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Who else bought ArmA 2 + OP Arrowhead just for DayZ ?

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Im just curious.

I played ArmA for a looong time and was very disappointed when ArmA 2 was just released and full of bugs and errors. But after seeing DayZ Videos on Youtube my addiction for Zombie/Survival Games kicked in and i bought it from Steam.

Whats your story ?

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I bought it the other day only for DayZ, I can't currently play it due to my crap laptop but I'm getting a new PC soon, so I decided to watch some gameplays of Arma II and it actually looks kinda fun, so I'm glad I didn't spend £15 for just a mod.

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I bought it just for DayZ but will propably look into Arma2 campaign and multiplayer later. I know at least 5 more ppl that did the same.

DayZ is just something else! strong potential

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I'm bought it for Dayz, but I'm somewhat interested in Arma II also, I'm slowly making my way through all the boot camp missions and will probably start the campaign soon.

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I got it for DayZ but im into ArmA 2 looks like a good game.

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I did.

I tried Arma II demo near when it first came out, but the tutorial was buggy as heck and just plain awful so I didn't even think about making a full purchase.

The Arma II OA expansion is much, much better though. I've played a bit of that after buying the Combined ops pack.

(Seriously if you want to try Arma II itself, start with the Operation Arrowhead tutorials. Don't touch the default Arma II ones, the OA ones are insanely better.)

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I dont know where I saw DAYZ, but After I watched a bunch of videos, read the description of the mod, I plopped down the money on steam and bought Combined operations.

The problem I ran into was steam messed everything up and I couldn't get Arrowhead working at all. This was a common problem I found from many people who downloaded it from Steam.

Found a video on how to fix it and low and behold, three hours later after hopping up and down on one foot while spinning around and whistling Dixie, I got arrowhead working.


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I've had both since more or less when they were released, so i'm a multiyear ARMA vet, going back to Operation Flashpoint, I did not buy it because of DayZ. I don't begrudge anyone that bought it just for the mod, just get annoyed when they don't bother to play tutorial on a game with so many keyboard commands.

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Yeah I bought Arma 2 and OPA just for Dayz. In fact I heard the Arma 2 and OPA has become extremely popular on steam due to Dayz.

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For DayZ but I found also that base Arma2+OA is a good game, I downloaded a lot of mission files, especially coop ones.

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I too played the older games, but didn't like them much as I am/was a huge Battlefield fan (1942 then DC, Forgotten Hope, BF2, Project Reality, BFBC2, BF3).

I bought OA near to when it came out, probably the first or second time Steam had it on sale. Spent 10 hours with it probably, mostly doing the little bird mission over and over.

Jumped into DayZ a couple months ago and have been loving every minute of it.

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Here I was playing BF3 with some buddies over Team Speak. When they suggested we made a group for this survival Arma 2-based mod I didn't hesitate: I was all over it. Result: it didn't disappoint, for DayZ is (albeit being in the Alpha test) one of the best games I've played.

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I bought the game just for Dayz and is not interested at all by ArmA 2 at the moment...

For the one that said something about the commands, i played conflict:Freespace ( in other countries, know as Descent: Freespace ), and Arma2 has perhaps only half maybe a third of the command list of Freespace !

Not something that will scare me or anything :)

Just looking through it is enough to see what you'll need at the start, when i'll need more advanced commands, i'll look more carefully.

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arma 2 is shit and boring as fuck. But np i only bought it for dayz

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I bought it for DayZ but I've played milsims before. The day that the servers were down due to the DDOS(however you type it) I fooled around with ARMA2....once you get used to the pacing it's a great game with a lot of potential....just recently discovered some of the user-created maps/scenarios...definitely opens up even more possibilities...

If you're frustrated after having lost a character that you invested a lot of time into then I suggest you blow off some steam by playing some ARMA and/or OA. Definitely worthwhile to at least try it out....playing the tutorial is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED...not only is it fun but it is good practice for when you encounter a vehicle or even a helicopter in the game...I never fly with Auto-Hover so learning to fly and properly LAND in the tutorial was a big help...otherwise I would've wasted a perfectly good helicopter.

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I finally got it because of DayZ, but I had been looking at it for quite a while.

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Yup. I am into zombie games and this was one that stuck out from news articles, and ofc the sale on ARMA II.

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