Stealth is basically shot. Before prone any speed could let you sneak past zombies 5meters away and further, crouch-walking slowly let you sneak past pretty much most zombies 5meters and further away. This all still depends on the surface. Loud surfaces you have a chance to aggro them still, and depending on day or night the aggro can be affected. Now zombies 50-100 meters away hear me moving prone. I pretty much have to kill all zombies I come across now it's ridiculous. The Stealth game is out the window and if anyone says otherwise they are full of shit. The craziest part is shooting a gun draws less zombies then me moving! Day Z turned from a sneaky survival game, with me sneaking around with stealth-weapons only killing zombies or players that I absolutely had to. Now it's Kill anything that moves Rambo-style. Now if I could only find a M249

However, Zombies not breaking my legs everytime I encounter one is now a welcome relief, I have only had to use one Morphine Auto-Injector in 1.7.2. due to zombies. Lots of players still aim for the legs however.

I do like the new loading changes. The hatchet and crowbar are still broken for me (requiring a reload before use and having 10000 ammo)

Edited by Foxd1e
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"Did you like the new superzombies?"

Yes they're awesome!

Is it possible to have some sort of poll to make it clear what the majority of us believe?

No, if the designers followed what the "majority" of people thought, well... we'd have a shitty l4d clone.

So, basically, the visibility indicates how far away they can see you? Seems about right.

From what I can tell, yes, but remember if they're looking straight at you there's a % now built in that they'll still be able to see you.

But they don't seem hindered by night. I was crouched with 15 visiblity and a zed comes sprinting down the street after me (when 3 closer zombies just stood there groaning). I managed to run into a house and find a crowbar... so I held it tightly (as it was useless) and stood behind a table as he attacked the table. Then I slowly maneuvered around the table and ran out, leaving him wedged in the kitchen.

While I've been playing, I have been able to basically crouch run right behind zombies at night time. So I would imagine that his "eyes" were looking straight at you, hence why the others didn't follow.

Exponent driven probability introduced into visibility calculation <- Makes the game harder it would be better if that was just left out until the infected got nerfed a little.

No, because they're eventually going to need a system like this... Alpha is the best time to get the system flawless. Zeds are kind of the "main" story in this game. Yes they may need some improvements, but the current direction they're heading with it is the right way.

So somehow the random deaths and inexplicable limb breakage means we're doing something wrong?

No not necessarily, but I would say it's just the luck of the draw, there's always that chance that they will break a leg or something 1st swing. I myself have noticed a improvement on bone strength and a slightly higher chance of bleeding.

You dont think the fact that zombies are still walking through wire fencing and not even slowing them down is a problem? Nor the fact they still walk through doors and walls randomly without them even being open?

Yes they need to fix these things but remember it's alpha. They will get these things fixed over time. they've heard enough moaning about it already! They know it's broken. I think people need to look at the bigger picture here, the direction they're heading in, the fundamentals of the idea itself.. Instead of bitching about it, look at the patch as for what it is. See the post 2 above.

Edited by Hippie

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Im sorry to put a downer on all the positive notes here but i think alot of people are missing the big picture?

No, you're missing the big picture.

Yes i understand its hard work creating a mod + bug fixes and yes its in Alpha but shouldnt you really be fixing the bad bugs before adding more features to bug out too?

Alpha is the perfect time to add features, as it's a test. They can get all the ideas they have out of the way then decide what ones they want to keep and really polish it down to a very solid game.

I loved this game, but this new patch is just horrible. The new zombies have completely ruined it. It is ether I switch back to or I stop playing entirely. It was never "fun" to play before but I get no joy in playing anymore.

You're free to do this but just know, you're supposed to be a tester and doing this would help nothing with the progress of the mod.

I get spotted behind buildings when I'm crouched. I understand getting spotted if you are doing something dumb but now it punishes players when they do everything right.

Step your game up son, your ninja skills are weak.

And to the assholes saying just run and such. I dont want to play like that and I'm sure a lot don't ether, Thats not what DayZ is to me. Its a zombie similar not a marathon simulator.

I haven't experienced this problem too much ( an occasional zed through a wall has seen me 1-2 times) and I consider myself a "sneaky" player. The trick is to not fuck with zeds looking in your general direction, whether it be, waiting till they turn around, going a different way around them, or taking them out silently from range.

Well I can safely say you still lose your Primary Weapon and Pack when in deep water

I believe there's a command in your config you can change to fix this, I don't go in water, so I haven't bothered with it yet.

And zombies still break your legs in 1 or 2 hits at full 12000 blood.

This caused my slow death from dehydration in the middle of nowhere..... It was sad to go out like that.

Shitty luck, I've been beat on pretty hard today, no broken bones yet, though slightly more bleeding.

