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1.7.2 Opinion thread. All your opinions, good and bad, go here.

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Keep it cool everyone and constructive and let me know what you think of 1.7.2. I myself wont be checking it out until I get my server running the current build but when I do I'll give a nice write up about it =D

Apparently my topic title wasn't "catchy" enough....

[Mod note: Just wanted to empathize the subjective nature of the thread, thus the title alteration. If you must rant, please do so here. Any abuse or excessive trolling will still be moderated appropriately. Thank you for your understanding and thank you Twin for allowing me to commandeer your thread. - Ubi]

[Not a problem man I'll deal with it =P]

I absolutely love 1.7.2! Zombies are more difficult to deal with! Everything is running smoother and the fact you actually have to sneak now is just amazing. I understand at the moment that it is a bit glitchy but all that will be worked out in due time! Keep pushing out the updates and I'll keep killing the zeds!

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I am curious as to what the new weapons are, they don't seem to be mentioned in the update log either:

1.7.2 is progressing well. Significant performance improvements, weather affects stealth, new weapons, more melee. More updates soon -Rocket

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New weapons? Whaaaat? Link to an official source buddy.

Rocket actually talked about new weapons in this patch

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I know one of the new weapons are the bear traps, I think it can be awesome as well as a headache but we will have to see!

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Maybe that was referring to bear traps?

Other weapons would be cool also.

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Maybe, I am probably reading to much into it, but seeing it written as weapon(s) - and I would call bear traps, well traps not really a weapon.

Either way, hoping for a stable release :)

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Check your Hunting Knives =D I hope that is one of them!

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I have not had a chance to play 1.7.2 yet, but based on the changelog: http://stats.six-updater.net/mods/changelog/84950cc2-8d47-11e1-baaa-001517bd964c

it appears that the 'zombie-glitching-through-walls' issue hasn't been resolved yet. Am I missing something? Because I'd rather have that looked into than animal AI tweaks... just sayin'.

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Why not just post a list of all new weapons? So you know whether the weapon you found is legit or hacked.

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Many servers have not updated yet just give it time =)

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skin is invisible in 3rd person, using camo skin playing on SE5. constant global spam of chat messages, and everybody is going crazy on the coms...

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[...] it appears that the 'zombie-glitching-through-walls' issue hasn't been resolved yet. Am I missing something? Because I'd rather have that looked into than animal AI tweaks... just sayin'.

This is an ARMA 2 collision issue that probably will not be fixed as long as DayZ is just a mod.

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The new Zombie sight radius. It's pretty insane. I get that a moving object can be visible for quiet aways away, but I just got spotted, crouched in tall grass, not moving, at 50m. That's a bit much, isn't it? The grass was almost as tall as I am, and I'm NOT moving. There's no way I should have been spotted.

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Based solely on the change logs this looks to be a huge performance boost, which is always good. Though I'm hoping the "new weapons" are something he'd rather us find out on our own and did in fact make it into this update.

We'll see once the servers start updating I suppose. Till then I'll remain neutral to the whole thing and just hope for the best.

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Anyone who logs in with a ghillie suit on has probably just lost it. 3 of us in our group lost all our ghillies on spawn.

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zombie aggro range is FUCKING BULLSHIT

HOW THE HELL are u supposed to get a weapon when they aggro you from 50m no matter what u do?

when i get to a house/barn what ever i have 20 zombies haning at my ass...

who ever came up with that is borderly retarded....

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