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more helicopters

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hey quite often when i play dayz i will see people in hueys quite often picking up people (others are douchebags and gun down everyone) but ive always thought that there should be a larger transport helicopter added to the mod for rescuing people like a Chinook or seahawk but of coarse in the form of repairable wreckage this is just an idea please post your opinions on it

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how about the HIND' date=' since take on helicopters already has 3 models.... plus it is a Russian chopper.


I was thinking the same thing, but you'd also need to add ultra-expensive vehicle ammo to the game. Still possible to implement.

I'd like to also see a smaller helicopter being possible to find and repair - basically something along the lines of a Little Bird without any weapons system. Much less resource intensive to repair than the transport heli and better fuel efficiency.

It'd basically be a 2-person transport heli only (could still try to crush people with it for lols I guess :P)

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Too many helicopters will dent the game and its exclusivity.

I agree with that but I'm saying just one or two more helicopters without weapons because in an apocalyptic situation the military would probably be trying there best to extract survivors no gun them down with Huey's but this was just an idea and it's really up to rocket and his team of developers

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I a post apocalyptic world i doubt most survivors ( specially civs ) have the training to maintain a chopper of even fly it. It's not a car where you just turn the key, fuel it up and wash it every now and then. Military hardware needs more care than you think. If you watched "The walking dead"... That's what will certainly happen when ppl try to survive.

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Quite often you see that happen? I have never seen a helicopter, and only seen 2 moving cars ever.

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Haven't helicopters been disabled since 1.6 lol

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yeah choppers are no longer in game, just their wrecks.... still I would like to see a hind and it should take a team to build, a solo player should have a very hard time assembling a hind. it would be awesome to have a chopper fight! Rambo 2 style!


So much hate on solo players. I can never use any vehicle because of that. Not my fault I don't have friends that play this game.

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when you say disabled do you mean that you cant repair the wrecks anymore

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I would like to see vehicles used more in general. Heli's tend to be a bit OP and make the map seems smaller than it is, but if you made them a epic group projects, that could work out well.

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How about this for a post title:

less helicopters

I just don't like them and have never seen one flying around.

One helo per map is ok with me but would rather see the Hip over the Hind (although I love the Hind in any other game).

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