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Colorado 1 Admin Abuse !!!Dev Server!!!

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You all should be kissing the dev's asses for creating this game that you enjoy so much, and working so hard on it. For putting up with thousands of people giving them shit each day about nothing in particular. For the endless stream of stupid questions or the same question over and over and over and over and over from different people. Instead you want to pull this "Why me but not them!" rules crap? Really?! Lets have customers hollar at everyone that gets employee discounts at their jobs. Lets deride Rock Stars that get into their own venues for free and get to go back stage. Those Aquarium employees get to go into the pool area and pet the Dolphins!? Fuck those guys I paid for a ticket!

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For me it all boils down to trust, Dizzymagoo with his very first reply in this thread proved to me that he can't be trusted. Anything else he has posted since his first lie got revealed is all noise.

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You all should be kissing the dev's asses for creating this game that you enjoy so much, and working so hard on it. For putting up with thousands of people giving them shit each day about nothing in particular. For the endless stream of stupid questions or the same question over and over and over and over and over from different people. Instead you want to pull this "Why me but not them!" rules crap? Really?! Lets have customers hollar at everyone that gets employee discounts at their jobs. Lets deride Rock Stars that get into their own venues for free and get to go back stage. Those Aquarium employees get to go into the pool area and pet the Dolphins!? Fuck those guys I paid for a ticket!

Well the admins/devs have said that the same rules apply to everyone and that we all must follow/obey them. So you comparing this case to us getting to go to the "pool area" is pretty idiotic.

I appreciate the idea of testing new stuff out but I really don't see why Dizzy didn't just ask Rocket for approval and then went along with the experiment. I'm sure everyone would be OK with that. :P

Edited by Inzann

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For me it all boils down to trust, Dizzymagoo with his very first reply in this thread proved to me that he can't be trusted. Anything else he has posted since his first lie got revealed is all noise.

I also consistently refuse to forgive people, even if they are helping me(people) experience things in new exciting ways!

In all honesty, the approach may have been wrong but the goal was pure.

Take care,

Shantarr Dal'rae

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I also consistently refuse to forgive people, even if they are helping me(people) experience things in new exciting ways!

In all honesty, the approach may have been wrong but the goal was pure.

Take care,

Shantarr Dal'rae

Yeah llke i said everything he said since his first post was just noise, i.e why should i trust what he says AFTER his lie was revealed? The goal was pure if you accept what he says AFTER he lied the first time..

This mod due to all the liars and cheats that have infested it over the last few months, for me is surviving only on trust that the people you are playing with/against are playing fairly. For someone who presents himself as a 'Dayz developer' to blatantly lie, kind of makes you think.

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Yeah llke i said everything he said since his first post was just noise, i.e why should i trust what he says AFTER his lie was revealed? The goal was pure if you accept what he says AFTER he lied the first time..

This mod due to all the liars and cheats that have infested it over the last few months, for me is surviving only on trust that the people you are playing with/against are playing fairly. For someone who presents himself as a 'Dayz developer' to blatantly lie, kind of makes you think.

I strongly disagree with your continued stance on a moot point but it is your right to have an opinion; as much as it is for me to have mine.

I believe that this testing by a stated Developer, without adversely affecting the game play and experience of others, in this alpha test environment is to be applauded. That is my personal opinion and while we are human and do not always like to take criticism, leading us to sometimes lash out; we can learn from our mistakes and that is what I see has occurred in this thread... with some minor exceptions.

Good night,

Shantarr Dal'rae

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I strongly disagree with your continued stance on a moot point but it is your right to have an opinion; as much as it is for me to have mine.

I believe that this testing by a stated Developer, without adversely affecting the game play and experience of others, in this alpha test environment is to be applauded. That is my personal opinion and while we are human and do not always like to take criticism, leading us to sometimes lash out; we can learn from our mistakes and that is what I see has occurred in this thread... with some minor exceptions.