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Tents still eat your gear sometimes on server resets. Bullets still are replenished or eaten in magazines when logging in/out. Zombies seem to be causing more bleeds with their hits (i literally was at 12k blood got hit and started to bleed. bandaged. ran around a city and got hit once more. bleed. bandaged. ran around again. 1 hit bleed. had to bandage a 3rd time just from 1 hit from 3 different zombies.)

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Zombies suck. Period.

Stealth is impossible when they detect from across a field when crawling.

I like everything else, although has loot rate been dropped? Can't seem to find much.

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1) i didn't notice infected run inside buildings

2) yeah sometimes they see you from far away but none said they are blind

3) it's easier to loose them, which i appreciate a lot

4) i don't like that if you aggro one, half town runs for you

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My biggest problem is as follows.

Spawning near Kamenka and running north to attempt to loot the Deer Stands to find some starter gear is now near impossable, after 5 or so trys of sneaking up to them i have aggroed the Zeds every time, It basically rules out that option for a new character without a weapon :(

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It's almost like the game is designed to encourage stealth gameplay.

so your supposed to never be spotted. this guy is talkin about when you eventually do get spotted. i bet you just disconnect then when the zeds are coming???

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The thing is... basically you have to go prone now where you used to be able to crouchwalk which doesnt add to the challenge, it just makes the game less fun if it takes you 10 minutes to crawl to a supermarket if you dont have a propper weapon to take care of the Zeds. Crouchwalking through zeds paths was quite a thrill in, now i just rage when i prone and my visibility meter jumps up to 1.5 the value it was before for no obvious reason.

I mean seeing a lootable building knowing youre gonna aggro anyways and just run for it instead of crouchwalking your way through actually lessens the thrill you have while playing the game instead of increasing it.

Edited by Jakal
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One thing I have noticed (after playing again with the "run into building" method, that yes you can easily avoid the zombies, it still feels a little "broken" though.

They aggro so easily and from quite a distance, in some respects I don't mind them being a bit more 'uber but I would like to have some kind of last line of defence against them to start with (hatchet,crowbar, etc), it does not need to be a gun, just something so that when your in a pinch you have some kind of chance.

Another thing I noticed is that when the bell rings in town it made the zombies aggro on me even though I was in a field away from the town. Not sure if this is working as intended, if a dev could maybe post about that it would be good just for clarification.

It's not a bad idea to have them "stirred up" from the bell ringing, but it would also be good to know in advance that the bell ringing may cause this behaviour.

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I've been playing now for about a week, and during that time I have been forced to kill VERY few zombies. I play the game entirely in stealth and attempt to avoid any other human players if at all possible. This type of gameplay has been completely removed with the new detection radius of the zeds. My heart always raced when creeping through a town before; now I get no further enjoyment from the change, only aggravation and frustration.

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It's just terrible, there's no feel of reward when you have to crawl into every building just to find empty cans, game lost it's dynamic of "enter town, clean in 10 mins sneaking around, get out"

I feel stupid spending half hour to check a small town, it's boring as hell

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Zombies are stupid. Their behavior is erratic. They can walk and attack through walls. remains the glory days of zombie DayZ. New players spawned with a gun so zombies never losing aggro was not a problem. Their behavior was at least predictable. There were times when stealth payed off. The next few updates up till now have made zombies an impossible obstacle for noobs, and a non factor for vets. They were made simultaneously easier and less fun. You only ever engage zombies if you actually want to. Otherwise you just run into the nearest building and lose them. It's just so 'derp' if you will. It's ok, but it's derp.

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Just had a bug where I broke m'bones trying to crawl thorugh a door - I know it's been reported.

But lost sound after coming out of shock, so logged out. When I logged back in I had the 'unconcious timer' going.

Edit - woah, this is worse than I feared. After letting the timer run down, I'm now stuck in prone mode, hovering about 1ft off the ground. Can't move and logging out and loggin in just brings up the timer again.

Think a respawn is on the cards? This happen to anyone else?

Tickled pink that I get to report a real bug for a change.

Edit II - after two tries at re-loadig, finally came free.

Edited by Bottlerocket

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Had several hours in 1.7.2 including as a new spawn and here is what I find: I like the new zombies, aggro logic and line of sight. They see you if they are facing you and you don't have cover. They seem smarter and it is more challenging. It does require more tactical and slow movement to avoid aggro. I agree they do see a bit too well/far during daytime.

Zombies however are warping a bit more, I think they are sped up a bit from earlier maybe this has something to do with it. Warping through walls/doors is the same as before except now they seem to come into the buildings even faster with their quicker speed. Legs did not break after multiple hits so that looks good.

General desync issues noted... not so bad on a seattle server but some strangeness with item pickup, drop, and a bit of rubber banding playing with group. Seems like overload on the hive?

FPS was better in some situations, worse in others.

Animals move around more and a bit quicker which is nice.

