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Best Music To Play DayZ To.

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Hi all, I have been building a 'DayZ' spotify playlist for a little while now. I don't listen to this while playing, mostly when I'm working and wishing I was playing DayZ instead. It's just a collection inspired by the theme of the game with a mixture of a lot of genres, although mostly more sad, sombre and atmospheric stuff. Feel free to sub it if you think you'll enjoy, I'll be adding tracks as and when I hear something I think fits...

DayZ - The Zombie Apocalypse

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I'd rather not play with music, it removes a certain feel I get from gameplay.

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Um, how about anything? I got smooth piano jazz playing right now, and it's a surreal experience to say the least.

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None. It breaks immersion and a huge part of the game is being able to hear.

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I have a playlist consisting of Red Dead Redemption OST, Bastion OST, Metro 2033 / S.T.A.L.K.E.R. guitar tracks, Pink Floyd, and Radiohead. Winamp volume at 20% so I can still hear ingame.

I don't understand how you could listen to dubstep or metal. That would completely ruin the immersion for me.

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I personally listen to a guy called Excision (Dubstep) If you're into that sort of music, you should check this guy out.

His music is amazing.

And also makes for some interesting shooting, if you're shooting or getting shot at one the drop's.

It's Pretty funny.

Here's a link.


This is total shit. These ''sounds'' don't even fit the atmosphere of the game.

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Awesome! had to add to my playlist :) about time I watched those movies again too!

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Personally I like to emerge myself fully without music.

If I were to play with music I'd play something that matched the mood of the game but unfortunately I don't personally know of any *end of the world* music :P!

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Absolute best music while playing DayZ -

rotf! You got to play that while the zombies chase you around. Love the Benny Hill show

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When it starts to rain in game.. I usually play the song

"No River to Take Me Home - Neurosis"

It is pretty damn good if you like the atmospheric metal types.

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I find the in-game music really fitting to the setting, so I keep that on. I'd imagine most music (especially the ones with vocals) would just completely kill the mood.

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I have something that I would NOT suggest. I tried listening to the Silent Hill original soundtrack whilst stoned and playing DayZ. The shit got so intense that I had to stop playing. The industrial style they use made me feel like I was playing Amnesia again. This experience also convinced me that getting high before playing DayZ is a bad idea.

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White Lunar - Nick Cave and Warren Ellis.

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No music, hearing is an extremely important sense in DayZ.

I don't want my brains blown out because I was rocking out to Metallica or whatever.

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usually listen to pretty chill music or rap. to those people saying you wouldn't be able to hear anything in the game; try turning the volume down on your music and the volume up on the game so the music isn't drowning out the sounds of the game. I play with music on 100% of the time and I have zero problems hearing somebody trying to sneak up on me.

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DMX - Where the hood at

While running around in cherno and shooting with your makarov

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