Good night,

Shantarr Dal'rae

It's not a moot point. Assuming you know what that means. Trust is central to this issue.

You can't have a clear set of rules for ALL server owners, which according to Dante-shawn et al is enforced with no exceptions....Oh well wait a minute no we'll make an exception here because its Dizzy.......err no I'm afraid not.

How far does it go? How far has it gone with Dizzymagoo? Spawning in buildings and defences...err wait it was a 'developer' test.

Having side chat enabled when alot of other server owners want side chat enabled but because of threats of blacklisting have disabled it.... oh but im Dizzymagoo and when i've got side chat enabled im not acting as a 'dayz developer' im acting as Dizzymagoo so just ignore me....err no i'm afraid not.

Like i say its about trust pure and simple, should i be waiting for a thread asking why there are ammo crates in Dizzymagoos camp on Colorado 1 in a few weeks? or should i just trust him for the upstanding guy he's shown himself to be so far....

Edit: and Shantarr you wouldn't be the same Shantarr that plays on the colorado servers would you?............don't answer that......i know the answer

Edited by burglarnoone

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The relationship between the dev team and the server admins has always been tense. Puts dizzy in an odd pr spot with this incident.

I'm rather impartial to this whole thing, but I hope that the disconnect messages issue is given more consideration because of this.

Inclusion or exclusion of sidechat: Thematic decision that effects no other issues.

Inclusion or exclusion of connect messages: A barely tolerable but NECESSARY workaround for admins to be able to react quickly (and PLAYERS to be able to react at all, especially in defense) until the exploit issue is resolved.

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or be a little more reasonable and allow me to edit my mission file to allow disconnect messages only

a little more reasonable

more reasonable


Edited by DarkEnergy

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I think the issues can easily be broken down:

1. Dizzy lied initially and I called him on it

2. Dizzy states he was acting on his own, not as a DayZ dev, and not doing anything sanctioned...This means he abused his position for what, while it may have had good intentions and a cool idea, was against the rules for everyone.

This thread needs to stay open for discussion, but the screaming at dizzy needs to stop, just discuss shit or they will llock it like they do anything else contreversial. I do applaud dizzy for not locking it himself, that was a smart move.

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Dizzy, you should get a thread up and going about the concept you had in mind. I did like the idea of a trading post and the possibility of deployable structures, and do havr some constructive things to say about it, but if we discuss it here it will get flamed out.

I had a blast firing the shot that led to the killing fields down there, and would love to do it again under a sanctioned environment...

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Please note: The assignment of "DayZ Dev Team" (forum title) for Dizzymagoo is incorrect, he is actually the community support volunteers . He is not a member of the DayZ Dev Team.

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Please note: The assignment of "DayZ Dev Team" (forum title) for Dizzymagoo is incorrect, he is actually the community support volunteers . He is not a member of the DayZ Dev Team.

Thats why my references to his developer status were in 'quotes'. Its just annoying seeing him and others trolling sometimes in threads related to this kind of subject, then when its a thread about him he lies about it and then attempts to hide behind some magical 'developer' status which doesn't exist.

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Interestingly, his forum status has now changed so he is no longer purple.

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Honestly this is being blown way out of proportion. Dude has some minor Dayz rights, who cares. This is an alpha test and I for one love to see new shit being tested out, especially fortifications as this is the type of thing that will keep groups playing and servers active. Someone lied on the internet? Oh noes thats an E-First right there folks. I still do hope they change their mind on allowing us to enable side chat and disconnect messages if we want. I would also love to be able to spawn this kind of stuff on my server. Who doesnt love to build?

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I don't see any abuse here because its a DEVELOPER testing out things....

I just read Ander's post. So i remove my commentary.

Edited by kovalhuk

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I don't see any abuse here because its a DEVELOPER testing out things....

Reading isn't your forte is it? read 4 posts above yours....

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Reading isn't your forte is it? read 4 posts above yours....

True, I failed.

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