Crowbars: They don't init as ready, you have to hit "F" first. Not sure if this is same as before (first time I tried one). Hatchets require reload after equipping (not fixed).

Looted my butt off but did not find bear traps as advertised.

Arma X friends still cannot get into server (1.7.2 + 94444 + Contingency). One of our team spawned dead in debug forest (not fixed).

In summary, most of the zombie changes are positive IMO but could use some slight sight adjustment. Several bug fixes not quite fixed. Basically the same thing everyone else is saying but there you have it.

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a poll? thats obvious what majority wants. But it doesn't mean it should be that way.

zombies MUST be a treat in zombie survival game. atm zombies are they way it should be.

thx god you are not the dev of this mod (even if you would i would not play it)

Zombies shoud be hard - yes. Are they OK now? NO. They should hard in a fair way. Not attacking though walls etc.

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For bugs: I have logged in a few times to discover my location and inventory had reverted to a previous state (ran from Cherno to Stary, logged off for dinner, logged back in and was in Cherno again, also lost some loot), I have had difficulty replicating this, it just appears to happen now and then. Zombies spawn on top of the body of a Zombie I just killed, attack (one even knocked me out) and disappear before I can line up a shot, this only appears to happen indoors, again I cannot consistently replicate this. I never experienced either of these issues post 1.7.2 maybe I've just had an unlucky few days though.

For opinions: Crouch-run is now useless, it's now just as likely to aggro as full sprint with the added downside that zombies can catch up and hit you. Zombies have eagle eyes, until you go prone, or it gets dark. I have yet to step in or even see a bear-trap, so my concerns of this replacing the widespread barbed-wire griefing was perhaps unjustified.

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I noticed alot more zombies stuck in geometry( underneath deer stands and inside buildings that had no doors) nice for me easy targets but boring. Also noticed alot of desync on all the servers I joined. One time I warped back into a barn that I was in 15 minutes earlier but still had the CZ550 that I had just looted.

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Would you be crouching in a field if another player was there? Or would you be prone?

I and most likely everyone else here agrees, they're still buggy and sometimes do things that are completely unreasonable (walking through walls/objects, aggroing for impossible reasons, etc.), but it's not as if they're 100% broken, or even 30%. You just need to use prone for something besides crawling under walls now.

My observations and tips are as follows: if your visibility is below 20 you're safe up to about 10 meters. If it's above 20 (prone on a road), then you're visible from about 10-30 meters away. Around 50 visibility (immobile daylight crouching), something like 50-100 meters. Around 100 (standing still in daylight), you might as well join a night server, light your road flare, and have a dance party in Cherno.

Finally, they're going to spot you for bug reasons inevitably. Have a hatchet ready, or at least a revolver.

Its funny because u made it seem like a zombie was a player? If your going to quote what i said at least take the whole paragraph, not just the section that would deem me stupid

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I must be doing something wrong, because zombies don't aggro from 200m (i wonder if people saying that even know how much that is).

I went through 2 towns full of zombies, didn't crawl that much, mostly crouch walk and i only aggroed when i was really close like a few meters.

You can loose zombies pretty easly.

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Who was it that said this wasnt about what the majority wants?

Nor should it be because it would be like L4D. What a load of bollocks.....

This mod should be what the majority like and the majority that agree its going too far with the 100m range zombies while prone or crouching, and they are all posting respectively.

The majority of the rest of you are just flaming other people and griefing, you want the truth ur the kind of people the forum and mod dont need.

This game would still stay the same even if the mods listened to people like me about the superzombies the only difference is it wouldnt be some hardcore mod thats going to die instantly because of pricks like you lot asking for more features when the ones already in place are still messed up (OH awaiting the next mature persons abuse towards me as per because thats apparently how forums work now when u express a reasonable opinion)........

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don't like the new naming of servers to all US.

How am i supposed to find one thats local.

I'm not sure what you mean. The flag system in Six launcher? Why don't you just sort the ping column and find a low value one?

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Just had a bug where I broke m'bones trying to crawl thorugh a door - I know it's been reported.

Yeh this bug has been there for a while, you can also auto stand when trying to enter some building when prone, which is bad when there are Zeds about, I have screamed at my monitor many a time "GET THE F**K DOWN KNOBHEAD!!" you just have to have a quick look about, move up to crouch make sure your walking not running, then enter the building and hopefully not get the silly door bug where it's difficult to get in with out strafing left and right for 10 seconds.

The first time I got the broken leg bug while being prone entering a building, was the first time I'd got a large amount of decent kit. Alice Bag, AK47 with a decent amount of ammo, good amount of water and food which I had cooked so it was the good stuff and had a nice kill count of zeds and players. I was quite pleased with the stride I had made on this spawn. Then sneaked into a house and AGHHH broken leg.

But it's Alpha so what do you do.....respawn and try again.

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