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Your highest Zombie body count.

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What is your highest body count per one life so far? Do you have screenshots of the mass of bodies you caused? Post em here!

I got up to 502 today before I was killed by a friend who wasn't paying attention and stuck an entire 30 round AK clip in my face from 5 meters.

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Mine should be close to 400, but my count has been rolled back a few times do to server issues, so it is officially at around 220 right now.

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I'm a lone wolf and only kill if I have to (never murdered anyone). I managed to survive for about 3 days (15 hours gametime), and I think I had around 55 zombie kills.

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most i ever had was 120 and 9 bandits. the 10th one got me :P

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It should be around 330 zombies, instead it was 300 rolled back, 1 murder and 3 bandits. Would have been more if i didnt spawn at the coast

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97 zombies killed is my highest. Also got one bandit kill, but the bandit was my friend. Shot him in the back with an enfield by mistake :(

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Stats for character 99538

Character owned by Trauma.

Character is dead.

Character has killed 460 zombies (345 headshots).

Character has murdered 1 other characters.

Character has walked 102.9km.

Character has lived 9h 28m.

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A pathetic 30 and thats after like 15 hours of pure in game time. I prefer stealth when It comes to zombies and I only shoot if I have to.

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Had 240. Was killed by a hitbox glitch insteracting with rooves.

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I actually got to 560 before we attacked a town which resulted with me dying during a glitchy zombie respawn (was in a stairwell when one little hopper spawned directly inside me and insantly killed me!)

Up to 200 with my next character now :)

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made it to 867 with no murders or player kills then got completley raped by around 30 zeds


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900 and something. Didn't notice the exact amount before I died. LMG makes it pretty easy.

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Around 800 was my max. On my current character I have 12 murders and no zombie kills. I am a zombie's best friend.

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Most I've got is 97, I can't stay alive long enough lol. Seen someone with 2000 z kills, didn't think that could be possible unless hacking, or just pretty good.

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As a Lone Wolf.

6 dayZ

333 infected.

1 murder (he shot first) :dodgy:

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Got 500+ zombie kills once, but my last character only got to 400+ despite having 32 days to his name and roughly 50 hours game time.

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about 600. longest live i had with my brother about 40 hours(21 days)

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Highest kill count I've gotten so far is only around 40 zeds. Was doing pretty well until the entire server and I got killed by a hacker.

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Im at about 520 zed kills 0 murders :) I usally try to help random solo guys but i stay away from groups. Been alive 20 days in game. I may just respawn soon...sort of want to see what starting with no weopon is like.

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178 at the moment, highest was over 200 until I respawned to try out starting without a weapon.

My current char just keeps killing zombies! I can't even fill up a water bottle without aggroing a few.

On another note, I love it how they are always a danger, even when you are fully geared. You can have 900 kills, as someone on here says, but one slip up and you're zombie food.

Like the other night - I was doing fine, sneaking through a town when I aggroed one. Ran into a house to get a better shooting position and every Z in the area started attacking! By the time it was over I had about 40 kills and 3/4 of my ammo was gone. Intense.

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