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the mysterious creature

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Maybe it's the subject escaped from green mountain

because the morse code say that something escaped and the groar at the end is similar to the groar in the videos

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  On 7/29/2012 at 10:45 PM, SausageKingofChicago said:

"File not found." I assume you posted this before the forums changed?

The file was there, but now it isnt. Conspiracy??

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While I hope this is true, I just feel the absolute desire to start trolling players in the middle of the forest on night time, get on coms and use a voice warping program and start moaning and grunting whenever I see players. I hope it all turns ironic and I run into the real deal myself while trolling though.. that would be epic!

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Really poor fake, took me less then a second to see that.

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  On 7/29/2012 at 8:34 PM, Seungtaek said:

Can anyone confirm this beast's existence?! holy shit I'm thinking about exploring there myself

It isn't hard to photoshop a few circles into a black background

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id love this if it were true. would make night time alot more dangerous with the THING stalking the woods where its dark (lights drive it off maybe? think the monsters in the wes cravens movie "THEY") forceing players to take sanctuary and solace in citys at night. but instakill is bad. maybe KO'd and broken bones and bleeding so your friends have time to save you IF you can drive the THING away befor it drags you off!

possable culpret.. http://fc01.devianta...y_raben_aas.jpg

ps. i dare you to go to the woods west of sosnovka/myshkino at night time/early morning. you may find out what may be there.

Edited by zakor33

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Between this and the crazy ghostly ghillies my 5 kiolmeter run to elektro in the dark was.... Tense.

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Me and my buddies saw something similar to this up by black lake... Anyone ever hear of the black lake monster?

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This is probably as real as Herobrine from Minecraft. As in not real at all. BUT It could (and I want it to) be implemented into the game with an explanation, the infection for example could effect other creatures and maybe effects bears or something similar in strange ways.

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That's a shiny flower and a creature added in Paint (not sophisticated enough to be Photoshop)

Edited by TSAndrey

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  On 7/9/2012 at 11:22 AM, REIS said:

2 guys said , they heard a heartbeat, heard a voice who said 'now i got you' and saw flashing eyes..and then they died....

This could be a cheater that wanted to scare them

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well if that beast mod can somehow be recreated with a life script, hackers might be the cause...

just saying, you can mod a lot of stuff into arma without actually having to download additional stuff, and scripters can do pretty much everything with client-side scripts

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I've played enough DayZ to spot two red dots like a hawk

So I can personally say this doesn't exist.


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  On 7/9/2012 at 4:30 PM, peppa said:

maybe its a modified "thing" like this that rocket has implementet.

(it begins at 3:00)

a few of the members of a german forum tell the same scary stories that all take place at night/early morning around in the wood west of sosnovka/myshkino.

a few of them were also instant killed out of nowhere after they hear strange sounds,become heavy heartbeat and saw eyes in the dark.

maybe an easteregg :)

The zombie sounds sound like they were ripped right out of Thief: Gold or Thief 2: Metal Age

Edited by TheSodesa

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  On 7/29/2012 at 10:33 PM, Caz said:

it's said that green mountain leads to willy wonka's underground chocolate factory

Oompa Loompa, do-ba-dee-doo,

I’ve got a perfect puzzle for you.

Oompa Loompa, do-ba-dee-dee,

If you are wise you’ll listen to me.

What do you get when you guzzle down sweets?

Eating as much as an elephant eats.

What are you at getting terribly fat?

What do you think will come of that?

I don't like the look of it

Oompa Loompa do-ba-dee-da,

Given good manners you will go far.

You will live in happiness too,

Like the oompa loompa do-ba-dee-doo.


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I've gotten paranoid to the point where if two lights suddenly appeared in the dark I'd be wasting clip after clip in its direction.

To date, never seen this and I'm pretty sure its a photoshop.

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Oh gawd, i yesterday was on all night looting helicrashes, i will never play the game like i played before.

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Just house cats, all cute n fluffy n fwiendly by day....

But by night, scary evil reflective eye felines straight from hell.

It's just Mr Tiddles watching you.

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