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Day Z is insulting to LGBT people

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Appropriate considering the thread :p

These guys are good' date=' this one is also appropiate.

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New record for 25 pages in least amount of time. I looked like 2 hours ago and it was at 6 :/

Successful troll is successful, even if he meant it.

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The problem isnt the coding, its what you need to do it. Since this is a simulator, you cant just change a 1 to a 0 in a database and then *POOF* you changed gender. You need several items!

1) you need a doctor, maybe 2, and some nurses, i dont know the operation, but im guessing it takes doctors and nurses. Remember, not everyone you find on the beach is a doctor, YOU DONT WANT UNTRAINED PEOPLE CUTTING YOUR JUNK!

2) surgical tools, again, im not a doctor or have any knowlege about the operation, but im guessing you dont want people changing your junk with a hunting knife.

3) disinfecting agent, like alcohol or the likes, so your junk dosnt get infected after the operation.

4) Hospital with a sterile enviroment, again, infection in the nutsack is bad (yes, i know you can get antibiotica, but its still bad)

5) Protection from bandits while doing surgery. Hospitals are popular places for people to scavenge! Bandits needs supplies as well.

6) someone who wants to switch gender with you! I know i havnt seen a place in chernus where they grow genitalia you can have, so you need someone to switch with.

Again, i dont know the operation, but roughly, thats what i you would need and i havnt found much of it!

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So OP wants ladyboy as 3rd option in character choice screen until he/she/it is happy?

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oscillating meat weasel.

Best thing I've seen all day.

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I just read the first post and refuse to read the rest of the thread.

You're fucking kidding right?

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sex change in the zombie apocolype?

hmmm.... well i DO have some morphine and a hunting knife, even some antibiotics...hop up on that table there and we can get started...

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If you play games for FUN and then get wound up by things like this, I'd probably skip having fun if I were you.

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I just read the first post and refuse to read the rest of the thread.

You're fucking kidding right?

You sir have missed out on a lot of lol's.

The OP Thread is offtopic! you need to read the rest :)

Legacy YOU....ARE.....A.....HERO! You made this thread :)

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I think this guy's just had a load of bad experiences with the mod and decided that it would be a good idea to find silly excuses for us to boycott DayZ. This is just incredibly silly and, congratulations, you've made yourself look like an idiot and no one will take you seriously.

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I would have gave OP a 0/10... But 27 pages for this?

Holy shit people.

Rule #1 of the internetz: Do not feed the trolls.

Rule #2 of the internetz: DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS.

So, I give OP a 6.34/10

Edit: Great. I started page 28.


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SIMPLE solution here:

Add a few buttons and maybe a couple items, and voila!

First, in hospitals, obviously, gender reassignment kit (requires another player, like the blood bag), as well as something like anti-biotics (and as rare), for hormone therapy.

Then, just add a little to that 'male' 'female' screen. Have it switch gender when someone uses the reassignment kit, AND THAT after 10 times using the hormone therapy drugs..

Oh, these should only be available in Berezino hospital; it was a more enlightened place about these things before the infection. The rest of Chernarus was not.

OK, on to the 'Male' and 'Female' buttons. With a simple change, this can all be fixed.

Just add some buttons:

Button pushed --> result

Male --> Male

Female --> Female

Gay Male --> Male

Gay Female --> Female

Male cross dresser --> Female

Female cross dresser --> Male

Pre-op transgender (originally Male) --> Male (changes to Female after 10 hormone treatments AND surgery from another player)

Pre-op transgender (originally Female) --> Female (changes to Male after 10 hormone treatments AND surgery from another player)

POst-op transgender (Male to Female) --> Female

Post-op transgender (Female to Male) --> Male

Asexuals/non-sexuals --> (Choose Male or Female)

Furries --> Get Ghillie suit. It's as close as you'll get.

Should i post this in suggestions??

Can someone photoshop up that new button screen? I'm not good with computer.

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You cant swich?

Step 1: start a male character

Step 2: run to a horde of zombies and let them eat you

Step 3: hear your character scream like a little girl!

also if you come to cherno i could shoot you in the nuts if that makes you happy :>

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If you can find a person who is willing to give you a sex change during a zombie apocalypse then your argument is valid. But until that day please shut up, you are just wasting your life bitching about a topic only you care about on the internet.

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